I find this fascinating! A doctor or scientist says that there is no proven tests results to show that Glucosamine Chondroitin actually has any substance associated to it to ease joint aches and pains and lubricate and built cartilage. Well, he only referred to the elimination of pain. He said what happens is the placebo effect. That people who take it (myself included) actually believe that Glucosamine Chondroitin will ease their joint pains so it does! If only all of life was that easy to control.
Well, let's think about this. Whenever I hear someone mention the placebo effect they brush it off like so psychological mumbo. jumbo They glaze over and tread lightly the thoughts and principles behind the "placebo effect".
The scientist today made it sound like people were wasting their time taking this stuff although it caused no harm. In my own mind what I heard sounded like "The Secret" in action! The same thing happens to me when I take Glucosamine Chondroitin - the pain goes away. And I firmly believe that the cartilage in my knees and elsewhere are healthy and youthful. My veins clear, my skin youthful, my appearance youthful in everyway. I look and feel like a 35 year old (there, let's see how that turns out!)
Call it the placebo effect, I don't care. Call it wishful thinking. Better yet, call it creating your own reality - The Secret - in action.
Wish it, want it, dream it, then let it go and later on when you least expect it, when it's out of your mind...you'll realize that it is coming to pass!
Think about it. In retrospect have you ever wanted something and then it happened. Or you got something in a rather magical way. Like the pieces or timing was perfect. A day when you followed your instincts and then watched things unfold as you realized you had planned.
Okay, I'll share this little story with you. Last fall while driving to a running event alone I prayed the day be magical. I felt the power in my heart. The day was magically beautiful as it was; a crisp, brilliantly shinning fall day. The shy ever so blue and trees beginning to turn golden My heart was singing with unknown expectations. I knew the day would be magical for some reason...I felt it.
The events had it's mishaps which I demanded mentally who not stop me from crossing the finish line. And I did cross the finish line..so very grateful. Yes, the day was magical. But, then I dared to even ask for more. I wanted romance - now. It had been almost two years!
Oddly enough mixing in the crowd afterwards I noticed that people were extremely friendly with smiling faces and asking me questions about different techniques and power gels. And then she was there looking at me rather wantingly I would dare say. I had known her, or more so, of her for a few years now. We had both come alone..no distractions, so we could talk...how convenient (thanks to the universe). There was no one to over hear or add comments. Sometimes it's a good idea to go places and participate in events by yourself. I think you pay atention to other people more and be alone gives you an opportunity to meet new people. You make more of an effort I think.
Which reminds me for months before this event I knew, I felt that I just had to attend this one although no one else I knew was going. I had my mind set on participating. It was like I had to attend this event. So I did.
Anyway, she and I got to talking, in the course of the conversation, although not specifically pointed out to involve each other, we both spoke of wanting the same thing - I called it romance. Longer story cut short - we were together the next day! And it was magical!
Funny when things are meant to be for me and I am in the process of creating my reality I have, in retrospect, felt that that is when I am the most confident and "know what I'm doing". I felt that when I was with her. That it was meant to be! It's been months and we still see each other on a regular basis. It's still magical too!
Anyway, I guess I got side tracked from the subject of the "placebo effect". My point that I wanted to make is that why did the doctors or scientist or whoever was performing the tests, take the placebo effect so lightly. Making the man in the test with the good results look like a fool for taking supplements that were tested to be useless (but wouldn't harm him). Giving the impression that the placebo effect was just a subconscious, wishful thinking phenomenon that wouldn't last anyway. Like he was wasting his time. Anyway, I didn't like the fact that he discredited Glucosmaine Chondroitin. Like we were fools for believing in supplements. Maybe he was a pharmacuecial salesman.
Anyway, what I think is important about the whole thing is the placebo effect. You know too, a few years ago I had a mid life crisis I guess. Things in my life were all wrong. Some people get disease when their life is out of order...me not. In retrospect I think I didn't get disease because I am so into health. I mentally, psychologically, subconsiously pushed away disease. Instead, I fell hopelessly, smack in on the side of the head, in love. Yes, she was my catalyst to a life change. I know that is exactly what she was. She was an angel. The warmest most loving woman I have ever meant. I still think about her. And if thinking is praying her life so be wonderful. I still feel her in my heart. She saved my life.
