I recently watched 60 Minutes with Katy Couric interviewing Tom Perkins, former CEO, of HP. He had a hand in get ride of Chairman of the Board Patty Dune, and Curley of HP. Does he not like women? He was once married to aurthor, Danille Steel.
Tom Perkins is now 74 years old. He looks good for his age! He has blond hair and I like that. I think more grayed haired men should go blond. That aside...
He recently developed and build a 200 million sail boat. He has a mess of expensive, very expensive collection of cars. He has another yackt too. He owns a castle in England. But my question is why? What's the point? With all that money he could rebuild cities in poor countries, educated poor children, run a country. Get people out of poverty. Oh, and be a nice, generous man! Hello!
Tom Perkins I truly think you are totally lost! I'm sure that if you "helped" others you would feel so much better. It would be rewarding to you.
Yes, he seemed a little embarrassed admitting sticking that much money into "himself" and "things" Just stupid things! What an ego! So it appears! Personally, I think he needs some counseling. When will he learn that money does not make you a successful "human being" that interacting and contributing to society, helping others, makes you a man! A true man! In my thinking - that is what makes a man.
Yes, Bill Gates is very successful and yet he and his wife spend millions helping others! Now, he is my, rather, they are my heros. They are truly happy and want to help others.
I almost feel sorry for Tom Perkins. No I don't know him personally. But, I would be inclined to think that he is a lonely, empty, man. Money can't buy you happiness.
I hope he watches this 60 minute piece and comes to his senses. He said that he was raised in the depression and that his father never could make enough to make his mother happy. So, how does that effect him? He was an only child.
Tom, I think you should sell that stupid looking floating carbon fiber piece of shit and do something good with that money. Of course you are stuck with it now. Maybe a Saudi oil man could afford it. But why? A big party boat? So you own the biggest sail boat. And you developed the softward to run it. Nice job! Now break it down, sell the materials back and take that money and send thousands of empoverished childs, like you were (hello!) to college and beyond. Be a man Tom! You are 74 when are you finally going to stop thinking about yourself and feeling sorry for yourself and get out there and put yourself to good use - for a change!
And what's this thing against women? Does that stem from your feelings for your mother and lack of money. Did you blame your mother for your family's woes? You know, it's all in the way we interpret our childhoods and we are entitled to that. No one can tell us how to feel our emotions. But you need to get a grip before it's too late. I wonder just how many workers got little or poor pay - so you could fill your pockets and show off that you are a successful big shot. Who cares? Tom Perkins you do not impress me in the least. Personally, I think you are a womanmizing failure of society. What have you put back?
So you have wasted 200 million that you could have invested in thousands of kids' future. Build schools for god's sake. See you are no different than every other single minded male who demands honor and glory but are too stupid to know how to get it the right way. You think hanging riches on your ass and showing the world with material things demonstrates that you are a success. Well, you and many other greedy CEO's who make 500 times more than their employees and have shipped decent jobs down the river, so you can hang your riches on your ass - or failures in my books. You have learned nothing with your time here on earth.
Do all failed stupid spirts come back as morons of men? Are women truly a step above men? In other words? Are spirits as women come here to earth to learn, more advanced spirits in human form? I truly believe that 90% of them are. Men have these big matierlistic, big toy, egos that are ruining this planet and killing millions of people - because they are selfish and greedy. Do woman cause wars, murder, rape and kill?
Well, you don't agree? Just sit back and think a little then. All wealthy men have basically used others, stepped all over others, caused war and death, to fill their greedy, one up mentality, pockets and super sized egos filled! How sick is that? Again, I'm not impressed!
I hope you all feel very good about yourself - because in your own little stupid, moron, minds you think you are geniuses, when you do not impress me one ounce. In fact, I am embarrassed for you. Then there is Oprah! A much high leveled spirit come here to earth to help others, and to teach others. Of course she chooses girls because girls are molested and mistreated by, once again - men. Men will stomp on others to get what they want. They have no respect for others.
Gee, do you think 90% of the evils of the world are caused by men's weak little sick minds? Hello? I say get more women in power, who are there to think for themselves, and stump out these super (weak) egoed, little weasels. Men will stomp all over other men, women and children. Have you ever watched a triathlon? Men will knock women and other men in the head, stomp them out to WIN! Yes, he must win! Because he is constantly feeling that he has to prove himself? And for what? I am certainly not impressed! Act like a fool and I"ll think you a fool!
Men cause wars and leaders of administrations like this one allow men to kill, kill, and kill, for what - oil money. The American auto industry stomped out inventers of great electric cars and other ideas. Because they are greedy ass holes and want to rule the world at everyone elses's expense. Oh now that is really being a man! I'm embarrassed for you! Truly embarrassed!
I hope I live long enough to see the gender tide change. Oh when will women ever learn? I do see more and more women as teams in the medical world. Thank god! Patients were regards as objects until women with compassion came onto the medical scene.
Slowly, but surely, and like I said I hope I see the days of the ends of greedy men like Tom Perkins. Wake up Tom! It's not too late - you can still redeem yourself and actually make yourself look like a decent, caring, compassionate human being. Tom, I think you hated your mother - therefore all women. And evidently you learned the lesson as a kid to have to proud youself worth with riches. Looks like your'll be coming back again....
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