because subpoenas for Rove and Gonzales by Rep. James Senseenbrenner who is heading the committee to have subpoenas handed to Rove and Gonzales to find out why all the federal attorneys are being fired.
Valerie Plame Wilson is speaking out in Congressional hearings and has a civil suit pending against Cheney and Rove. Rove is accused of leaking Valerie's name during the hearing of Scooter Libby. Personally, I think it was in retaliation of Joseph Wilson's testifying in the Libby case. Per Valerie, Bush promised who leaked her name would be ousted, but Rove never was ousted. Apparently, a newspaper man on the suggestions of Rove (?) in retaliation for Joseph Wilson's testimony against Libby outed Valerie Plame Wilcon who was a convert CIA spy who was investigating illegal arms in Iraq and elsewhere. Valerie is in her 40's, a mother of twins, who was recuited into the CIA right after college. Now, she can't even go out for a beer with her colleagues for fear of exposing their cover. She and her husband, Joseph Wilson are filing civil suit against Cheny and Rove. Bush said leakers will be punished.
It seems as if federal attorney Lam and others who are prosecutors are being ousted for one reason is that Lam prosecuted Cummingham.
In other words do not piss off the administration or they will retaliate. Do you think that lawyer pissed off Cheney that day they were hunting?
Never the less, the timing is all wrong to oust the federal attorneys now. Bush should have done it as soon as the Democrats took over the house by waiting and doing it now it just like dirty politics.
Donald Trump spoke out against the administration and expressed his feelings about the war in Iraq during an interview on CNN with Wolfgang Ritzer. Trump said that Saddam Hussein would be considered a mild ruler compared to the side of the next probable ruler that Iraq will see because Saddam hated terrorist. Iraq is now a breeding ground for terrorist. The USA can only hold down the civil warfare as long as they are there and as soon as we pull out all hell will break loose.
Bush seems to be doing what he wants without congressional vote. Instead of sending 21,500 troops like he said the number is over 30,000 already. A whole new fleet of helicopters are heading over there too with new updated video satilite views of Babdad for simulated training. the other day on CNN I saw that there are thousands of Crougars (instead of Humvees) that are IED proof and will protect the soldiers inside of the Crougar.
Oh and by the way, Halliburton has moved their headquarters to Draqai. It's the same country where Bush hired a harbor security firm to protect the major harbors in this country. Coumpanies move their headquarters to this country in order to avoid paying USA taxes. It's not bad enough that Halliburton wasted tax payers money by wasting services and products by over paying and deliberating wrecking equipment in Iraq. But now they are not even paying taxes themselves.
Another tid bit. This is the first time that overseas investors have made more money on investments in American companies than Americans. Another sign of our declining economy. It's amazing to me how government has a major hand in allowing companies to go off shore and into other countries for cheap labor which adds to the depleting of the middle class in this country. So where is government for the people by the people? Where is the government of the United States? Who is our president? It certainly isn't Bush. Bush is a businessman he is out to make money (for himself and his cronies).
Anyway, my opinion once again from my take on the CNN news. Hey, watch the news and draw your own conclusions. Personally, I think watching CNN news is more exciting then watch CSI. It's a riot seeing how big of a hole Cheney and the boys are getting closer too. Personally, I predict that, when and if the Democrats get organized, there will be more intense congressional hearings and inquiries. Do I hear impeachment? So far Libby has been the scapegoat, will Rove be next in line for an inquiry? Of course Bush will be last to fall. But daddy has a lot of power.
Have you read my last blog about great-grandfather Prescott Bush and material Union Banker head Walker and the 1934 hearings accusing them to be in cahoots with the Nazis. Hey, if they got away with that, Bush will get away with the pranks that he pulls. It's Yale's Skull and Bones and the war machines (war for profit) in action.
It's better than a Crichton mystery people! Read "American Dynasty" by Kevin Phillips and the book I mentioned yesterday.. here I'll repeat it: "American Axis" by Max Wallace
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