What I'm saying here in probably a rather bad way, is that we have some control. In fact, I think, we have a lot of control on how our life can unfold. I had to move away from my family who were draining the very life out of me. I had to end a long term relationship. I had to find a different path. The time we were meant to be together had come to an end.
It's been over two years and I am still estranged from family. Thank you, universe! Free at last! However, I have a very good relationship now with my ex. She is very important to me. We were always good friends. Anyway, she has a girlfriend for over a year now and is doing good. And I like her girlfriend.
So, I think things worked out wonderfully. From time to time I still miss the good doctor. I miss how she cared for me. She felt bad because she couldn't fix me. She and I both knew what was happening to me that day..I was having an emotional crisis. It all worked out! It was truly a magical moment. She changed my life which had to be changed. I know now that I choose love over disease as a way to move on with my life.
So speaking of disease or the lack of, I wish to thank the universe for all of my life lessons, for my good health, the loves in my life, my pain free existence. Life being accident and injury free. Prosperous in so many ways. In just economically draught times, I thank the universe for being one who loves to live simply. Thank you for my "good" old car. Thank you for nothing..breaking down. In advance thank you for my A/C inspection being "cheap" which I know it will be because I'm planning it to be. Spiritually, I have an abundance of wealth. There is nothing I need or want materially. I'm very fortunate (thank you) to be so very frugal. But most of all I'm very fortunate to know "The Secret".
Monday, April 30, 2007
Sunday, April 29, 2007
"The End of Oil"
a book written by Paul Roberts. Written in 2004. Gives great insight to the future of oil and it's end. I just read the prologue and was enlightened.
Some day the supply of oil will cease in Saudi Arabia. Our biggest suppliers are Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, and Iran. I'm connecting the dots here. The New World Order which the Bush administration is all for, and invowed entails all of the New World, the Western Hemisphere: North America, Canada, and South America all the way to the lower tip of Argentina.
We are aiming for an oil foothold in Venezuela (South America). We have already talked of "Iran is next" after we pull out of Iraq. See, Hillary has hinted at it, perhaps by mistake? Personally, I do believe that the United States is in such trouble and so beholden ed to so many countries and their oil supplies that both parties actually are forced to think as one.
I believe both parties realize and know already that when we pull out of Iraq, they will find an excuse to move the 100,000 private corporations established now in Iraq, next door to Iran. I think that England and the United States plot there moves together. England's troops have already trespassed and hinted at getting into trouble with Iran. Perhaps so we can move in and "bail them out"? No, not bail out, rather get a foothold in Iran for the real purpose of protecting our oil interest there. We have already established a foot hold concerning "our interest" in Iraq.
In previous speeches haven't you heard Bush slip in those very words regarding our foothold in Iraq: "to protect out interest there". Well, "our" interest there, is "oil". I'm guessing about 90% of our supply or there abouts comes from the Middle East.
I say, change the way we do business. It's easy thinking: Wind mills to produce electricity! Can you get any simpler? Okay, if you won't go for that Mr. Bush administration, how about like what Brazil "learned to do, as we should have done, back in 1974 with the oil embargo situation, and that is turn to renewable resources. Meaning use something we can grow over and over again. Simple you say? Brazil's economy is based on the sugar cane crop and believe me they do not waste a fiber of it. What is not turned into sugar products gets cooked up, fermented (like booze), into fuel. Yes, if they didn't add a poison to it and a bitter taste we could possibly have a bunch of drunken drivers leaving the filling stations. I can see the guy filling his car tank equiped with a cup in hand and slurring: " A little for you, a little for me!" Yes, if the "distilleries" that convert (cook) sugar cane stalks into fuel, didn't add something poisonous and ugly tasting, people could and probably would drink it and get drunk. I think this is fascinating personally how one country could become totally oil free and this year 2007 is there year to do just that.
In Brazil they drive "flex" cars with computers that automatically adjust the ratio portions used of petroleum and Ethanol (sugar cane) so that as Brazil's eases into an all Ethanol use country the Flex cars can adjust right along with progress.
