Monday, October 27, 2008

Only one thing wrong with getting older..

..wisdom that comes with experience! After a time of history repeating itself.. it gets old and tiresome watching the rich steal from the poor.

This new Ford Flex gets a surprising 24 MPG. Wow! Hey, vehicles got more than that per gallon in the 80's after the first OPEC fuel crunch! So you see what is going on here don't you? You would have to be brainless not to! They want you to use more oil than ever.. so they get more rich than ever... on their way out ...

Here is what goes on in this country with this government and this economy. The rich get richer at the expense and drain of the average person. This is no democracy. We have no choice of what we drive. It has to be gas! So the oil men make tons of money. They set the price and the mileage and the method! Where is the electric car? We had one! See the DVD "Who Killed the Electric Car?"

If this were a true Democracy and not so much rich capitalist minded imperialism everyone would get a break and this so called people's government would make sure the average citizen would not get ripped off at every turn by every, oil, health care, agriculture and finance.

Ripped off.. there is no one watching out for there? So much for homeland security! Pills are unsafe..and go on the market non-tested and pushed by doctors working for the drug companies. Doctors push them for kick-backs and rebates. Patients pay a fortune of for drugs and insurance that rejects treatments. Lenders push and fast talk poor people into refinancing loans they know the lendee can't afford. They encourage fraud! Banks then sell car salesman styled fraudulent loans likely to default to incident by-standers. Credit companies charge outragious fees. We get ripped off at every turn. There are no regulations in place at all it seems.. much less any that will benefit the average American. We are just the rich man's provider..we skimp so they can get even more fifthy rich.

What's worse - the government doesn't punish but rewards the white collar crooks with bail outs. Where's my bail out?

Should the average American stop paying taxes to protest and get our point across? Oh WE WOULD BE THROWN IN JAIL!

IS it always going to be like this? You know Peloski and Frank had to know about all the deregulating that has been going on for years. And Greenspan? I guess he got bought too? Hey, Roosevelt put regulations into play for a reason - to protect consumers and get large businesses honest! Greenspan said they thought CEO's would use good judgement. Yeah right?

Hey you.. go to work and work three jobs to try to make ends meet. And Bush wouldn't even incrase minimum wage? For years now! You know if they were half way smart.. "they" in high places would increase wages and make sure tax payers made enough to buy all this foreign crap (un-regulated protection laws at all in China). You know George I hope your happy! Now, thanks to the crooks we can't afford homes, cars, insurance, and medications.. which is probably the only good thing. Most seniors are over medicated anyway..taking drugs to mass the ill effects and poor symphoms of other drugs.. instead of rooting out the real cause of the symphoms...drug side effects they merely cover them up.. hey - kickbacks!

And how about the food we buy? Full of corn frutose... I just saw a commercial the other day.. saying it's fine in moderation! I guess word is spreading and people are reading labels to avoid taking frutose.

You know why Soy and Corn are pushed? Because of chemical companies.. making lots of money after getting Washington to deregulate and safety rules. Farmers get substities for so much to be grown. Did you know fertilizer is made from natural gas and of course recommended for farm use. And pesticides? Instead of rotating crops to replenish the soil with nitrotion or doing what Argentia does..three years crops and five years cattle feeding on grass to replenish the soil.. they need no fertilizer or pesticides. Get it? This is a capitalist nation. The government here is for big business - not the environment and not for we the peasants whom they rip off.

If only we could be treated with honesty, integrity, and respect. Ethical..what ever happened to that word? To that cause? I really think that a capitalist nation could still be successful if people were held accountable for their crimes of greed. Is there no honor? Japan can build a decent dependable car? They have honor. We used to see "made in Japan" on everything.. now it's "made in China". I guess we have to buy from them because we borrow from them to buy oil from the Middle East. Does that make sense to you? It doesn't me either? And we spend two billion per month on a needless but it's not needless...we want to be there to protect "our" oil supply. Well, why don't we just make the means and ways to get away from oil.

Oh, but they are afraid! Hey T. Pickens isn't afraid. Oh, he for one, and I thought I would never hear this..but he actually said that "he has enough money". I thought I would never hear that in my life from any rich business man, especially an oil man. I always wondered.. just when is money is enough?

Some people are saints and when they make big bucks.. well enough to help others.. they do! They make me cry.. because sometimes I think that all people with money are nothing but greedy bastards.. well they are.. most of them. They must have small egos..because they have to be showy and pretentuous and flaunt it...without a conscious. They don't care who they hurt along the way. Remember Michael Douglas in the movie called "Wallstreet". The movie was good in the 80's and told the truth then.. big companies buying up all the was a time of "takeovers". Cold! Very cold! In retrospect and aside what goes on today..that was mild by today's standards.

I guess it will all work itself out. I certainly hope so. I wish Obama could step in there right now. But personally I don't think he can do all that much..not when it's evident that both sides of the aisle are for big business...otherwise by now regulations would be put back into place and I sure haven't heard anything about that! If Democrats weren't right in there with big business they would get all 34,000 or more lobbyist out of town by now speaking to them or taking any money from them.

Everyone talks about it but no one does anything about it because it works for the powers that be.. the rich. The middle class is sliding into distinction and poverty and nothing is done to stop the madness but give the evil doers more money to play with. What do we expect when the Secretary of Treasary is from Goldman Sachs? Of course all financial and investment firms are going to get filthy rich out of the so called "financial crisis". Yeah, let's take what we can on the way out...and put into place war and evil that will last past the next ten years.

I simply cannot see where anyone who is a tax payer would vote Republican..they got us into this mess by allowing deregulation so corporations could use unethical tactics to make themselves rich. Of course you know I wouldn't be complaining if the average "Joe" got a piece of that pie. Why don't we? Give us a huge bail out too so we can spend and build the economy... but this administration only takes from us. The American way.. pay taxes and lose social services and get ripped off legally by large corporations who the government only supports and does things for.. not us.

You know corporations could make money if they went green. GM and Chrysler would have no money problems if they would already have the electric car in service. Make it reliable and affortable and they would sell! We will buy! Give us good healthy farms, healthy food, tested drugs, honest loans, dependable honest insurance that pays, decent paying jobs. Green jobs. Solar and wind turbine power. See, there would be money in all the above for everyone...but no.. we live in a let's rip them off environment!

We are conrolled don't think we are not.. they want us poor and living in fear. Fear of terrorist (personally, I think many live in Washington). Who do they go and gay! Oh so honorable.. these Republican Christians! I have a question?

Do poor Christians really think they are going to get more prosperous voting for Republicans who represent only the rich? Well, I hope their god helps us.. we need it.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Must see DVD : "The End of Suburbia"

created in 2004. Great documentary about urbun sprawl. The street car out to the counties. The inner city with wonderful neighborhoods and walkable commodities.

Then - the worse thing happens the automobile! Oil. Losts of money to be made from oil - for the oil men. The baby boom hits after the end of WWII and the move to the suburbs. Cars and homes in the suburbs makes for a rich nation and lots of world for the middle class which includes everyone up to doctors and dentist. Homes bring a sense of security..all that propaganda. Yes, post war suburbia brings a fault sense of country living. With none of the amenitites of country life or urban life.. all you have is a six lane highway and most of the stuff in traffic.

In the 50, 60, 70's the inner city is gutted to build new urban strength.

