Thursday, August 10, 2006


I slept very sound last night and I think it was because of the yoga class and I have been watching "What the Bleep's" "How Far Down the Rabbit Hole" do you want to go.

Great stuff! I'm buying a DVD today for Lou (so her and her girlfriend can watch this weekend). Yeah I know! Tracey would not be pleased! But the DVD is so good and enlightening and better than that - empowering. And she was into it when she was watching mine. Her girlfriend is a native American spiritualist.

So Yes, back to the yoga, the class was good. I really like Teri! I always say that don't I! I was in the first row last night directly in front of her in a downward baby relaxing pose (something like that) and I must have been grunting in my twist of things and when I looked up she was -bigger than smiling; more like giggling at me. And I smiled! Or was she giggling because the woman directly behind me farted as big as can be right near my head? Don't these people know not to eat two hours ahead of time. And bend over or do some sit-ups before you even get to class to work it out. Anyway. I usually have warning, myself. Well, there have been times that I prayed not to.

Anyway, damn I just got side tracked again. This whole thing was to be about the shallow people in the class. They are like bobbling bobble heads living on the surface of life. They might even be religious; but, to me if evident that they have not reached their spiritual capacity or even tapped it surface yet.

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