We could be doing the very same thing here in this country and yes in some areas there is more Ethanol in the gas. We grow enough corn in this country and we could also use garbage to burn in our tanks. Then why don't we. Well, I think you already know the answers. Yes, at least two answers. The first: Government (our government), and industries such as oil and auto are making too much money on oil, hand over fit, to switch. Second: The government doesn't own every corn field in the country. In other words doesn't have a strong foothold in the farming business. To put it another way, they wouldn't make any money! You can't tell me this administration and it's cronies (daddy's buddies from way back) aren't making a killing on oil. Read Kevin Phillip's "The American Dynasty". A classic book which gives you the history of the Bush family and the Walker family. Bush was into oil and Walker's were bankers.
Oh yeah, way back when at the beginning of WWI 1914. Classic reading! Classic!
You realize that there is money in war. All wars boost economies and fill corporate pockets where usually some government people are associated with in the way of giving no bid contracts to corporate buddies. This stuff is so fascinating!
Well, I don't care if someone can make a buck but when it's eventually ruins the environment and melts glaciers and gets us into trouble then that's a different story. In other words, these guys are making lots of money, but not doing us any favors at all. They are so concerned and concentrating on filling their pockets and "winning" the race to rule the world that they have forgotten the real meaning of life. In the process of perpetuating greed, they are destroying the very planet around them. Once more they don't even care. It's so obvious to me. Greed is an enormous cancer that grows and spreads and quite frankly I do not believe that there is any cure for patriarchal, authoritarian, adulterated greed.
We, ordinary tax making, skimping to get by legal citizens of this country, come second, third or last after the illegals. Big money for a few comes first! Get the picture now? I wish that there was a "honesty and love all of mankind" pill. Where suddenly every one's hearts would be filled with love for one another and charity filled. Why, we could all have a piece of the pie and it wouldn't be an oil pie. I wish there was a pill to alleviate greed and promote goodwill. There should be more (women perhaps could do a better job of promoting love and goodwill?) women like Oprah.
Let's face it. These guys are out to win, kicking and punching all the way. They want to rule the whole world destroying it in the process. Who and what will be left on it to pass it on. They don't care it's the chase that's important. The big win!
It's for oil for god's sake..don't you see it! "My oil!" and "No, it's my oil!" Let's face it. These greedy people are holding back the progress and processes of mankind. I keep waiting for futuristic technologies we see so talenlyt displayed in the movies to "get here". Where transportation is clean and stream lined and ran by electricity or solar power. Where life is healthy, clean and naturally progressed. We as a society, as a global society, should be far more advanced then what we are now and things all things could be so much more cheaper for everyone. If only some people weren't so greedy!
If we were really a government by the people for the people, there would not be such a huge differential of class separation, which by the way is every growing more wider between very rich and very poor, on a daily "credit card maxed out" basis. The way our economy is headed - the middle class will be coming to an end soon. For years, so the rich could get even more rich, the middle class got the tax increases while corporations got the tax shelters and breaks. See where it got us? If the govenment continues to give corporations all the break and allowing off shoring and out sourcing of good paying jobs just where do you think that will leave this country. In debt ..until they go totally broke and homeless. And the tax base will be totally destroyed. Gee, how will Bush finance it wars then. Soon China will even give up on collecting or they will take over and own this country. We are so indebted to them now. What? Have we offered a few states as collateral already? I'm hoping these guys have planned ahead but I have a sneaking feelings they are only winging it. They are too greedy and wanting immediate gratification to even think about future conseqences or even trying to plan the future.
Now, on their own, and with the blessings of "our" [and I use that term loosely] government corporations are moving off shore to avoid taxes and investigation into ties with our government. Clue number one that government is in cahoot with corporations: No bid contracts to certain corporations in now headquartered in Dubai. Yes, corporations with Arab or Saudi in their names (non-American) are no bid contracted to "protect" our harbours and shipping ports. See where that new Home Land Security deal got us?
So much of our defense plan has become privatized ( and to me meaning unorganized and unsupervised by officials). How can the government keep tabs on all these private corporations? Where is the overseer? This appears as a breech of defense to me allowing loop holes for non securities.
I find it fascinating. But, I wonder just how far planned into the future do they actually plan. You know all these gray haired, or balded, white guys are getting older now. Will they past down their legacies to their sons who will continue on the destruction of the planet and therefore society's demise?
