I guess Bush, Paulson and Cheney are rolling in it and laughing all the way to the bank! It worked! Bush getting on TV and saying we are going to hell in a hand basket economically appears to have worked! The market panicked! People panicked! Cried uncle and Republicans got what they wanted.. exit money! They lied and took advantage of us for eight years.. and they are going out in their style.
And jobs have been going away..and still are and the market is way down. So why didn't the market rise this afternoon with Peloski and Bush signing the bail out bill.
Oh, it doesn't matter how many electorial votes Obama gets - if the Republicans truly wanted to win this election they would fix it so they do! But, since they drained the hell out of the people and messed up our global economy I guess they're done now! Pisses me off! Assholes!
So what the Republicans will do now is allow Obama to be president for eight years and build back up the economy and balance the budget just like Bill Clinton did and then here comes the asshole Republicans again to tear it down and rip everybody off again as they work and steal for large corporations.
So botom line, I guess Democrats are in on it too because no one exposes the Republicans for what they are! Everybody in politics act like Republicans are just a matter to be reckoned with.
Well, personally, I don't care what they do - or let's say I wouldn't care if I saw some benefits for myself and people like me! What about us? Where's our money? Where's are share? All we do is hand out to the rich and we get nothing in return! And that's what sucks! One hundred and fifty-nice thousand jobs were lost THIS MONTH! Nice work Bush! Just like your daddy - who left a mess for Bill Clinton to fix and of course the whole time he was in office they went after him with Ken Star - what a bunch of assholes!
We put all our resources into home building and nothing into new GREEN products, projects and therefore jobs!! Piss poor planning by old buck oil and greed men. What a bunch of crooks!
Of course GM is losing money. They won't build electric cars or decent hybrids! Toyota would but the oil men won't allow electric cars to be sold in this country.
Please watch the DVD "Who Killed the Electric car?"
We are being so ripped off in this country by the Bush administration it sickens me! Whatever happened to impeachment for Bush. Like he didn't lie? Democrats must be in on it, is the only way I can see it!
I'll be surprised if the market goes up! Republicans wake up - there is no money in war (well only for a few). WWII helped the economy back then - but those days are gone we have a global economy now! And lifting regulations and allowing banks and financial institutions to go along scott free and without oversight by this administration messed up the global economy and we cannot be trusted! And those guys are high tailing it out of town now. They are happy! They got their money! The left a messed up economy in their wake! Cheney must be smiling ear to ear and laughing all the way to the bank! Most of it will probably get stuck in big shot's pockets - as if they needed more money! We won't see any of it! We'll be lucky to see this economy turn around! They won't care - they'll be gone and it will be Obama's mess to clear up! And the history books will show it's the Democrats fault..just like they show the terrorist came from Iraq! The fix it they way they want it!
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