Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Just Say "No" to the Bail Out!

Oh please, it's just another Republican scam only Colin Powell isn't delivering the message with an aerial satellite view in the background! Hey, I don't trust them!
The Republicans are used to getting their way, however!

The Republicans will see to it that we are fooled once again and scared! Seems this administration loves to use scare tactics!

The market fell on the day of the bail out vote but came back up the next day. I, myself, believe the market will correct like it usually does.. Hey, Republicans didn't you give all banks and mortgages and all other corporations the green light to do what they want when you (McCain, Phil Gramm, Rick Davis etc.,) lifted all regulations that were put into place for consumers safety during the Great Depression! Government made this happen!

Oh they saw the market was getting tight. Too much money was put into the housing market which was getting priced out of this world and people losing jobs (over seas) didn't have the salaries to afford them - yet loans were fraudulently pushed anyway. What the government should have done in a weak market was to establish new "green" jobs here as other jobs were shipping out to India etc., GM could have already tooled for new electric cars and get them out there sooner than in 2010! This all could have been avoided by our government which knew it was coming - you can't tell me they didn't? But, it was a way to push the limits.

Yes, a way to push the limits and allow banks, mortgage firms and corporations to get some free tax payer money promised to them. You know further drain the peasant tax payer before you leave office Mr. Cheney (the biggest crook of all!! Really, Bush is too naive' - Cheney was the president! Gee, now envision Palin? Echs!)

So for eight years they lied and found ways to rip us off while making already rich men rich! As soon as Bushie boy got into office (that was fraudulent too, in 2000 and 2004 I would guess - wouldn't you?) oil price rose, then right away in the fall, NYC and D.C was attacked... orchestrated is my guess. Conspiracy at best! Well, we needed an excuse to go to war with ...somebody! Were the Saudi's behind the scheme so we went for Saddem? Daddy Bush had it in for him anyway - let's get him! Daddy Bush was always pissed that Clinton won and had Ken Star go after Clinton for eight years to discredit him - well it took a woman - the Samson and Delila thing!

So through stupid looking satellite pictures of a little white toy truck and with weird guilty looking faces and too eager speeches we finally went to war in 2003 and bang before you knew it over 100,000 companies were situated in Iraq to reap the monetary benefits.. wasting tax payers money! Thus, taking and depleting any social programs we barely already had.

The principles of the Republican party and some of the Democrats is to rip off the American people and give the money to banks, mortgage companies and health insurance companies or who ever needs it - so they can further rip us off! Are we nuts?

Tax payers need to just say "No" to the bail out! You got yourself into this crooked mess and screwed with the world economy now you are so brilliant - now get yourself out of it! Hey, one bank can buy another - they are doing it already!

But, the way I see iit, politicians must be making money out of all this otherwise why would they bother to kiss lobbyist asses which they have done for eight years!

I wish Obama had a real back bone and others in the party too and just stand up like Nancy Peloski did and tell it like it is that Bush caused this all mess by lifting regulations and giving banks, etc., the green light to do what they wish without oversight! The Republicans, McCain, Phil Gramm, McCain's campaign manager Rick Davis and others are all for lifting regulations and saw that it was done!) Was all this done so they could beg for 700 billion for these people and now themselves.

Let's face it - they are all crooks in Washington wanting to make a buck before themselves and get every last drop of blood from us before they fear they will leave office very soon!

My disappointment - Obama saying vote for the 700 billion - it's contradictory to what he has been saying! He's a wimp and doesn't stand up to McCain who say seven times during the debate that Obama "doesn't understand" and talked down to Obama and sneered at him! Obama took it like a gentlemen or a wimp? Which? Just stand up to the stupid suckers. We the people are not stupid! We are not afraid of the stupid ass fear tactics they used for the last eight money grubbing years of Cheney/ Bush crooks!

We the people know how crooked and money hungry the politicians are in Washington and we are sick of it! Why can't we have socialized honest for the people health care, education, pension, vacations, days off for babies coming etc., like Germany, Britain, Sweden, France and more! Their people are happy and healthy. Doctors get incentive for healing people and encouraging health! Not in this country. Food is unhealthy and pushed. People are fat and unhealthy! Doctors push treatment and pills! Pills mostly! Pills that aren't tested because drug companies have bought the FDA and filled with drug company insiders. Or tests are only performed by the drug companies themselves.

I am so tired of being ripped off and getting very "sick" of it! At every turn benefits are discouraged by mounds of paperwork; treatment are denied or feet are dragged in hopes the patient will die in the mean time! OUR government has allowed then to rip us off - because they get monetary kick backs!

I want a government for the people by the people for a change! I want affordable housing, decent salaries, free benefits (socialism is not to be feared like the actor Reagan preached in commercials with background scary music) I believe other countries are laughing at us and know how crooked our leaders are! So is that what capitalism is all about - cheating people, ripping them off! I'm embarrassed!

Do you know that after WWII Churchill said everyone in England will be taken care of and they are - they still are. They are happy there. They are all treated equally. Capitalism means kicking and knocking down certain ethnic groups!

I'm sick of McCain's lies already - he voted 20 times for de-regulations of banks, etc., all this is partly his fault! You do know that Republicans are for big business by now don't you? Republicans don't give a shit about you the average guy - they only want your hard earned tax money! How Christian is that? They preach pro-life but rip you off and send you kids to a war for oil and big business profits! They preach liberty and honor! It's all pretty sick!

Oh yes, we need change - let's get Obama in there and see what he can do.. we surely don't want another Cheney. WE don't want money grubbing McCain. He couldn't relate to you if he had too! Only if you are a POW! But you sent you there in the first place? Capitalist! Big Business! Think about it!

And more.. California wanted the electric car because the air is so bad there - so GM gave it to them and Bush took it away! Some DVD's to watch: "Who Killed the Electric Car?" and "Iraq for Sale: War for Profit". I dare you watch them!!!

I"m embarrassed! I know a woman who lives in France and she said their health care is fine.. we only hear bad things so we won't want socialized medicine because then corporations wouldn't be making so much money! Yes, they pay high taxes in Frace but everything is good and free: health care, edcuation, pensions, enough vacations, time off enough for surgeries etc., She told me the government is afraid of them not the other way around like here in the states. They protest there if they don't like something - not follow like sheep here! We are being insulted here! Whey do we stand for it? All the lies!

I still don't think banks need these bail outs! IF we give them that - what more will these spoiled, lying, crooked kids want? It's all bullshit so the rich can make more money as you grow further into poverty!

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