Can't we just have peace and share the wealth around the world? Is that too much to ask. Aren't you all just plain tired of fighting and killing each other? There is enough wealth to go around. Just how big of a vehicle to you need? How big a house? How big an ass? We are a society of greed and hedonism. We have to have it now, thus the maxed out credit cards. Max one out just get another the banks love you for it. Because if you default on their "creative" financing they already have gotten their fees and hidden charges and penalties so they don't care if you go belly up and have to declare bankruptcy and lose your house and your car. The government will merely work with the, rich getter richer, bankers (hello Walker dynasty) and make declaring bankruptcy that much harder.
Bankers (financiers, charge card holders) are geniuses. They rip you off every which way from Sunday with fees, penalties, slightly hidden secret charges and more. They are geniuses at it!
Just when is enough enough? Now I'm a spiritual person and I believe in living simply so that others may simply live. I don't have much but I'm very happy. Have I already gotten the spiritual message ahead of you? After all we can't take it with us into the next life. What we can take is subconsciousness (our souls {our minds}) and wisdom. I think I've been around a few times before.
This world could be running smoothly like an expensive Rolex second hand if we all have our hearts in the right places. We are all spiritual yet you sure wouldn't know it by watching CNN. Have these guys (yes, sorry to say, mostly guys) not yet tapped into their spirituality? You know we are all spirits visiting here on earth as human being. You do know that don't you? Death and eternal damnation is a church teaching manly used to scare and control you. Personally, I think these guys (government and yes, the church) are soulfully lost. I guess they do not know what manufactured true happiness. They can be rich, the top of the heap, but are they truly happy to "win". It's all about winning? It should be all about loving.
Kick out the greedy (sorry, mostly male) leaders who do not share their oil wealth (in Africa) with their people. They let their people starve or die of disease while they sit on the riches. The church is no matter. They hang all their wealth on the ceilings of cathedrals. It's all for show I guess. Sibling rivalry at best! "Look at me mom!"
When are the people of this planet going to get the message? Hey, it's not about one upping your buddies with a bigger house and bigger car. The auto and oil industry has the consumer over a barrel and you fell for it. They want you to waste and burn fossil fuels. They make more money the more you get into debt. And what do you get? An ulcer, perhaps? A broken marriage. Spoiled kids who are just like you, wanting to keep up with the Jones.
It's advertising, people..and you're falling for it. It's all for profit, they're profit not yours. You are being had! Get back to nature, find your spirituality, and get back to life and love. Because you are spinning your wheels right into homelessness.
There are no benefits for the homeless. The government provides nothing. Look at the poor people of New Orleans. They got ditched. You know why? They had already maxed out their credit cards and had no jobs. So there was nothing anymore to take from them. Are you next?
Many people are a paycheck and probably two months away from homelessness. Read "Maxed Out" by James D. Scurlock. Read "Green with Envy" by Shira Boss. Get them from the library and get enlightened.
Simplify and get back to the basics of life. You don't have to go to Luckenbach, Texas with Waylon either to realize the important things in life. So sell those diamond rings buy some boots and faded jeans and be on your way..
Skip church and get into yourself. Watch "The Secret", "What the Bleep Do We Know?" and it's sequel "How Far Down the Rabbit Hole Do You Want To Go?" You will discover a whole new reality; one in which you do have some control! It's very cool!
Okay I'm done preaching. Now for my disclaimer. Hey, it's just me reading books, watching CNN, and regurgitating my take on things. But then I'm just the 800 pound gorilla in the room!
I love that commercial. You do know what it means don't you. See, your subconscious is the 800 pound gorilla. In other words you really know what you should do or how you should be you are merely denying or ignoring the real issues (kinda of like our present administration). I just had to get that last jab in :)
Some day the supply of oil will cease in Saudi Arabia. Our biggest suppliers are Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, and Iran. I'm connecting the dots here. The New World Order which the Bush administration is all for, and invowed entails all of the New World, the Western Hemisphere: North America, Canada, and South America all the way to the lower tip of Argentina.
We are aiming for an oil foothold in Venezuela (South America). We have already talked of "Iran is next" after we pull out of Iraq. See, Hillary has hinted at it, perhaps by mistake? Personally, I do believe that the United States is in such trouble and so beholden ed to so many countries and their oil supplies that both parties actually are forced to think as one.
