Sunday, December 02, 2007

Hillary R. C.

I saw Hillary this evening at a small local threatre. I was impressed! Very impressed! She looked nice and spoke very always. No..ah, butts or stumbles.

She knew what she wanted to say and said it plain and clear. She was in town for a 2300. plate contribution dinner. We paid for contribution tickets for $50. I paid for the ticket so my friend who is out of work could go and hear Hillary speak.

We need change. We need decent health care for everyone. We need incentives where people are rewarded for taking care of themselves. We need incentives to try to stay healthy or get healthy by developing healthy eating habits and sticking to a workout regiment.

Hillary wants everyone to be able to have affordable and decent health insurance. She wants to make sure insurance companies treat premium holders honesty and honorable and not bail on patients half way through a procedure or treatment regiment. Too many procedures that doctors recommend get denied by insurance companies. She wants to make sure procedures that doctors recommend get covered by insurance.

She wants young children to get a healthy learning head start in school. She encourages us to teach our children and take responsiblity. She says she needs our help that she can not do it all alone. Teach your kids well and encourage them to do well and remain in school. She wants to make college more affordable for everyone.

Hillary wants to offer incentives or penalities to companies to encourage them to keep good jobs in America.

She suggests we observe being energy conservative. We need to end our dependency on foreign oil.

She didn't speak of illegal immigrants, same sex marriage, or abortion. But we all know where she stands on all of these issues. She is pro-choice and believes a woman has the right to make up her own mind and choose what happens to her body.

I was impressed. Hillary tells us what she intends on doing for us if she is elected president. She doesn't "speak for the American people" like Obama does. Please, don't speak for me and then talk in general terms Mr. Obama..just tell me specifically what you, Mr. Obama, plan on doing. We do not need anyone in the house who has to learn on the job. The conditions here after the Bush administration messed everything up is too serious for a beginner....we need a real experienced team to clean up Washington and to balanced the budget. Hillary spoke of trying to get out of the ties that bind up to China in the way of extreme debt she hold for us. They have us over a barrel....not a good place to be.

Funny isn't it. All of a sudden "communist" is not such a bad thing..they make most the products we buy and lend us money. Remember how we fought communism in the 60's and 70's? Yet we pretty much leave N. Korea alone..or so it appears. Just wondering.

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