Sunday, March 25, 2007

I'll never understand it

Why are some people like robots who can only listen to orders from someone else? And which is worse, to not apply reasoning, common sense, or waver to these orders.

Case in point: A dog get hit by a car and is lying along side the rode. People are stopping and think the dog can be helped. In the mean time a cop has stopped and calls into his lieutantant. The lieutantant advises that if the dog is very seriously hurt the most humane this to do is to put the dog down by shooting it.

The officer acts like a robot and nothing will change his mind. He is going to shoot the dog! A man kneels to pet the dog..the officer is going to wait until he is finished and then kill it. More people stopping now suggests a call to the humane society or local vet's.. which someone finally does. A woman offers to generously pay all the bills. The officer has his gun drawn and still wants to kill the dog. The robot states: "An order is an order".

I guess that is the part of the story that really gets to me. Just what kind of people are becoming police officers out there. He had no compassion, no reasoning and didn't use common sense. "An order is an order"! Scary stuff!

I know not all officers have this type of "I can't think, only take orders" mentality. But, this is really sad.

The dog is well and very happy at home once again. It seems the owner was moving and the dog was staying with not very responsible friends. I guess the dog decided to find his mother. Anyway, when the dog arrived at the vet and got some pain medicine he was up and walking.

The officer said. "Oh, he had blood and stuff coming out of his mouth". Anyway! I just found the story rather disturbing. How would you like to have your dog hit by a car and not even given a second chance. I just wonder our Mr. Robotic Cop treated traffic offenders and other people in various situations.

In my opinion most police officers are very kind and are looking out for your best interest. They have a heart! They want to help people and animals.

But, I guess every once in a while who get a robot on a make believe ego trip who think tough is manly. Tough is not manly; compassion, kindness is manly. It's manly because so many men do not know how to deal with their emotions and live them. I believe that when they have learned or allow their true inner feelings to show is manly.

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