American auto manufacturers provided cars for the future of suburbians transportation. Let's sell those cars! Orginally street cars and trains went to the suburbs. GM, Good Year, Standard Oil and I believe Philip petroleum bought up all the rail systems and along comes Eisnenhower's Highway system through the United States. Robert Moses designed and build all the roadways in the early 60's. Yes that little home in the suburbs and now you are sitting in traffic each morning and evening to get into the city to get to work...because the oil men removed your train rails. There was lots of oil in cheap oil was prevalent and now we are stuck with empty SUV's! People it is only going to get worse! Why?

We around the world even in Saudi Arabia oil levels have reached their peek! I am so glad I live in the city where I can walk - literally everywhere! I do not have to depend on oil.

Remember August 14, 2003 the great Northeastern power outage. Will they said it was the hottest day of the summer. Matthew Simmems says. Eastern shores of Lake Michigan to Atlantic Ocean and Canada to St. Louis and between 3:00 and 4:00 in the afternoon all uses of electries at once. Black out time: 4:13 PM. Why did we allow ourselves to get so close on the edge! Let that we a warning and we really have not learned a think from it. Matthew Simmens warned us and warned Cheney and others. But you know what - they will not be any more build because there is nothing to power the plants!

And hydrogen cell is a joke because it takes a lot of power to use that natural gas. Electricity is developed from carbon energy and according to Matthew Simmens warns there is no more resources to generage more power. Solar, wind and anything else cannot provide as much energy as fossil fuels. North American is reaching the end of it's generating potentials due to gross mismanagement over-sight! What have we not been told about the future of oil? When are going to run out? But, that is not the real issue.. the real issue is to what means will we go to to take over other countries to get that oil...war, manadtory draft, country take over...hello Iraq. It is why we are in Iraq now.

Is Obama a little too "green" to realize this. I think the guy in the documentary " The end of Suburbia" are not lying to us. We are on the down side of our fossil fuel resources.

Better move closer to work. Peeking means categorically you no longer grow.. and whatever you produce from then on is much more expensive.

People today gas is 2.75 is most places..but it's 12 days before the election and I personally truly think that these prices are manipulated for votes. Oh yes! We are in a predicted 70's peek decline now by Dr. Hubert who worked for the oil industries and told them. But, everyone in the early 70's laughed at him. It's taken over a decade before the oil "expects" realized it. According to this document and I love this: "The books on oil have been as crooked as the books at Enron"! Classic!

But what about Brazil and Veneguela who are almost fossil fuel free? They, especially, Brazil, they rely on suguarcane as their main marketing products and use the waste from the plant as fuel.

If Saubia Arabia has peaked, then the world has peaked. And can you believe China's dream and South Korea dream is to own and drink expensive automobiles.. they want so to be like us. They are not too wise. If these congestedly populated countries were truly brilliant.. they would push even more urban living and light rail technologies.

The crunch now is coming to suburbia.. so people get ready!! You are under fault hopes.. it's coming very soon.

Wow, this DVD was produced in 2004 and this guy is right on.. increased prices of petroleum, lost jobs, failing markets, foreclosures. The time is here! The suburbian family if going down the wrong path. Better start saving.

Kenneth Deffeyes, arthur of "Hubbert's Peak".. see the DVD "The End of Suburbia"

Our so called economy will not just keep on shugging along....

Key word: Conserve!

WE get everything from 12,000 miles away from China.. what happens if those supply lines are interrupted.. what happens if we don't get along with China anymore? ARE we just plain nuts?

Where was Bush's daddy and junior's over sight? They are so stupidity drowning in oil profits that they can only be assumed not to care about the future... Are these men really that stupid! I guess!

We use petroleum pesticides and natural gas fertilizers and drive gas driven tractors. Are we nuts? What about trucking foods from long distances into the populated areas. Yes, Obama is correct we need roof top gardens. We will need to bring back the local stores. We will need to move things around with trains which is to be ashamed of. Our trucking system will becomes non-functional because of all the fuel that is used. We saw it not long ago when truckers went on strike because of high fuel prices.

The Walmarts of North America have literally destroyed the mom and pop stores and when oil gets too expensive to ship in non-regulated junk from China.. things will be forced to be made at home.

Each recession gets worst never to fully recover until we get into a deep recession..where we are just about there. We have been warned and so has our denial. Sorry to say but Americans will elect maniacs who promise that we can keep our huge vehicles and mansions...not true. They will put much stress on our democracy as we see it. There will be a strambling to get out of suburbia. The suburbian destiny is going to be hell and we are not prepared for it, so says James Howard Kunsetler.. why isn't the media telling us this? Well, I think that goes without saying..

The media is controlled by government and if people knew stocks would go down. Just like they don't tell us about UFO and continue to feel us pacifying rectoric crap when anyone with a half a brain knows that it's just not a housing bubble that has burst but a energy bubble.

We are not prepared for the shocks that running out of oil will bring!

Read Dr Colin Campbells's "The Coming Oil Crisis". Even Cheney has warned us we will have wars over oil forever. Can we control the pipe lines, the oil heads. I doubt it. "The party's" over by Richard Heinberg is another good book to read on the subject! We will be fighting wars and killing innocent soldiers and citizens over OIL! Is that humane? The U.S. Patriot Act consistently erodes the freedom of speak... Oh, Oh, Hey, I'm getting all this from the DVD "The End of Suburbia" created 2004. Cheney wasn't kidding when he said war will not end in our life times.. this will be the biggest war we will ever see......and it's all over oil!

As poplulations grow and China is so readily wanting to get into the auto oil mode to copy westernizers we will get deeper and deeper into trouble. And hydrogen is not a form of energy but a form of energy takes more energy to create hydrogen (electricty and water).. To create electricity it takes natural gas. Methane is just another word for natural gas.

Look at intrastructure .. there are 6 billion cars on the roads. There is no filling stations for hydrogen gas. We can't just switch over night from oil to something else. Ethanol is another loser... it takes more gas to use fertilizers and gas to run the tractors to make Ethanol.

Planet earth cannot continue to consume energy the way it is right now. The political will to address these issues is non-existent.. especially with this existing administration.

The only thing people can do is move to the city.. build high rises I guess like China is beginning to do. Live close to work! Maybe corporations could build housing above their businesses. Work for Google live there too in their generated self build communities. That's what should have been done. Remember the mining towns of old.. company owned housing! Well, there's my idea!

Who in the hell would want to live in the suburbs anyway... rolls and rolls of houses without commoditiies. Communities named after the very things they destroyed to build them "Quail Ridge". Personally, I love historically main streets and urban unique neighborhoods.

We will see a new Urbanism and I am ready.. We haven't even touched on global warming..

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

bad pick?

Seems Sarah Palin is not so popular anymore. As Vice President, she told third graders, that she is a team player with the president. And she said the VP works right there with the Senate. No one in the Senate will ask her opinion. It's constitutionally wrong. She cannot past policy. She could break a tie! She is not the majority leader. Pat Bucanon is trying to defend her. She would have no legislative authority in the Senate. She was talking to third graders but it sounded like she didn't really know. She was giving those third graders wrong information. The roll of the VP is that god forbid something happens to the president then she steps in as president and second, she can break a tie in the Senate. She was wrong about the very basis of the roll of vice president.

Also she says rural America is the real Pro-America. How can she say this when she is playing footsie with her husbands group that plans to break Alaska away from the union...that's the United States Union!

The Brady effect - watch out.. it means closeted racisim.

And now republicans are trying to say wealth redistribution is called communism or socialism at best. Republicans like to throw out assummably negative terms about liberals instead of really talking about the "real" issues... like economic policy.

On another issue.. did you know that by the end of the year that Iraq has to renew our contract with having troops over there.. and so far it appears they won't.. so those troops will have to get out of there.. all 150,000 apparently. Interesting! I heard that information this evening on the Rachel Maddow, MSNBC, show.