I believe both parties realize and know already that when we pull out of Iraq, they will find an excuse to move the 100,000 private corporations established now in Iraq, next door to Iran. I think that England and the United States plot there moves together. England's troops have already trespassed and hinted at getting into trouble with Iran. Perhaps so we can move in and "bail them out"? No, not bail out, rather get a foothold in Iran for the real purpose of protecting our oil interest there. We have already established a foot hold concerning "our interest" in Iraq.
In previous speeches haven't you heard Bush slip in those very words regarding our foothold in Iraq: "to protect out interest there". Well, "our" interest there, is "oil". I'm guessing about 90% of our supply or there abouts comes from the Middle East.
I say, change the way we do business. It's easy thinking: Wind mills to produce electricity! Can you get any simpler? Okay, if you won't go for that Mr. Bush administration, how about like what Brazil "learned to do, as we should have done, back in 1974 with the oil embargo situation, and that is turn to renewable resources. Meaning use something we can grow over and over again. Simple you say? Brazil's economy is based on the sugar cane crop and believe me they do not waste a fiber of it. What is not turned into sugar products gets cooked up, fermented (like booze), into fuel. Yes, if they didn't add a poison to it and a bitter taste we could possibly have a bunch of drunken drivers leaving the filling stations. I can see the guy filling his car tank equiped with a cup in hand and slurring: " A little for you, a little for me!" Yes, if the "distilleries" that convert (cook) sugar cane stalks into fuel, didn't add something poisonous and ugly tasting, people could and probably would drink it and get drunk. I think this is fascinating personally how one country could become totally oil free and this year 2007 is there year to do just that.
In Brazil they drive "flex" cars with computers that automatically adjust the ratio portions used of petroleum and Ethanol (sugar cane) so that as Brazil's eases into an all Ethanol use country the Flex cars can adjust right along with progress.
We could be doing the very same thing here in this country and yes in some areas there is more Ethanol in the gas. We grow enough corn in this country and we could also use garbage to burn in our tanks. Then why don't we. Well, I think you already know the answers. Yes, at least two answers. The first: Government (our government), and industries such as oil and auto are making too much money on oil, hand over fit, to switch. Second: The government doesn't own every corn field in the country. In other words doesn't have a strong foothold in the farming business. To put it another way, they wouldn't make any money! You can't tell me this administration and it's cronies (daddy's buddies from way back) aren't making a killing on oil. Read Kevin Phillip's "The American Dynasty". A classic book which gives you the history of the Bush family and the Walker family. Bush was into oil and Walker's were bankers.
Oh yeah, way back when at the beginning of WWI 1914. Classic reading! Classic!
You realize that there is money in war. All wars boost economies and fill corporate pockets where usually some government people are associated with in the way of giving no bid contracts to corporate buddies. This stuff is so fascinating!
Well, I don't care if someone can make a buck but when it's eventually ruins the environment and melts glaciers and gets us into trouble then that's a different story. In other words, these guys are making lots of money, but not doing us any favors at all. They are so concerned and concentrating on filling their pockets and "winning" the race to rule the world that they have forgotten the real meaning of life. In the process of perpetuating greed, they are destroying the very planet around them. Once more they don't even care. It's so obvious to me. Greed is an enormous cancer that grows and spreads and quite frankly I do not believe that there is any cure for patriarchal, authoritarian, adulterated greed.
We, ordinary tax making, skimping to get by legal citizens of this country, come second, third or last after the illegals. Big money for a few comes first! Get the picture now? I wish that there was a "honesty and love all of mankind" pill. Where suddenly every one's hearts would be filled with love for one another and charity filled. Why, we could all have a piece of the pie and it wouldn't be an oil pie. I wish there was a pill to alleviate greed and promote goodwill. There should be more (women perhaps could do a better job of promoting love and goodwill?) women like Oprah.
Let's face it. These guys are out to win, kicking and punching all the way. They want to rule the whole world destroying it in the process. Who and what will be left on it to pass it on. They don't care it's the chase that's important. The big win!
