Wednesday, July 16, 2008

I'm sick of Bush!

Explore for oil at home is stupid - get into wind, solar, water to generate electricity and bring back the electric car! They just don't want to do it because they are "oil" men. And why do we need more refineries! Stuipd asshole oil men! They must be worth billions with this rising price of oil.

And banks are failing and the government is bailing them out...aren't we stretched thin enough as it is. You know by "government" you mean "we the people" (who get ripped off more and more and more lately). Well, when all the good jobs go away, as they are, to India and every place else...who will generate our "income tax base"? I don't believe the morons in Washington have thought of this. But these guys never think, or plan, ahead - they only "react". That must be the norm for old white bucks. You hit me, I'm hitting you back. They're just stupid!

And what is with the still free for all migration of Mexicans into this country?

I bet you any money - the Republicans will see to it that McCain gets elected. No matter what it takes - they'll see to it! Hell, they swung the 2000 and 2004 elections - why not keep going? They're making big bucks and probably taking that oney and investing it and spending it in Dubai or some place. Before you know it.

China will own us. They already own us. We borrow money from China, to buy foreign oil. So we are helping every economy but our own? Does that make sense?

And us having a presence in every country around the world? Just who do we think we are? We just come in and take over.. much like our forefathers who pushed the native Americans into a small corner and put them on a reservation. Assholes! Who brought slavery to this country and declared them free in 1865 but continued to enslave them. Words are cheap!

They dominate our news and tell us what they want us to hear. For years we were controlled by "fear" now we are controlled by "pricing" and "advertising".

We need socialized health care and we'll never get it. We'll never get it because the corporations do not want it. And we all know corporations run the show - they sure are doing a great job aren't they.

Oh and McCain needs some color - any color. He looks sickly on the side of Obama. Oh, let's see how they "swing" this election. Cause it will get strung.. they are already saying McCain is ahead. Bullshit! Here comes more oil and more war and poverty for most American while a few already rich bucks get greedier and richer yet.

Oh, here's another thing. Read "Our Daily Meds" by Melody about getting ripped off. "You" are the testing for these drugs - now smile and say hi to the camera - you are making a few people very rich at the cost of your life.

And why do people bury their heads in the sand? When I was getting my oil changed and watching Cheney's talking head - Bush speak, I was the only one watching or even caring what was said. And the stuipid questions the reporters asked. Oh, I guess that was staged.. most of Bush's shit is staged!

But people do not want to face the throught. You know it's like hanging on to your supersized SUV and ignoring the high price of gas while you lose your home and max out several credit cards to maintain your "suggestful" imagine. Oh please.

It's like people who smoke? Usually they have no insurance. And usually, they can't even afford to buy the cigarettes yet pay for a respirator. It's like wake up!

And the cry babies! Guess the Greatest generation overly spoiled their kids. But now those "baby boomers" are getting their's I guess. They are left raising grandchildren because they wanted to make sure their kids had "high self-esteem" so they spoiled the hell out of them.

But now every kid is on drugs for mental or physical reasons. Hey, the drug companies are getting more rich. It's all for money you know? Yes, get the kid on drugs and keep them on money-making drugs for the rest of their lives. Brilliant marketing. Just like commericals suggesting to you - that you have this disease and you do need this drug.

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