Monday, October 20, 2008

I love "Boston Legal"

Why? Because usually somewhere in the show they speak social, legal and political truths..and economic truths.

For example in tonight's show where the mal-practiced death of a man's solder brother sues the hospital and doctors. The lawyer representing the military hospital uses the "Ferris Act" where no soldier can sue the government! Larry argues that most soldiers are "backdoor drafted" from the poor sides of town where they desperately need money! I'm telling you Republican government is evil! Larry argued too that soldiers make next to nothing while Blackwater security made hundreds of thosands dollar (in tax payer money). Just how sick is our Republican administration! It's evil and it's sick. Is Nancy Peloski in on this too! Are they are sick money grubbers out to please the lobbyist and the oil men? Are they all getting lobbist kick backed.. while our nations tax payers slip rapidly out of the middle class and more and more into poverty?

What kind of a sick society is this? Why every day as I listen to public radio and hear about different books and hear their author's speak I'm become more and more appalled! Can we slip any lower?

Today I heard, and I know it's been going on since Nixon that corn and soy bean crops are singled out to get government aid to their growers, our local farmers. And beef and pork or now not grown on the farm but in so called "feed lots" where animals are mistreated and stand all day in pens, much like chickens do. Animals are shot full of antibiotics because being that close together they can get sick. They are pumped full of fast fattening foods and hormones and who knows what else so they grow fast and faster and faster yet.

Fossil fuels are used in fertizers and pesticides on the grain farms that are subsidized by the government. Yields have been engeneered to far out produce yields of the past. Farmers can be fined for holding back grain for following season seed. Monsanto and and other companies want farmers to buy seed every year (makes monetary sense to them).

Corn fruitose sugar is non-nutritional and used in everything from soda to cookies. No wonder people are getting so fat and sick with diabetes and other diseases. We eat crap! Vegetable farmers do not get the same breaks as corn and soybean farmers. For that matter, other grains do not get the same government subsidizing either.

Michael Pollin who wrote "Farmer to the Chief" and other books on the same subject says new types of farming such as the crop and cattle feeding rotation that Venzeuela uses could be successfully used in our own Midwest. They grow crops in Venzeuela for five years and then raise cattle on the same land for three years after turning that crop land into grassy lands. The process adds nitrotion to the soil so no fertizilier has to be used and no pesticides because when you roatate crops it confuses pests and at the same time adds nitrition back into the soil. For example corn robs the soil of nitrition and cow manuria and soybean refurnish nitrition to the soil. In other words after adding "green" farming can be a part of adding new jobs to this country after Obama gets elected. Trust me, you will never see the Republican, oil men, do this!

We truly need change in Washington and I think every American is just about at their wits end with these oil monger, war for oil money grubbing, greedy, crooked, lying Repbulicans. McCain is no different than another Karl Rove or Dick Cheney with their let's just see how we can screw the American tax payer today, mentality! I'm sick of it!

Whatever happened to the protesting, demanding, in your face hippies? We baby boomers? We need to march on Washington if the Republicans fool us again with another tricky electon win. Beware!

Or maybe they'll let it go this time since they (republicans) have us so far in debt they'll "let" a Democrat win in order to come in and clean up their filthy economic mess! I think these past 8 years have been the worse I have seen yet in this nation. Beginning by two iffy election wins. A questionable do is responsbile NYC attack. Phony excuses to go to Iraq, not even the country where the so called middle eastern terrorist "may" have come from? All questionable! A clear war for Halliburton and Blackwater profits and tax payer money waste - well they stuff the money in their pockets, but paid their security forces far better than this lousy government pays our tricked-into-troops. I guess much like our wonderful mortgage industry tricked new buyers and existing home owners into financing and re-financing with fault informationa for balloon loans.

This lousy republican government has de-regulated and turned a blind eye to crooked practices so big shot CEO's can fill their pockets and waste money on themselves while cheating stock holders and workers out of decent wages. Wages that could keep them in the middle class. Just how not self-serving and short sighted is that? Hello, any decent democracy and economy wants the people who are paying taxes to make enough money so they pay enought taxes. But these crooks in and around Washington and Wall Street are too greedy and stupid to think that far ahead!

I too think oil prices have recently deliberating been lowered because we are less than two weeks away from election day! I think the government and especially the sneaky, crooked, unethical republicans of Rove, Cheney, Bush and daddy Bush are the worse of the lot. Just think way back when before Nixon, daddy Bush was head of the CIA, then he was Nixon's VP, then he served four years as President but failed four more years to Clinton. I guess that pissed him off.. because for eight solid years while Clinton was trying to act as president they tried to dirty him and bring him down while Ken Star wasted millions of tax payers dollars. Still Clinton managed to balance the budget and find jobs for people. He left the country in a profitable state when he left office. I do believe their was trickery in the 2000 and 2004 elections.. probably in "W"'s Texas election too and Jeb's. They get what they want and Mr. Bush sees to it.

Just ready the many books that are out there and watch the many DVD's pretaining to the subjects.. it's where I get my material. Read Kevin Phillips and Thomas L Friedman. Watch the DVD "Who Killed the Electric Car?" and watch "Iraq for Sale: War for Profit"

It's why I love watching "Boston Legal" and I'm sorry to see it go off the air. This is their last season. Will they will be running out of material soon anyway when Obama gets elected. Finally, a president for the people instead of the crooks in big business and greedy CEO's for the already rich! Boston Legal can really nail them and tell the truth as the truth is! A wonderful show!

They just did a piece on the Nightly News about

yoga this evening! I love yoga! It's true it's the miracle workout! I have no aches no pains I'm quick and flexible and fast and nimble and balanced. I love it!

I keep telling people I swear by Glucosamine Chondriotin and yoga and exercise! But no body listens to me. Hey, I'm slendar, straight backed, healthy, no meds for me, active, quick and bright and yet no one listens to me! There you are!

Being 61 doesn't mean to have to be your fat, complaining, stumbling mother all over again. I think when some people get to a certain age they think so I'm going to get sick and weak and stiff now - well you will if you think you will!

So think young active, youthful thoughts! I recently had a 35 year old tell me I looked hot in my new running shorts and top! I didn't ask for that compliment - I didn't coax if out of her either!

But, so many here in this country eat so unhealthy and do not excerise and smoke and drink and then have no insurance (well, you can't count on our insurance companies to come through anymore - so you better take care of yourself. Get sick and you may just lose to home to health care bills if your insurance company bails on you - you see George W. Bush didn't give a crap about you and didn't keep regulations on insurance companies but allowed the insurance company lobbyist to run the works and there you are - a failed capitalist economy! Stupid administration!)

You better vote for Obama unless you want four more years of crap! Just pray the elections are at least honest! And the republican backed industry that builds electronic voting machines are made to be honest! But you know they probably arent'. I guess that got de-regulated too! And of course with this present administration there certainly will not be any over-sight! So don't be surprised if you vote for Obama and McCain still wins! They are a bunch of crooks!

I can't believe how anyone in their right mind would vote for an administration just like the last administration that rip us off at every turn - all over again! Are these people just plain nuts?

We'll never get out of oil as long as republicans are in office.. we use oil in fertizer and pesticides and plastics and everything else. If need Obama to give tax incentives for purist naturalist farmers to return to the scene. Whey Venizuela has it all over us! Of course oil people do not run their country! They rotate three years crops and then five years pasture land and their cattle roam in pastures and eat grass - god what a novel idea!? Hark! What? They're not penned up and shot up with antibiotics? This country - these United States are so backwards it pathetic. I'm embarrassed and saddened by the nativity and greed and crookedness that goes on and is allowed by Washington! The doing away with consumer protection laws! And then you have McCain's people saying - why should we bail out people who bite off more than they could chew when refinancing or buying the American dream home! Hell, they were sales pressured into signing that loan contract!