It's for oil for god's sake..don't you see it! "My oil!" and "No, it's my oil!" Let's face it. These greedy people are holding back the progress and processes of mankind. I keep waiting for futuristic technologies we see so talenlyt displayed in the movies to "get here". Where transportation is clean and stream lined and ran by electricity or solar power. Where life is healthy, clean and naturally progressed. We as a society, as a global society, should be far more advanced then what we are now and things all things could be so much more cheaper for everyone. If only some people weren't so greedy!
If we were really a government by the people for the people, there would not be such a huge differential of class separation, which by the way is every growing more wider between very rich and very poor, on a daily "credit card maxed out" basis. The way our economy is headed - the middle class will be coming to an end soon. For years, so the rich could get even more rich, the middle class got the tax increases while corporations got the tax shelters and breaks. See where it got us? If the govenment continues to give corporations all the break and allowing off shoring and out sourcing of good paying jobs just where do you think that will leave this country. In debt ..until they go totally broke and homeless. And the tax base will be totally destroyed. Gee, how will Bush finance it wars then. Soon China will even give up on collecting or they will take over and own this country. We are so indebted to them now. What? Have we offered a few states as collateral already? I'm hoping these guys have planned ahead but I have a sneaking feelings they are only winging it. They are too greedy and wanting immediate gratification to even think about future conseqences or even trying to plan the future.
Now, on their own, and with the blessings of "our" [and I use that term loosely] government corporations are moving off shore to avoid taxes and investigation into ties with our government. Clue number one that government is in cahoot with corporations: No bid contracts to certain corporations in now headquartered in Dubai. Yes, corporations with Arab or Saudi in their names (non-American) are no bid contracted to "protect" our harbours and shipping ports. See where that new Home Land Security deal got us?
So much of our defense plan has become privatized ( and to me meaning unorganized and unsupervised by officials). How can the government keep tabs on all these private corporations? Where is the overseer? This appears as a breech of defense to me allowing loop holes for non securities.
I find it fascinating. But, I wonder just how far planned into the future do they actually plan. You know all these gray haired, or balded, white guys are getting older now. Will they past down their legacies to their sons who will continue on the destruction of the planet and therefore society's demise?
Can't we just have peace and share the wealth around the world? Is that too much to ask. Aren't you all just plain tired of fighting and killing each other? There is enough wealth to go around. Just how big of a vehicle to you need? How big a house? How big an ass? We are a society of greed and hedonism. We have to have it now, thus the maxed out credit cards. Max one out just get another the banks love you for it. Because if you default on their "creative" financing they already have gotten their fees and hidden charges and penalties so they don't care if you go belly up and have to declare bankruptcy and lose your house and your car. The government will merely work with the, rich getter richer, bankers (hello Walker dynasty) and make declaring bankruptcy that much harder.
Bankers (financiers, charge card holders) are geniuses. They rip you off every which way from Sunday with fees, penalties, slightly hidden secret charges and more. They are geniuses at it!
Just when is enough enough? Now I'm a spiritual person and I believe in living simply so that others may simply live. I don't have much but I'm very happy. Have I already gotten the spiritual message ahead of you? After all we can't take it with us into the next life. What we can take is subconsciousness (our souls {our minds}) and wisdom. I think I've been around a few times before.
This world could be running smoothly like an expensive Rolex second hand if we all have our hearts in the right places. We are all spiritual yet you sure wouldn't know it by watching CNN. Have these guys (yes, sorry to say, mostly guys) not yet tapped into their spirituality? You know we are all spirits visiting here on earth as human being. You do know that don't you? Death and eternal damnation is a church teaching manly used to scare and control you. Personally, I think these guys (government and yes, the church) are soulfully lost. I guess they do not know what manufactured true happiness. They can be rich, the top of the heap, but are they truly happy to "win". It's all about winning? It should be all about loving.
Kick out the greedy (sorry, mostly male) leaders who do not share their oil wealth (in Africa) with their people. They let their people starve or die of disease while they sit on the riches. The church is no matter. They hang all their wealth on the ceilings of cathedrals. It's all for show I guess. Sibling rivalry at best! "Look at me mom!"
