Friday, July 11, 2008

The Clinton's Never Quit on CNN

more than four out of ten Democrats wish Hillary was the candidate. Eighteen million people voted for Hillary. So, don't write then off. Carol Bernstein wrote in "Woman in Charge" that Hillary as a consistency has many constituants. She raised 209 million in her candidacy. She came into a whisper of winning.

Paul Begala is a former Clinton advisor. Hillary won 20 primaries. Bill Clinton is the only Democratic president to win two terms.

Obama needs more money to sustain a 50 state win over McCain. David Gergen, Senior Political Anaylist, says Obama cannot afford to insult them in anyway. The Clintons are too big! Gergen says he believed that Hillary deserved to win. Bill Clinton led us to the era of our greatest prosperity in the world.

Forty percent of Hillary's susporter said they will vote for McCain or stay at home on election day. Obama has to cater to the Clintons. You can't throw the Clinton's overboard.

Biggest star in the Senate is Hillary. Obama needs her. He can't try to go around her, he needs her. She's important to the Democratic re-elections in the house and Senate.

James Carville, Democratic Strategist says Bill Clinton might have gotten a little too involved. Bill Clinton was supposed to be the extra draw, but sometimes he could have been a debriment. He was a guy trying to protect his wife. Hillary did a fine job defining herself.

Bill Clinton makes it very clear that he believes that Obama is an empty suit say Carl Bernstein, author. Bill Clinton is behind Obama now.

I'm watching "The Clintons Never Quit" on CNN.

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