YOu now the housing market had to be behind it all. The builders borrowed all that money and then in order to pay it back those homes had to be sold! So, here comes the creative financing ideas and the pressure sales! It's doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that one out! Anyone with half a brain can!

I used to walk down the streets and look at this super sized (why does everything had to be super sized [even the people] in this pathetic country?) homes and think who in the world anymore has the salaries to pay for this homes? Well come to find out - no one! So therefore here comes the cheats and the not so honest creative financiers! You'd have to be blind not to see it coming!

Not when all the productions and manufacturering and good paying jobs were shipped overseas! Not when big corporations got captial gains cuts and tax cuts galore and all the de-regulations in the world! Who know who Bush (well Cheney, Bush is too stupid) was working for? Big corporations and helping them rip you off!

Yet you are stupid enough to vote republican again.. and why are men more stupid than women when it comes to this. My best friend's brother is a staunch republican and he just got layed off because his job was shipped over seas. And three older gentlement I know too? Well, they live in the past. These old war mongers are republicans.. honor and glory - oh please - you were had.. they just call you a hero.. war is all about money! Can't you get that through you thick heads - all about money, greed, power, and OIL! There you have it! You just don't want to believe that..

Don't believe it and I'll sell you a Chevy or a Ford that will break down in a couple of thousand miles - better get that extended warranty! And the MPG standards have been pushed back so the oil men can make more profits on oil. Stupid - you don't see that?

And the only reason gas is lower now is because it's election time!! Yeah! Stupid - you don't see that either do you? They are controlling you like a rag doll puppet and you are acting like McCain is god - like little stupid Elisabeth on "The View". So naive!

If only some people would wake up before Novemeber 4th, 2008.. hey no matter like I told one republican - don't worry you'll get your man - they'll see to it.. once again the election will be fixed and we'll get another stupid ass "rip them off" republican president! I think they have moved beyond assasination to swinging the votes and manipulating the voting machines .. but trust me they will get a republican in office.. just like daddy bush made sure sonnies got their intended elected posts.! Hey money talks..... oil money talks.. you're a fool if you don't believe that!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Saturday Nite on Sunday evening

Will I'm finally getting around to watching Saturday Night Live that I had recorded. I have a fabulous evening!

Friday evening went to see "W". Ugh! Fabulous movie but sickly sad! Such narrow mindedness and greed; without a thought to the American people - or any people!

"W" merely wanted to out do Jeb and make Poppy proud of him - as if that was possible! So yeah, Poppy continues to bail out Sonny boy - his elections, all his failed businesses. Yeah, Florida gets him elected a couple of times and daddy sets him up with his old cronies as cabinet. Of course the old cronies have their own agenda and leave "W" out of their plans the majority of the time. In other words, they just make a fool out of him.

Before he got into politics he was a drunk! A spoiled didn't want to work drunk who failed at everything he did! Self-fulfilled prophecy at best! Self pity at worse!

The oil men behind "W" were diffintely in it for oil and a foot hold in Iraq to protect their "interest" (oil) there! And of course to make lots of money for ex-general CEO's private businesses in Iraq..Halliburton, Kellog, Blackwater - Cheney's poisons.

Richard Dreyfus did a wonderful job portraying Cheney. Fabulous job! I think he stole the show in depiction of character played. Then there was the guy who played Carl Rove.. he was good too!

No wonder Colin Powell is supporting Obama! What a bunch of dip shit fools there Republicans are allowing lobbyist to run the show and deregulating laws to that protected the American people so "they" can cheat the public and get rich - more rich! What a bunch of fools!

Obama hasn't taken a penny from the lobbyist - personally when he gets into office he should chase the 34,000 of them out of Washington. Hell, they have bought the FDA and everything else beyond. The lobbyist are running this country! It's not right! Look at the money that is wasted on purchasing foreign oil! Are we nuts. Do you know that the first Model T's ran on Ethanol!

Oil men and Bankers have ran this country for centuries. Why don't you read "The Bush Dynasty" by Kevin Phillips. It's well written, easy to read and understand

It's late.. rode bicycle in the cool air and wind today so I'm ready to rest! So many books to read .. so little time!

Life is good!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Transit vs. sitting in traffic driving gas guzzlers

and poluting the air! In California suburbanites are crying over high gas prices. They don't know how to use the bus, trolley, or Metro. Not the "good old boy's cup of tea - surrounded by strangers" But do to having to put food on the table for their kids.

Did you know in 1950's there were rail lines all over cities in California and then GM and others came along and got rid of them and built highways! Gas and auto teamed up! Just remember when "W" came into power in 2001 oil was $20.00 a barrel and look at it now..near $100.00 but last spring and summer was $143.00. I hate to tell you but I think Republicans auto and oil and industry wanted to squeeze out every buck of every drop of oil. And they did good! However, slipping middle class citizens are struggling to make ends meet.

Politicans in California don't want the proposed light rail between Los Angels and St. Francisco surrounding by powering wind mills that would make the trip in three hours rather than over five.

Yes, it's all about the big bucks for the big three and all those greedy lobbyist knocking on the white house doors in Washington D.C. and trading votes for favors.

Exurbs (far off fringes of suburbia) citizens get up very early because it takes hours - like 72 miles out of San Diego. Gas is killing them and they are reconsidering moving closer. Daddy is never at home - he's driving. The one guy does drive a Toyota Hybrid while the other guy tries to leave is very large SUV at home.

When people have kids they want to move way out so the kids can go to "better" schools and they don't have to - let's face it - live amongst sub-human minorities. It's all about race isn't it? Too bad - so sad! You'd think by now nearing 2009 that we as human being would have risen above these issues to high spiritual beings - no way! It's very sad!

So, the minoirities have it on the suburbanites, they live in the city where mass transportation is available and schools are close. Instead of "urban sprawl" rather "urban escape". There are so many roads and snarled traffic that living way out doesn't seem so appearing anymore.

Personally, I love living in the city. I love it! I can walk, ride my bike, take public transportation to anyway. Yes! I could really live without my car. As it is, I drive less and less and "walk" my errands. Just can't justify driving when I don't need to.

People are moving in - maybe all those new condos and lofts down town will fill up. Those suburbanites better get moving back into the city while there are condos and lofts to choose!

Why can't city government provide decent inner-city schools? These poor saps on NOW on PBS are going to have to move because they have a balloon note and they can't refinance because the house is worth less than the new financing. The high price of gasoline really mess it up for them. He lives 72 miles from work! Answer to problem: Move. Oh the guys doesn't want to mingle with strangers on public transportation. Tough! I did it for years. I liked it. Can read, sleep or whatever on the way to work!

So, it seems lots of younger couples even with a baby are moving into condos in the city. They too can have that small town feel. This young couple are really cute. They sold their second car. They said traffic is so bad you can't get anywhere due in traffic in a car anyway! They are not alone in abandoned the car culture!

Public transportation use is soaring in different cities in California! Yes! And this is in Southern California! Yes!