When are the people of this planet going to get the message? Hey, it's not about one upping your buddies with a bigger house and bigger car. The auto and oil industry has the consumer over a barrel and you fell for it. They want you to waste and burn fossil fuels. They make more money the more you get into debt. And what do you get? An ulcer, perhaps? A broken marriage. Spoiled kids who are just like you, wanting to keep up with the Jones.
It's advertising, people..and you're falling for it. It's all for profit, they're profit not yours. You are being had! Get back to nature, find your spirituality, and get back to life and love. Because you are spinning your wheels right into homelessness.
There are no benefits for the homeless. The government provides nothing. Look at the poor people of New Orleans. They got ditched. You know why? They had already maxed out their credit cards and had no jobs. So there was nothing anymore to take from them. Are you next?
Many people are a paycheck and probably two months away from homelessness. Read "Maxed Out" by James D. Scurlock. Read "Green with Envy" by Shira Boss. Get them from the library and get enlightened.
Simplify and get back to the basics of life. You don't have to go to Luckenbach, Texas with Waylon either to realize the important things in life. So sell those diamond rings buy some boots and faded jeans and be on your way..
Skip church and get into yourself. Watch "The Secret", "What the Bleep Do We Know?" and it's sequel "How Far Down the Rabbit Hole Do You Want To Go?" You will discover a whole new reality; one in which you do have some control! It's very cool!
Okay I'm done preaching. Now for my disclaimer. Hey, it's just me reading books, watching CNN, and regurgitating my take on things. But then I'm just the 800 pound gorilla in the room!
I love that commercial. You do know what it means don't you. See, your subconscious is the 800 pound gorilla. In other words you really know what you should do or how you should be you are merely denying or ignoring the real issues (kinda of like our present administration). I just had to get that last jab in :)
Saturday, April 28, 2007
I had one of those over-the-counter; well, rather behind the counter day time sinus capsules and I can't concentrate (or slow down enough) to read. And I just picked up four more books from the library. Suzie Orman's book for young people to read, one about the Mayan prophecies, and two about the monetary declination of the middle class.
Surprising I could silence and still myself enough to meditate about fifty minutes. I love to listen to alternative, new age kinda music as I meditate and lift myself high, rising above into space and the highest planes of consciousness. There I think of her and other loves in my life. I send peace waves and happy, loving positive energies to all living beings plant, animal or human.
I cry when my thoughts become emotional and things touch my heart. The little girl who was ten years old on the 20/20 Barbara Walters special about transgendered children. Just how long was it going to take the parents to get it! Reilly, needed that "thing" removed. The band aid of wearing dresses and sporting long hair wasn't enough in my mind's eye. The poor little thing cried and Barbara wrapped her arms around her. I think the parents should have let her have the operation along with the estrogen hormones and enter her into another school. Just wearing dresses was cutting it. The kids were calling her the girl with a dick! My heart broke for her and I cried right along with her.
The little girl, Reilly, born as a boy knew she wanted to be a girl with probably two years old. She wanted the pink cup. At two! She wanted to wear dresses. That "thing" did not belong on her. She covered with a hand cloth with one hand as she bathed in the shower. My god, why did the parents wait so long for her to have the operations. What difference what age? The kid was in misery. Suicidal! Why were the parent so slow to act!
Tell me just what is wrong with people? In their mind's eye everything has to be perfect according to social (church - I blame everything moment of suffering on the evil needless so called sins and rules of shame of the church) norms.
Humans, each and every one, are wonderful unique miracles. So, why are we so picking. Why don't parents smack their idiot kids on the side of the head when they make fun of people. It has been the only thing through the years that I can't tolerate. Because to make fun of some one tells them and the world that you think you are better. And just where do they get off thinking no one will turn around and talk about them. I guess they think they are above it all. I think anyone who criticizes and make derogatory remarks against any one else is about as ignorant as they can possibly be. A low life! Learn compassion is all I have to say!
Well, I couldn't meditate my cold or allergies (whatever?) away and I can't keep my eyes open so I guess it's time to bed.
Anyway. It's time to sleep. Someone just popped into my head..it's late maybe I'll call her tomorrow and see how she is doing.
I saw many friends today. Some for lunch and some for dinner. It was a wonderful bright cheery and loving day. At dinner I saw people I hadn't seen since before Christmas and it was wonderful because they are all even more friendly and I swear each invited me (well, three or fur different people) invited or suggests that I join in some things. Cool!
