I just can't believe the conscious, or rather lack of conscious of our country's leaders and big corporations heads. Such greed is pathetic. It's all about the money; not about the good of the land or the people or the air in which we breath. Only about the money!
And they always speak for the American people - that just slays me. "Well, let me speak for the American people". Frankly, I would prefer to speak for myself! We are on to you crooks and your evil selfish greedy ways!
We know the auto industry goes against the grain to build vehicles super big and emission quality poor (why? to save auto industry money, doesn't make sense...so defiant and ignorant!) and gas guzzlers. You see oil will probably go up to 100. per barrel and there is only about a trillion barrels left in the ground anywhere so the American government, auto and oil industries want to make sure they cash in before other countries I guess. It sure appears that way!
We don't need these giant SUV's with only the driver guzzling up the gas, driving down the rode. American men are easily swayed I do believe. Driving a big truck for no reason but to get from point A to B is egoistical and poor judgement. But, "Big" is good for a man's ego. Big is might! Big is power! (yeah, they are driving a damn killing machine if one of this giants should hit you) I love the way, I can't see through them, because of the very dark windows and medal at eye level. You simply cannot see around these waste of material so each time to try to back out of a parking space an accident is set to happen. Oh, so I guess I can add the insurance companies on to this trio now of money mongrels.
It's all about the money isn't it? The hell with safety or the protection of the environment or our health for that matter. These people and Rush, must really think we are as dumb as a box of rocks to buy into all this thinking. Hello! You don't see other countries building giant vehicles! Demand, my ass! People will buy what is out there and you merely appeal to their ego's. Power, men so need to dominate. I know women drive these big ass gas guzzlers too. The big three: government, auto, and oil (I guess insurance companies too) don't even preach conservation. That's because they don't want you to really conserve. Blow that exhaust out that big ass tailpipe, we're rolling in it while you are dying of asphyxiation. Oh poor sap! What? Of course a certain amount of collateral damage is to be expected. Of course buildings can fall its all part of the shock and awe approach. Noticed how the cameras were stationary and fixed and ready and aimed perfectly and immediate to report? Suspicious, don't you think! A little too perfect, perhaps!
Now I believe there is a sense of entitlement in this country that no matter how bad the economy gets people will merely run up their credit cards to purchase what they think they must have. That is until that all blows up in their faces. Oh, then they'll just declare bankruptcy. I have seen more new apartment complexes being build; those are for the foreclosure and bankrupted people to have lived on the edge for as long as they possibly could. Is our economy based on people living on the edge? What happens when all the good jobs are gone. The unions guaranteeing good jobs are gone? What happens when we cannot avoid to buy any kind of house or vehicle because we all have fast food service minimum wage jobs. Oh and thank you for raising the minimum wage from a little over five bucks an hour to over seven. It's the first time it has probably been raised in more than ten years. Soon the rest of the country will be like people living in California, all squeezed into one house because it's the only way people of lower middle class can afford to live there.
Big house, big vehicle. Don't you think it's funny how in the 50's and 60's and somewhat beyond that families may have consisted of six children all living in a three bedroom or four bedroom house with one bathroom. And those bedrooms were small. Who in the world is buying this extra huge houses that dominate the lot and dwarfs the older small home left in established neighborhood that contractors are building in now. Who in the world has more than a half million for a house? They must really be living on the edge of foreclosure.
People can't be making that much money; all the good paying jobs are be shipped over seas and outscourced. Just ask any telecommunications worker. Computer technology has shrunk the world and flattened it out and that is good and that is bad.
No one is looking out for the middle class which is rapidly shrinking or haven't you noticed or do you not even care as long as you have yours. Where's the humanity?
And these so called Christians rush to church every Sunday morning. Well, it looks good! PR is everything!
The world is in a sad state of affairs regarding humanity, the environment (the US and Big business simply does not care!). We don't care about genocide in Africa. I guess there is not enough oil there. No money to be made!
Watch your backs people because no one is looking out for you; quit the contrary, these people are out to rip you off.
Soon most of the unions will be dissolved. I know how the American auto makers will do it. They'll close down the plants and build new under a new name in a non union state like Texas.
It doesn't make sense to me! Just how much money can these few guys spend in one lifetime. It's like a competitive sickness! Who has the most vs. who can manage to get more! Pure greed!
Don't buy into people. And and don't mess with American hybrid junk that only gets under 30 miles per gallon. Remember they are in cahoots with the oil companies - they want you to burn gas.
Then there's Bush and his cronies. He is right in there with him and so the whole damn family. I can tell you right now that in 2008 our next president will be a relative or at least a republican why? Because they have already programmed the new computerized voting machines. Hello, no brain-er! It doesn't take a rocket scientist people! As Gooda Junior says in the movie: "Show me the money!"
If these people were into humanity they would have gone after a genuine nut, the ruler Kim Jong II (msp) of North Korea. The ruler who has his people captured and starving to death. What a travesty is that?
And they call themselves religious! It makes me want to puck!
And they discriminate against gays. Oh it's a choice? Well, it has been scientifically proven that it is a gene and biological event so therefore not a choice. Besides what is wrong with being gay? We are not killing off innocent people in needless wars or lying to people about electric cars or how much over a barrel this country really is into foreign oil. Just how much in cahoots with the Saudis are we. Enough that we don't care about collateral damage for monetary gain. Oh yeah, Christians alright. And preserve what sanctity of marriage? Over 50% of all marriages end in divorce! Oh right, really sacred!
How dare you put my life in jeopardy by turning people against me and my sexual orientation and lifestyle. We are "normal" loving people. Probably much more sensitive and loving on the average. We are not predators! How dare you try to stick that label on us, just so to create a devious atmosphere so ignorant demented people like yourselves want to stomp us out and fix us? There is nothing to fix! Do you see us ripping off the American people with faulty products and secreted added fees or starting needless wars to protect oil we really don't need to have? What is with this?
We don't even need to be dependent on foreign oil dependent. There are renewable resources we could be using as I speak like corn or soybeans. Oh I know, not until the oil corporations get their dirty oily hands into the pot. It's the only reason we are still one of the countries besides communist China so terribly polluting the air, ruining the environment and making people ill! Yeah, hats off to the good old white boys!
Hope you are having fun! No conscience so called Christians. Oh yeah and gays and abortions are so terrible - they are mere scrapegoats to avoid talking about the real issues. And flush Rush! Gee I wonder where he gets the big bucks to support this prescription habits - hello! Big corporations perhaps filled with Republican ditto dumb heads. And these brainless men who listen to his crap! I'm sure old Rush laughs all the way to the bank. And you have to be on something to be able to listen to yourself talk fast and empty for three full hours. Talk about creepy. He does have a talent for turning anything around to suit his agenda, I'll give him that!
My disclaimer: Freedom of Speech! We still have that don't we? I am witnessed and protected and watched and in easy access to media - like an invisible shield. My protect ants! Oh and I forgot - delusional; I'm delusional, but I got you thinking didn't I? Come to your own conclusions and think for yourself, do the research and don't be a stupid ditto head!
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