Like I said I love the city. I love my small modest condo! I love it! In the 1920's like the lady says there were miles of railroads near downtown Los Angeles. At one time in California and everywhere I guess - St. Louis too. A big outfit consisting of GM, Good Year, Standard Oil and Phillip Petroleum bought up all the rail lines and put in roadways! Pretty amazing - isn't it! Those guys killed the electric car too! They these big rich guys are dictating to you and me how we get around - you like that? Not having a choice? I don't! Last week Bush, yes "W" Bush voted against a metro link in California between Los Angeles to San Francisco. Public opinion is being watching. Many this it's the way to go.. while Professer James Moore in Southern California says the money would be doing better somewhere else. He is not a lover of large government project... he thinks buses would be better. Oh please! This jerk is an oil man - it's written all over his pucked up, lying face - he's lying through his teeth! See oil and auto big shots set up suburbanites mind set and make them think it's beneath them to ride a bus or a train. He and his neighbors should vote "for" the new light rail system between San Diego and Los Angeles or move closer to San Diego, into the city. But they like their dumb open space! But whatever happened to "peace of mind" and doing what is right for you wallet and your kids air they breath!

But even back in the early twenty centuries when the Model A was about there was also the electric car.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Why - Are People so Weird?

Why does a man say.. "I did because I wouldn't be alive if I didn't"? Referring to his wife's wants! That she would kill him! It makes it sound like they really didn't "want to" be there!

Like this guy on Jay Leno says. Why didn't he just say "I would have been no where else. I wanted to be there with her!" when Jay asked if he was in the delivery room or waiting room!

Gosh guys? Men are so afraid of appearing is weak to a man - I guess! But talking about dirty sex, or talking down about a woman is okay! Men are ignorant! They would rather sound "ignorant"! To me this guy sounds like a cold ass ignorant son-of-a-bitch!

I mean like get a life. Men are the biggest babies yet they "try" to sound so tough! Weird! Just plain weird!

Have you ever seen a guy's personallity change when he is talking amongst other men! Their hold personna changes around guys.

People are weird!

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

who do you think won?

Well, I'm still all for Obama! And I hope to god this election is pulled off honestly - and that the voting machines are "honest"! The machines tested in NM were not correct and fixed! We hope! But how many more - are dis-functional??

I won't rest until after election day - November 4th, 2008. I hope Obama wins! I believe in his health care plan.. I don't trust McCain. I get the feeling he wants to take the easy way out and let the people fend for themselves. You can tell McCain doesn't want to be bothered. He wants to get to war! With somebody! Anybody! That's all the man knows! And no talking first- shoot first then ask questions!

McCain's plan adds $5,000 on to your annual income and you will pay taxes on it! Of course then it is up to you to find your own insurance.

Obama will be more helpful. Keep the plan you have if you like it. If not! Or if you have done! He will help you find a plan. He will help you pay for it. And this is very important to me - he will make sure that the insurance companies treat you right! There will be oversights and regulations! Un-like crooked McCain and other Republicans who are for and have voted 20 times to remove regulations from banking and health etc., so they can rip you off!

People that is what de-regulation means. Less protection for you and more room for businessess to cheat you! No over-sights. McCain voted for no over-sight with all this 700 billion promised to CEO's. In other words a free-for-all for the crooks to rip you off ..... and people you are paying for it... Don't you care?

McCain will not look out for your best interest - when are you going to get it? He is for big business, banks, and insurance companies.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Could have gotten Osama bin Laden three times

according to Sam (didn't get the last name begins with M I believe), former assistant states attorney from the state of Washington, member of JAG, the CIA agent who wrote: "Project Hotel California".

Sam says in his book, and I"m para-phrasing and summing things up, that there was at least three different occasions to get Osama bin Laden but seems Bush administration thought differently. The administration went into Iraq and toppled Saddam Hussein instead. Daddy Bush had it in for Hussein every since the early 80's when he sold Saddam nuclear weapons and guns to go after Iran or Quate (I think that's the way it went!}. And I believe it was Latin American, Columbian drug monetary that bought the weapons...remember so general took the fall for that one. I can see his face but can't remember his name. Norrriego?

Well, if this CIA guy would have gotten Osama bin Laden so soon.. there would not have been the opportunity to more than 100,000 companies to pop up in Iraq to make all kinds of money (tax payer) money.

Whew, the Republican certainly work for the capitalist! Well, it's what you call a capitalist society - it's what you wanted. Capitalist insurance companies - who are there to turn a profit.. drug companies too.

I love the show "Boston Legal" - who Denny Craig went after the Drug companies and their brainwashing advertisements. First tobacco then perscription drugs. You can learn a lot about politics watching this show - just listen carefully. Too bad it's the shows' last season!

Then there is the health care issue in this years elections. But first allow me to mention a call in on NPR this morning and see if you still feel like blaming the mortage victims. You see lenders preyed on sad, tried, growing ever so poor American people and pressured them into refinancing. One companies representative came to a poor woman's home in the hills of W. Virginia and pressure talked into signing the papers and refinancing with low payments and low interest rates. She didn't read the fine print because she was pressured and rushed. All went well for about two years until the balloon note effect took place and the interest rate rose as well as her payment. So, bottom line the one group that counts foreclosures missed the rural foreclosures in this count - conveniently I'm sure! They'll all crooks and assholes in big business and in government.

Did you see Sicko? by Michael Moore? You should. This shit effects YOU! Better vote for Obama - I surely don't trust "more of the same" McCain! They are crooks for you and buddies with the lobbyist who all 34,000 of them have infillrated Washington, D.C. to get what? 1) Tax breaks 2) Deregulation (of consumer protection laws). Yes, Repubicans are working for business - not you! Who got the big shot 700 billion bail out? Big Business. After they cheated you, the consumer, and stuck millions of perk in their pockets. This administration and Republicans in general make a fool out of the tax payer.

So what is so bad about a national insurance? Nothing! It's already in place. Medicare!! Hello! Just extend it to everyone. But, know the hell with us, big ass corporations want the opportunity to beg government for tax breaks and deregulation so they can rip you off. Nice government we have here! Give me Sweden, Denmark, Canada, Germany, England and more. I give up of these bunch of crooks in Washington!

I'll vote for Obama of course. He needs to turn this government around.. and looks like the government, with the bail-out, already wants AIG's 80% of home mortages. Fine with me! I believe in central control, protection and regulation to protect the consumers.

And those 50 million people in this country who do not have heath insurance should organize and march on Washington and demand national heath care... and no tricky bullshit that Republicans will try to pull. Simple, honest and foreright!

For once in my lifetime I would like to see some intregity and honesty and homor come out of Washington. The American people are not stupid - we know Bush is absolutely brainless and stupid. Daddy Bush and Cheney have been the brains of all this crooked deceit beginning the minute W. got into office on January 20, 2001. First the price of oil went up, then NYC attack, then phony reason to get into Iraq so Cheney's Halliburton and Blackwater could make a monetary (your tax dollars) killings, then these bank frauds so they could conveniently hand over to again, big business, 700 billion dollars with no over-sight to see that they don't stick "that" money too, in their pockets. Just how stupid do they think the American people are?

This is why people you need to listen to NPR, CNN, C-span, MSNBC on a daiy basis. Become an informed consumer. And keep yourself healthy!

That's another thing, the crooked ass administration allowed deregulation of health insurance and they now run the doctor's office ..denying coverage and precedure after the doctor says certain procedures are necessary. Insurance do not want to pay out and once more this idiot administration let's them get away with murder. These insurance companies too, postpone and hold off..

But you know god bless America.. Yeah right! I have a few things to say about religious freaks too! Pro-life, brain-washing "Jesus Camp" (another great DVD).. Dare you rural Missouri to watch it and see just how ignorant you really are.. home schooling with only church appropriated text books (how is that allowed by the state?). Oh I get it, the governor is another religious freak like Sarah Palin. She believe in giving birth no matter how brutal the rape attack or incest attack is. This woman is a cool, calculating fish!

