Wednesday, August 02, 2006

"The Female Brain" by Dr. Louann Brizendine

is a new book which went on sale yesterday. I am so tempted to buy it. She writes (getting this from today's newspaper article) a woman's gut feelings are actual physical sensations that convey meaning to the brain. I'll go along with this; I have gut feelings all the time - that actually are accurate and pay-off too.

The writer says that women have "superhighways" in her brain showing emotions while men have "country roads". Estrogen plays a key roll.

Dr. Brizendine is a neuropsychiatrist who brings controversial new research about the importance of hormones.

She admits however that hormones and little gray cells are not the only thing contributing; it's culture and experience too.

Hormones are often a major contributor to female behavior. As a baby in the first three months a baby girl's eye contact and mutual face-gazing skills increase 400 percent; while boys do not increase during that same time frame.

As a teenager girls are very social and shop and chat with friends. These bonding activities boost the oxytocin levels in her brain bringing pleasure and a sense of well-being.

As a young adult testosterone is produced in her ovaries and adrenal glands, fueling sexual desire; still, men make 10 to 100 times more.

Mature women lose up to 70 percent of their testosterone so HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) helps to restore libido alone with many other benefits.

But here is the most important part of the book to me anyway and it's where she writes (and she states that she had to fight to get those three pages printed in the book) that homosexuality is biological. She says that sexual orientation is not a moral choice! Hello! Just ask any gay person and they will tell you that they feel they were borned that way! As I do! Who in the hell, would CHOOSE to be gay and go against the government and christian grain? Why would we deliterately make life difficult for ourselves? How sexual orientation is wired into our brains by our genes and hormones and science supports that explanation although it's not what the government and church wants to hear.

She states that women exposed to high levels of testosterone in the womb are more likely to be gay or bisexual. And I add that I believe the higher the testosterone level the more butch she is.

Hormone therapy during memopause, if there are no personal or family risk factors, supports brain circuits - memory, verbal and emtional.

It's appears to be a much needed to be read book. I think I'll buy mine tomorrow.

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