Saturday, June 28, 2008

Global Warming and Congress

Chair of Public works committee, Barbara Boxer is trying to get a "green" bill past but Big Business will fight it - to save a buck!

Al Gore has testified. Scientist have confirmed it. Sen Inhofe, republican, wanted Al Gore to response briefly. In other words shut up.

Inhope kept trying to run the committee and Barbara Boxer was the chair. Democrats are in charge. John Warner ws on her side, he's a republican, a conservative republican. 5.3036, Climate Secuirty Bill. To do nothing is not an option. His kids and grandkids asked Warner to do something.

Cap and trade will limit ommissions. Companies get a chance to buy coupons. They must reduce emissions and carbons by 2% every year. If they don't they have to buy more coupons.

If you go green you will get a tax rebate. Costs will become higher with cap and trade for corporations to not go green. Around acid rain this country did cap and trade years ago. Great Brition did it too and cut carbon, reduce pollution and created jobs. Adventure capitalist are just waiting for bills to past and are willing to spend trillions to invest in "green".

Lieberman-Warner is the name of the bill. We must the reduce the rising of global warming. Sen John Coyan, R-TX is against it. Big lie there are tax cuts in this bill if you follow the bill, if not and are a polluter you pay.

We have a shrinking window to save the planet. If we do green right, says Barbara Boxer, we will be free of foreign oil...well no wonder the greedy, oil men, republicans don't want the Lieberman-Warner bill to past!

Rich McConnel, want to begin the Amendment process right away. Boxer debated them toe to toe. MConnel did a sneak attack then decised to filabuster. Means waste time - a waste of tax payers money. Sen. Harry Reid D-Nevada accused them of wasting time.

It takes 60 senator to stop a fillabuster. Boxer needed 60 votes to stop the filabuster. Boxes lost four Democrats too. Brown from Ohio...Ohio is losing 10,000 jobs - she they wants jobs from countries with lighter restrictions to be abile to do production here. I this the oil men got to him.

Seven republicans voted with Boxer, including Senator Dole, for cap and trade.

Sen. Alexander R-TX said was to complicated and expensive.

In the end the motion was denied. Oil people win again! The clean air act took ten years. If we don't act on global warming and foreign oil, we are forever relied upon the price of Saudi Arabia.

The power of special interest with lots of money. Boxer thinks she will over come special interest. She said some special interest were on her side.

Boxer said change is coming we are going to fix this problem because we have to.

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