You see when religous groups have the cornered market of small communities they can control people so much easier by harsh words, guilt and shame. NO one steps out of line for free of being ostracized. Beware the small, controlled communities. Much like the church's priest brain wash and guilt trip their congregations.

Well, that's my unsolicited point of view.. I'm voting for Obama! I want nationalized health care and "green" jobs.. and getting rid of oil dependency.. don't you think those old white oil bucks have made just about enough money from ripping us off at the jump and with their faulty jumk cars. Show me something decent and dependable and reliable and I'll buy it. Extended warranty - my ass.... built in re-pair tactics - my ass. I'm tired of it! Build something decent, affordable and green and dependable and re-build your integrity!

I want caps put on CEO's salaries and perks. I want security laws that protect consumers from lemons and fraud put BACK into place (Bush deregulated these). I want the consumer to get guarantee truth in lending! What the hell ever happened to that? Asshole government! Do your damn job or get out of Washington and take all the asshole lobbyist with you! WE the people don't need them! We did government to do their jobs. I prefer honest, decent national heath care. I demand it! I demand jobs, decemt paying jobs be creative, green jobs, for middle class to rise again. I demand FREE education like all of the free industrial world has but us. And trust me, these people are educated and surpass us even with being bilingual. We should be ashamed to not offer free education, and health care, enough vacation and sick leave and birth leaves for parents. Illness in this country should not bankrupt people.. this administration should all be held accountable for their greedy, crooked actions and lies!

For eight years we have had nothing but lies come out of Washington and we are sick of it!

Monday, October 06, 2008

Paul Krugman, economist says..

We can't wait until January 20th, 2009 for Obama to get to work.. we need Obama in to get a plan going as soon as possible. We are going to need a nationalist take over of the banking systems. They need capital and a lot of other things. In other words per Krugman, (on the Rachel Maddow show) the bail out did not work! If need money pumped back into the system.. we need cash out here - with us the people.

Hm. let's think about that Nationalist take -over. If it happens now that means Cheney runs the show - or Paulson or one of them.... Bad news McCain plans to pay for his health care by reducing Medicare and Mediaid. The man is nuts! He doesn't even know that the thought of cutting those two programs a trillion dollars, will cost McCain his election. See that is just how stupid he is... and Palin - a bubble head. And Ignorant McCain thinks the government should privatize Social Security by putting it in the private sector - the stock market! The man is nuts! You seen the stock market dorp 700 points are more at one point today! If Florida votes for McCain and he is declared the winner - people it's fixed.. there are millions of seniors in Florida. McCain would have to raise the age for social security.. what an ass. Only five million people would be covered anyway....with his plan.. the man is nuts.

If the bail out would have worked, the stock market would have recovered on Friday when the bill was signed!

Here's my question? So where did the money go? Who gets it? Where are the results? Who is getting in there to straighten this mess out? You know McCain will only have more of the same with Henry Paulson (from Goldman Saks - conflict of interest?).

We need Obama to get a teem together as soon as possible before January 20th, 2009 - Hey I can't afford to lose more money - I don't know about you? Are these people nuts? Where are the arrests? These are crooks! And what do we do but give them a hand out!? But, of course Republicans know just how to play into the hands of lobbyist.. they are all probably in cahoots, getting kick-backs while ripping off the companies. These CEO's and others in Washington I think need to be brought in and held responsbile!

Oh no - news bulletin.. supposed to be a very cold winter with lots of snow and salt that was $40. a truck load will be $140. a truck load. Not happy!

You would have to be pretty naivette to vote

for McCain/Palin! Guess who allowed deregulation to happen - so lobbyist (for insurance companies and corporations and banks) could rip us off?

Yes, all those safety net laws to protect the consumer was lifted little by little and now you see what happened? Just what did Reagan, G. W. Bush, W. Bush (well, Cheney, W is too stupid) think was going to happen with these protective legislations lifted that Roosevelt put into place in 1932 .. law just as Ani-Trust and Secuity Exchange laws. You may be okay with allowing Bush to lift these protection to allow banks, finance institution and corporations to rip us off.. but I"m not. And what's with the FDA being in cahoots with drug company lobbyist? If that's the case - guess who is testing the drug.. that you are paying extremely high prices for?

And what's with the health insurance companies playing doctor and denying coverage and procedures that are recommended by physicans. And making premiums so high no one can afford them.

There is something terribly wrong with this government! And what's with Freddie and Fannie...that was led through the lobbyist jungle too and then went to hell by crooks and now we are bailing them out!

I'm sick of this mis-management in the White House. Why have the Bush administration appeased crooked lobbyist? I believe they should be impeached.. for aiding and abiding crooks. This administration is part of of these crooked procedings - hey, they opened the door, so the crooks could ignore ethics, and integrity and rip people off! The way I see it, they are accessories to the crimes! Arrest them all! And where is Nancy Peloski's guts! Take impeachment off the table....oh give them the green light why don't you!! I guess they are all in cahoots and all crooked!

De-regulations and off-shoring (so corporations don't have to pay taxes - then ignorant Republicans keep wanting to cut the taxes besides that? Nuts! These people are not fit to run the government!}, out-sourcing....where have all the decent paying jobs gone? Oh let me guess - to India. No wonder their economy is booming and THEIR middle class is rising... and now this government is going to give them nuclear power plans.

McCain and Palin frighten me.... US Console on World Freedom....Massive Ministeries... terrorist - hey they are the Republicans in Washington. And they are Racist too! And stupid!

Lehman Bros. a bunch of greedy slobs

Oh, they have homes and bonuses and privatize all the gains and then socialize the losses. No wonder the market is down! Lehman Brothers are nothing but a greedy bunch of crooks they put the profits in their pockets and then expected the U. S. Government to give them a hand out. The share holders have been wiped out because Lehman executives liked like Enron CEO's. There is no compensation committee at Lehman Bros. These guys are crooks! This boozo used to have 10 million shares oh, yeah he cashed in when he knew the ship was sinking! Assholes!

Well, Mr. Bush, Mr. Cheney, and the ghost of Reagan that is where "de-regulation" and negative "over-sight" got this economy!

The Big Shot CEO Crooks are walking away with all the money and the stock market goes down.. not only ours, global markets..because they have lost faith in our economy! I guess it's understandable...regulations were lifted and CEO's were given the green light to rip people off! Thanks Mr. Bush! It's the first time the VP acted as president.. or is it? I believe daddy Bush was the real president during the Reagan years! And before that he was head of the CIA.. much to long to be in Washington and in power.

They changed SEC rules that gave them leaway...of course their lobbyist got govenment to give them leaway.. I hope this big shot CEO of Lehman Bros. takes down this administration.

Friday, October 03, 2008

Republicans got what they wanted...

I guess Bush, Paulson and Cheney are rolling in it and laughing all the way to the bank! It worked! Bush getting on TV and saying we are going to hell in a hand basket economically appears to have worked! The market panicked! People panicked! Cried uncle and Republicans got what they wanted.. exit money! They lied and took advantage of us for eight years.. and they are going out in their style.

And jobs have been going away..and still are and the market is way down. So why didn't the market rise this afternoon with Peloski and Bush signing the bail out bill.

Oh, it doesn't matter how many electorial votes Obama gets - if the Republicans truly wanted to win this election they would fix it so they do! But, since they drained the hell out of the people and messed up our global economy I guess they're done now! Pisses me off! Assholes!

So what the Republicans will do now is allow Obama to be president for eight years and build back up the economy and balance the budget just like Bill Clinton did and then here comes the asshole Republicans again to tear it down and rip everybody off again as they work and steal for large corporations.

