Thursday, August 10, 2006

Most Terrorist of Pakistani Heritage

Twenty-one men of Pakistani Heritage of British citizenship arrested for plotting major British and USA terrorist strike. These are home grown Britain terrorist. Fourteen percentage of Muslin's citizens in Britain are unemployed. Is that leading to these homegrown terrorist? They have a lot of free time to plot these things. And immigrant muslin groups, especially young men, don't feel welcomed, I guess.

This last plotted assault would have involved ten passenger airplanes. The plan was to bring explosive chemicals on the plants and blow them up. The British have been watching these men for the last six months, evidently.

The U.S. is sending air marshals to Britain for extra security.

The plot targeted American among other. The US has alerted an "orange" alert and the U.K. a "red" alert.

Remember it is an election year and gee, the democrats are weak on security. Oh boy, here we go - the mud slinging begins.

"They" think that there is Al Qaeda connection to this attempted plot.

I think this terrorist attempt might have been planned for around the fifth anniversary of 9/11.
They were planning to blow up about ten planes over the Atlantic simultaneously.

Actually, that doesn't make must since to me? Over water? Collateral damage could have been so much more higher over land. This doesn't make sense?

Bush says obviously we are still not safe against terrorist. Hey Mr. Bush, I believe as long as the male species is around there will be plots and murder attempts. Sick male minds, and not even the so sick (?) pursue to conquer - it's the testosterone.

Profiling will begin again! Oh and no liquids are deodorants in carry on bags. Lou's girlfriend is flying in this evening. Her flight will probably be late with all the extra security.

Yes, the terrorist are trying to plan events with liquid explosives and trying to plans ways to ignite these explosives.

God, I love these new guys! LOL one has to try to out do the other in telling us just how small amount of what ( and they tell you the ingredients) would bring a plane down. Idiots, well now you just helped out the next crazy group to get the idea to blow a plane up. Just how stupid are you people? (My caffeine just kicked in - can you tell?)

The airports are a mess - everyone must go through their luggage taking out any liquids from their carry on bags. There is elevated security in Britain and the USA.

Gail is going to have a real trip flying today!

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