Thursday, October 23, 2008

Must see DVD : "The End of Suburbia"

created in 2004. Great documentary about urbun sprawl. The street car out to the counties. The inner city with wonderful neighborhoods and walkable commodities.

Then - the worse thing happens the automobile! Oil. Losts of money to be made from oil - for the oil men. The baby boom hits after the end of WWII and the move to the suburbs. Cars and homes in the suburbs makes for a rich nation and lots of world for the middle class which includes everyone up to doctors and dentist. Homes bring a sense of security..all that propaganda. Yes, post war suburbia brings a fault sense of country living. With none of the amenitites of country life or urban life.. all you have is a six lane highway and most of the stuff in traffic.

In the 50, 60, 70's the inner city is gutted to build new urban strength.

American auto manufacturers provided cars for the future of suburbians transportation. Let's sell those cars! Orginally street cars and trains went to the suburbs. GM, Good Year, Standard Oil and I believe Philip petroleum bought up all the rail systems and along comes Eisnenhower's Highway system through the United States. Robert Moses designed and build all the roadways in the early 60's. Yes that little home in the suburbs and now you are sitting in traffic each morning and evening to get into the city to get to work...because the oil men removed your train rails. There was lots of oil in cheap oil was prevalent and now we are stuck with empty SUV's! People it is only going to get worse! Why?

We around the world even in Saudi Arabia oil levels have reached their peek! I am so glad I live in the city where I can walk - literally everywhere! I do not have to depend on oil.

Remember August 14, 2003 the great Northeastern power outage. Will they said it was the hottest day of the summer. Matthew Simmems says. Eastern shores of Lake Michigan to Atlantic Ocean and Canada to St. Louis and between 3:00 and 4:00 in the afternoon all uses of electries at once. Black out time: 4:13 PM. Why did we allow ourselves to get so close on the edge! Let that we a warning and we really have not learned a think from it. Matthew Simmens warned us and warned Cheney and others. But you know what - they will not be any more build because there is nothing to power the plants!

And hydrogen cell is a joke because it takes a lot of power to use that natural gas. Electricity is developed from carbon energy and according to Matthew Simmens warns there is no more resources to generage more power. Solar, wind and anything else cannot provide as much energy as fossil fuels. North American is reaching the end of it's generating potentials due to gross mismanagement over-sight! What have we not been told about the future of oil? When are going to run out? But, that is not the real issue.. the real issue is to what means will we go to to take over other countries to get that oil...war, manadtory draft, country take over...hello Iraq. It is why we are in Iraq now.

Is Obama a little too "green" to realize this. I think the guy in the documentary " The end of Suburbia" are not lying to us. We are on the down side of our fossil fuel resources.

Better move closer to work. Peeking means categorically you no longer grow.. and whatever you produce from then on is much more expensive.

People today gas is 2.75 is most places..but it's 12 days before the election and I personally truly think that these prices are manipulated for votes. Oh yes! We are in a predicted 70's peek decline now by Dr. Hubert who worked for the oil industries and told them. But, everyone in the early 70's laughed at him. It's taken over a decade before the oil "expects" realized it. According to this document and I love this: "The books on oil have been as crooked as the books at Enron"! Classic!

But what about Brazil and Veneguela who are almost fossil fuel free? They, especially, Brazil, they rely on suguarcane as their main marketing products and use the waste from the plant as fuel.

If Saubia Arabia has peaked, then the world has peaked. And can you believe China's dream and South Korea dream is to own and drink expensive automobiles.. they want so to be like us. They are not too wise. If these congestedly populated countries were truly brilliant.. they would push even more urban living and light rail technologies.

The crunch now is coming to suburbia.. so people get ready!! You are under fault hopes.. it's coming very soon.

Wow, this DVD was produced in 2004 and this guy is right on.. increased prices of petroleum, lost jobs, failing markets, foreclosures. The time is here! The suburbian family if going down the wrong path. Better start saving.

Kenneth Deffeyes, arthur of "Hubbert's Peak".. see the DVD "The End of Suburbia"

Our so called economy will not just keep on shugging along....

Key word: Conserve!

WE get everything from 12,000 miles away from China.. what happens if those supply lines are interrupted.. what happens if we don't get along with China anymore? ARE we just plain nuts?

Where was Bush's daddy and junior's over sight? They are so stupidity drowning in oil profits that they can only be assumed not to care about the future... Are these men really that stupid! I guess!

We use petroleum pesticides and natural gas fertilizers and drive gas driven tractors. Are we nuts? What about trucking foods from long distances into the populated areas. Yes, Obama is correct we need roof top gardens. We will need to bring back the local stores. We will need to move things around with trains which is to be ashamed of. Our trucking system will becomes non-functional because of all the fuel that is used. We saw it not long ago when truckers went on strike because of high fuel prices.

The Walmarts of North America have literally destroyed the mom and pop stores and when oil gets too expensive to ship in non-regulated junk from China.. things will be forced to be made at home.

Each recession gets worst never to fully recover until we get into a deep recession..where we are just about there. We have been warned and so has our denial. Sorry to say but Americans will elect maniacs who promise that we can keep our huge vehicles and mansions...not true. They will put much stress on our democracy as we see it. There will be a strambling to get out of suburbia. The suburbian destiny is going to be hell and we are not prepared for it, so says James Howard Kunsetler.. why isn't the media telling us this? Well, I think that goes without saying..

The media is controlled by government and if people knew stocks would go down. Just like they don't tell us about UFO and continue to feel us pacifying rectoric crap when anyone with a half a brain knows that it's just not a housing bubble that has burst but a energy bubble.

We are not prepared for the shocks that running out of oil will bring!

Read Dr Colin Campbells's "The Coming Oil Crisis". Even Cheney has warned us we will have wars over oil forever. Can we control the pipe lines, the oil heads. I doubt it. "The party's" over by Richard Heinberg is another good book to read on the subject! We will be fighting wars and killing innocent soldiers and citizens over OIL! Is that humane? The U.S. Patriot Act consistently erodes the freedom of speak... Oh, Oh, Hey, I'm getting all this from the DVD "The End of Suburbia" created 2004. Cheney wasn't kidding when he said war will not end in our life times.. this will be the biggest war we will ever see......and it's all over oil!

As poplulations grow and China is so readily wanting to get into the auto oil mode to copy westernizers we will get deeper and deeper into trouble. And hydrogen is not a form of energy but a form of energy takes more energy to create hydrogen (electricty and water).. To create electricity it takes natural gas. Methane is just another word for natural gas.

Look at intrastructure .. there are 6 billion cars on the roads. There is no filling stations for hydrogen gas. We can't just switch over night from oil to something else. Ethanol is another loser... it takes more gas to use fertilizers and gas to run the tractors to make Ethanol.

Planet earth cannot continue to consume energy the way it is right now. The political will to address these issues is non-existent.. especially with this existing administration.

The only thing people can do is move to the city.. build high rises I guess like China is beginning to do. Live close to work! Maybe corporations could build housing above their businesses. Work for Google live there too in their generated self build communities. That's what should have been done. Remember the mining towns of old.. company owned housing! Well, there's my idea!

Who in the hell would want to live in the suburbs anyway... rolls and rolls of houses without commoditiies. Communities named after the very things they destroyed to build them "Quail Ridge". Personally, I love historically main streets and urban unique neighborhoods.

We will see a new Urbanism and I am ready.. We haven't even touched on global warming..

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