So botom line, I guess Democrats are in on it too because no one exposes the Republicans for what they are! Everybody in politics act like Republicans are just a matter to be reckoned with.

Well, personally, I don't care what they do - or let's say I wouldn't care if I saw some benefits for myself and people like me! What about us? Where's our money? Where's are share? All we do is hand out to the rich and we get nothing in return! And that's what sucks! One hundred and fifty-nice thousand jobs were lost THIS MONTH! Nice work Bush! Just like your daddy - who left a mess for Bill Clinton to fix and of course the whole time he was in office they went after him with Ken Star - what a bunch of assholes!

We put all our resources into home building and nothing into new GREEN products, projects and therefore jobs!! Piss poor planning by old buck oil and greed men. What a bunch of crooks!

Of course GM is losing money. They won't build electric cars or decent hybrids! Toyota would but the oil men won't allow electric cars to be sold in this country.
Please watch the DVD "Who Killed the Electric car?"

We are being so ripped off in this country by the Bush administration it sickens me! Whatever happened to impeachment for Bush. Like he didn't lie? Democrats must be in on it, is the only way I can see it!

I'll be surprised if the market goes up! Republicans wake up - there is no money in war (well only for a few). WWII helped the economy back then - but those days are gone we have a global economy now! And lifting regulations and allowing banks and financial institutions to go along scott free and without oversight by this administration messed up the global economy and we cannot be trusted! And those guys are high tailing it out of town now. They are happy! They got their money! The left a messed up economy in their wake! Cheney must be smiling ear to ear and laughing all the way to the bank! Most of it will probably get stuck in big shot's pockets - as if they needed more money! We won't see any of it! We'll be lucky to see this economy turn around! They won't care - they'll be gone and it will be Obama's mess to clear up! And the history books will show it's the Democrats fault..just like they show the terrorist came from Iraq! The fix it they way they want it!

Impressed with Biden, I mean O'Biden!

Palin added a bit of humor last night but all in all did okay to make Biden look really good!

McCain is too far above national health care and any other benefits for tax payers; you know, the ones you end up with the burdens when the dumb rich spoiled kids on Wall Street fail (knowing daddy Bush as in the past Bush's will bail them out!).

I say not this time! Let Wells Fargo buy up the Wachovia's of America! Note! Without Government Assistance! Yeah! Hey they did it to themselves. Don't trust them! It's the end of the Republicans in the White House and I believe they realize this so they want to leave on a high note of one last rip off to the American people! In the past eight years, first it was the rising price of a barrel of oil from a mere $20.00 per barrel spiking up to $143.00 and now painfully for them, I'm sure, only $98.00. Just like at the pump! It's that up and down and landing somewhere in the middle trick, as if we won't care or notice!

Then right away Cheney went into another action (Cheney is daddy Bush's friend you know?) W was just a puppet to get the old boys that daddy Bush worked with back in the White House! I mean look at the cabinet members! Okay, time for an attack and war. I believe I heard said that someone in the White HOuse said we need another Pearl Harbour! (you know to get us into another war - for oil and Corporation profits). Well, what do you know how convenient along comes the attack in NYC and D.C! Perfect timing?

Note: Personally, I think showing the NYC attack film at the Republican convention was just plain sick! What was that all about - showing a woman in a blue dress being carried out - possibly dead! Republicans are cheaters, sick war mongers! The whole convention was about war, war, war, and Stupid McCain's hotdoging antics that got him flying over enemy lines and shot down! Hey, he did it to himself! And miracously turned that around to make him look like a hero - I don't think so!

Republicans like to make war and soldiers look like honarable heros.. when in fact they are suckers. Sorry, but it's true! Vietnam was generated by made up communist threats, but of course, big corporations stood to make lots of money over that war - so it went on - killing innocent people for over ten years. Until baby boomers demanded that it come to an end! Republicans are not nice people. We were suckers for big business and greed of rich usually old white farts wanting to get richer! I say don't trust Republicans - they only have the rich at heart!

FDR in 1932 during the Great Depression put into law safe guards for American people and investors in the way of Security and Anti-trust laws. But, sadly, since Reagan, Republicans (say VP old man Bush) tore them down to give lee-way to banks and savings and loans and to cheat consumers. Remember Neal Bush - another idiot son - whom of course Americans had to bail out! Daddy Bush has been bailing out his sons since time began. Please read "American Dynasty" by Kevin Philips. A real eye opener. If you are sitting on the fense - or think you are a Republican - read it!

If you think like little stupid Elisabeth Hasselbeck that hanging with old man daddy figure McCain is going to make you rich and honorable and pro-life think again! Christian breeders are the worse for having their heads buried in the sand and being one issue people.. How how dumb is that? You think women won't get back allied death threatened abortions? Why do Christians think they themselves are all middle class and high and mighty? You're not. And Palin, no abortion no matter if raped/incest is committed is down right anti-humane! Just how sick is that thinking? Would you want your daughter to go through nine months of mental and emotional angious because of a stupid cruel law - and SHE, no victim, has no rights? How sick and backwards is this thinking? A woman should be master over her own body!!!! She has a god given conscious - let her use it!!! It's done of your business!!!

Hey, if you can talk down about gays and marriage I can throw a few stones right back! See how RELIGION breeds HATE! Gee, if only we were all spiritual. We really don't need manipulating, controlling, sheep herding religious leaders or Russ Limbaugh to think for us. Gee, I happen to be able to collect my own information by listening to both sides and then forming my opinion! Besides, I am not a one issue person like most Christians are - pro-life! Please! How can you be pro-life and hate gays and so ready to kill and go to war (over oil and power and corporate profits). See the DVD: "Iraq for Sale: War for Profit". Oh do youself another favor and watch "Jesus Camp" it will turn your stomach!!

Personally, I hope the House of Representatives vote down the bail out! Why, because the more profitable and powerful banks can bail out the weak ones. Besides the crap in this bill is only for corporations and banks... again we get thrown crumbs. Show me the money for a change! Say, how about giving each American $10,000.

See stocks are up this morning on the Wells Fargo bailing out Wachovia! There you have proof that Wall Street can take care of itself. Besides these are great times for businesses and corporations to buy up at at steal and make great profits in the long run! And where is Cheney? He sure has been quiet lately! I still say this bail is only a last ditch efforts to further rip off the tax payers while Republicans still have the chance to do so!

Trust me, I firmly believe that Republicans are NOT American tax payers' friend.. but only to further rip you off. Can you amanage privatizing health insurance, giving us a mer $5,000. to find and buy the best health care coverage premimums? McCain never said anything about protecting us from corporate theives either! He failed to mention safe guards and over sight - so once again poor sap American (being used at every turn) tax payers get ripped off! How do we know that half these books have not been giggled to make it look so bad... they can tell us anything to get their hands on that billions of dollars! Please! Yeah, get that in at the end of the term.. rip us off some more - your last chance before you leave office! I don't think so! Show ME the money for a change!!!

I just can't believe Christians are too stupid to see this! I mean wake up!!!!

We need Obama!!! And if you are smart you will vote Democratic for the House of Representatives and Senate.. so we keep Democrates in majority so we get bills originated and passed for the AVERAGE American for a change! Aren't you sick of Republicans walking all over us and letting us be cheating by big business? Aren't you tired of it! Wouldn't you like "secured" health care, affordable health care? Decent education, and very affordable education. Decent jobs, more jobs. Incentives for Corporations to be work back here in this counrtry... Republicans won't do that for you. Republicans are only leaders for big business - and they are stupid and will bring down this ecnonomy! Wake up and see the facts! It's happening to you now - we are failing as an economy and country because of stupid backwards stupidity and greed.. war and oil is all this idiot old men Republicans can think about! WAKE UP!

