Monday, October 06, 2008

Paul Krugman, economist says..

We can't wait until January 20th, 2009 for Obama to get to work.. we need Obama in to get a plan going as soon as possible. We are going to need a nationalist take over of the banking systems. They need capital and a lot of other things. In other words per Krugman, (on the Rachel Maddow show) the bail out did not work! If need money pumped back into the system.. we need cash out here - with us the people.

Hm. let's think about that Nationalist take -over. If it happens now that means Cheney runs the show - or Paulson or one of them.... Bad news McCain plans to pay for his health care by reducing Medicare and Mediaid. The man is nuts! He doesn't even know that the thought of cutting those two programs a trillion dollars, will cost McCain his election. See that is just how stupid he is... and Palin - a bubble head. And Ignorant McCain thinks the government should privatize Social Security by putting it in the private sector - the stock market! The man is nuts! You seen the stock market dorp 700 points are more at one point today! If Florida votes for McCain and he is declared the winner - people it's fixed.. there are millions of seniors in Florida. McCain would have to raise the age for social security.. what an ass. Only five million people would be covered anyway....with his plan.. the man is nuts.

If the bail out would have worked, the stock market would have recovered on Friday when the bill was signed!

Here's my question? So where did the money go? Who gets it? Where are the results? Who is getting in there to straighten this mess out? You know McCain will only have more of the same with Henry Paulson (from Goldman Saks - conflict of interest?).

We need Obama to get a teem together as soon as possible before January 20th, 2009 - Hey I can't afford to lose more money - I don't know about you? Are these people nuts? Where are the arrests? These are crooks! And what do we do but give them a hand out!? But, of course Republicans know just how to play into the hands of lobbyist.. they are all probably in cahoots, getting kick-backs while ripping off the companies. These CEO's and others in Washington I think need to be brought in and held responsbile!

Oh no - news bulletin.. supposed to be a very cold winter with lots of snow and salt that was $40. a truck load will be $140. a truck load. Not happy!

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