Thursday, October 02, 2008

McCain helped chase all this by voting 20 times for "deregulation" for banks, corporations and denying coverage insurance companies! Don't believe McCain! He lies through his whistling teeth! Believe me! Republicans caused all this since Reagan preached "less government" and "deregulation" so health insurance companies can further rip you off! So banks can rip you off! Need I go on? It the let's rip middle Americans off theory and stick the money in the pockets of company leaders- and politicans!

From the time of Reagan, the anti-trust laws that Roosevelt put into law in 1932 to protect tax payer's have been chiesled away year after year!

They all get rich while profit making hospitals, insurance companies, large profit drug companies that control our health and healing opportunities by putting profit first. It's the very reason why we need socilized medicine! Socalize medicine is not bad - capitalist just will never let it happen! There 32,000 or more corporate lobbyist in Washington are the ones who run the show!

We need change! We truly need Obama!

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Just Say "No" to the Bail Out!

Oh please, it's just another Republican scam only Colin Powell isn't delivering the message with an aerial satellite view in the background! Hey, I don't trust them!
The Republicans are used to getting their way, however!

The Republicans will see to it that we are fooled once again and scared! Seems this administration loves to use scare tactics!

The market fell on the day of the bail out vote but came back up the next day. I, myself, believe the market will correct like it usually does.. Hey, Republicans didn't you give all banks and mortgages and all other corporations the green light to do what they want when you (McCain, Phil Gramm, Rick Davis etc.,) lifted all regulations that were put into place for consumers safety during the Great Depression! Government made this happen!

Oh they saw the market was getting tight. Too much money was put into the housing market which was getting priced out of this world and people losing jobs (over seas) didn't have the salaries to afford them - yet loans were fraudulently pushed anyway. What the government should have done in a weak market was to establish new "green" jobs here as other jobs were shipping out to India etc., GM could have already tooled for new electric cars and get them out there sooner than in 2010! This all could have been avoided by our government which knew it was coming - you can't tell me they didn't? But, it was a way to push the limits.

Yes, a way to push the limits and allow banks, mortgage firms and corporations to get some free tax payer money promised to them. You know further drain the peasant tax payer before you leave office Mr. Cheney (the biggest crook of all!! Really, Bush is too naive' - Cheney was the president! Gee, now envision Palin? Echs!)

So for eight years they lied and found ways to rip us off while making already rich men rich! As soon as Bushie boy got into office (that was fraudulent too, in 2000 and 2004 I would guess - wouldn't you?) oil price rose, then right away in the fall, NYC and D.C was attacked... orchestrated is my guess. Conspiracy at best! Well, we needed an excuse to go to war with ...somebody! Were the Saudi's behind the scheme so we went for Saddem? Daddy Bush had it in for him anyway - let's get him! Daddy Bush was always pissed that Clinton won and had Ken Star go after Clinton for eight years to discredit him - well it took a woman - the Samson and Delila thing!

So through stupid looking satellite pictures of a little white toy truck and with weird guilty looking faces and too eager speeches we finally went to war in 2003 and bang before you knew it over 100,000 companies were situated in Iraq to reap the monetary benefits.. wasting tax payers money! Thus, taking and depleting any social programs we barely already had.

The principles of the Republican party and some of the Democrats is to rip off the American people and give the money to banks, mortgage companies and health insurance companies or who ever needs it - so they can further rip us off! Are we nuts?

Tax payers need to just say "No" to the bail out! You got yourself into this crooked mess and screwed with the world economy now you are so brilliant - now get yourself out of it! Hey, one bank can buy another - they are doing it already!

But, the way I see iit, politicians must be making money out of all this otherwise why would they bother to kiss lobbyist asses which they have done for eight years!

I wish Obama had a real back bone and others in the party too and just stand up like Nancy Peloski did and tell it like it is that Bush caused this all mess by lifting regulations and giving banks, etc., the green light to do what they wish without oversight! The Republicans, McCain, Phil Gramm, McCain's campaign manager Rick Davis and others are all for lifting regulations and saw that it was done!) Was all this done so they could beg for 700 billion for these people and now themselves.

Let's face it - they are all crooks in Washington wanting to make a buck before themselves and get every last drop of blood from us before they fear they will leave office very soon!

My disappointment - Obama saying vote for the 700 billion - it's contradictory to what he has been saying! He's a wimp and doesn't stand up to McCain who say seven times during the debate that Obama "doesn't understand" and talked down to Obama and sneered at him! Obama took it like a gentlemen or a wimp? Which? Just stand up to the stupid suckers. We the people are not stupid! We are not afraid of the stupid ass fear tactics they used for the last eight money grubbing years of Cheney/ Bush crooks!

We the people know how crooked and money hungry the politicians are in Washington and we are sick of it! Why can't we have socialized honest for the people health care, education, pension, vacations, days off for babies coming etc., like Germany, Britain, Sweden, France and more! Their people are happy and healthy. Doctors get incentive for healing people and encouraging health! Not in this country. Food is unhealthy and pushed. People are fat and unhealthy! Doctors push treatment and pills! Pills mostly! Pills that aren't tested because drug companies have bought the FDA and filled with drug company insiders. Or tests are only performed by the drug companies themselves.

I am so tired of being ripped off and getting very "sick" of it! At every turn benefits are discouraged by mounds of paperwork; treatment are denied or feet are dragged in hopes the patient will die in the mean time! OUR government has allowed then to rip us off - because they get monetary kick backs!

I want a government for the people by the people for a change! I want affordable housing, decent salaries, free benefits (socialism is not to be feared like the actor Reagan preached in commercials with background scary music) I believe other countries are laughing at us and know how crooked our leaders are! So is that what capitalism is all about - cheating people, ripping them off! I'm embarrassed!

Do you know that after WWII Churchill said everyone in England will be taken care of and they are - they still are. They are happy there. They are all treated equally. Capitalism means kicking and knocking down certain ethnic groups!

I'm sick of McCain's lies already - he voted 20 times for de-regulations of banks, etc., all this is partly his fault! You do know that Republicans are for big business by now don't you? Republicans don't give a shit about you the average guy - they only want your hard earned tax money! How Christian is that? They preach pro-life but rip you off and send you kids to a war for oil and big business profits! They preach liberty and honor! It's all pretty sick!

Oh yes, we need change - let's get Obama in there and see what he can do.. we surely don't want another Cheney. WE don't want money grubbing McCain. He couldn't relate to you if he had too! Only if you are a POW! But you sent you there in the first place? Capitalist! Big Business! Think about it!

And more.. California wanted the electric car because the air is so bad there - so GM gave it to them and Bush took it away! Some DVD's to watch: "Who Killed the Electric Car?" and "Iraq for Sale: War for Profit". I dare you watch them!!!

I"m embarrassed! I know a woman who lives in France and she said their health care is fine.. we only hear bad things so we won't want socialized medicine because then corporations wouldn't be making so much money! Yes, they pay high taxes in Frace but everything is good and free: health care, edcuation, pensions, enough vacations, time off enough for surgeries etc., She told me the government is afraid of them not the other way around like here in the states. They protest there if they don't like something - not follow like sheep here! We are being insulted here! Whey do we stand for it? All the lies!

I still don't think banks need these bail outs! IF we give them that - what more will these spoiled, lying, crooked kids want? It's all bullshit so the rich can make more money as you grow further into poverty!