I love not really expecting anything out of people and then I'm very pleasantly surprised when I do. I think that is the secret to happiness involving people. My advice: "Don't expect anything and then you'll be pleasantly surprised when you do. Just want to share that!
As I meditated this evening I expressed my gratitude for all my many gifts and blessings. I am truly blessed - truly. I get the things and the people I have requested. In retrospect I do see that I do have "The Secret" power within. "order it and you'll receive it just like you order it, so be specific" Don't just say. "I want a man!" Because you will get just any man....crook or no crook etc., So think about what you want carefully. Be specific!
As I meditated I prayed and expressed gratitude for my friends and the loves that got away. The ones where the timely was wrong! How I still love her. The good doctor. She saved my life you know! And there has been other loves...all of which I am most grateful and extend positive their way. Good night!
Surprising I could silence and still myself enough to meditate about fifty minutes. I love to listen to alternative, new age kinda music as I meditate and lift myself high, rising above into space and the highest planes of consciousness. There I think of her and other loves in my life. I send peace waves and happy, loving positive energies to all living beings plant, animal or human.
I cry when my thoughts become emotional and things touch my heart. The little girl who was ten years old on the 20/20 Barbara Walters special about transgendered children. Just how long was it going to take the parents to get it! Reilly, needed that "thing" removed. The band aid of wearing dresses and sporting long hair wasn't enough in my mind's eye. The poor little thing cried and Barbara wrapped her arms around her. I think the parents should have let her have the operation along with the estrogen hormones and enter her into another school. Just wearing dresses was cutting it. The kids were calling her the girl with a dick! My heart broke for her and I cried right along with her.
The little girl, Reilly, born as a boy knew she wanted to be a girl with probably two years old. She wanted the pink cup. At two! She wanted to wear dresses. That "thing" did not belong on her. She covered with a hand cloth with one hand as she bathed in the shower. My god, why did the parents wait so long for her to have the operations. What difference what age? The kid was in misery. Suicidal! Why were the parent so slow to act!
Tell me just what is wrong with people? In their mind's eye everything has to be perfect according to social (church - I blame everything moment of suffering on the evil needless so called sins and rules of shame of the church) norms.
Humans, each and every one, are wonderful unique miracles. So, why are we so picking. Why don't parents smack their idiot kids on the side of the head when they make fun of people. It has been the only thing through the years that I can't tolerate. Because to make fun of some one tells them and the world that you think you are better. And just where do they get off thinking no one will turn around and talk about them. I guess they think they are above it all. I think anyone who criticizes and make derogatory remarks against any one else is about as ignorant as they can possibly be. A low life! Learn compassion is all I have to say!
Well, I couldn't meditate my cold or allergies (whatever?) away and I can't keep my eyes open so I guess it's time to bed.
Anyway. It's time to sleep. Someone just popped into my head..it's late maybe I'll call her tomorrow and see how she is doing.
I saw many friends today. Some for lunch and some for dinner. It was a wonderful bright cheery and loving day. At dinner I saw people I hadn't seen since before Christmas and it was wonderful because they are all even more friendly and I swear each invited me (well, three or fur different people) invited or suggests that I join in some things. Cool!
I love not really expecting anything out of people and then I'm very pleasantly surprised when I do. I think that is the secret to happiness involving people. My advice: "Don't expect anything and then you'll be pleasantly surprised when you do. Just want to share that!
As I meditated this evening I expressed my gratitude for all my many gifts and blessings. I am truly blessed - truly. I get the things and the people I have requested. In retrospect I do see that I do have "The Secret" power within. "order it and you'll receive it just like you order it, so be specific" Don't just say. "I want a man!" Because you will get just any man....crook or no crook etc., So think about what you want carefully. Be specific!
As I meditated I prayed and expressed gratitude for my friends and the loves that got away. The ones where the timely was wrong! How I still love her. The good doctor. She saved my life you know! And there has been other loves...all of which I am most grateful and extend positive their way. Good night!
Friday, April 27, 2007
A Mystery: The Flight of the Honey Bees
Where have all the bees gone? Einstein said when the honey bees go, human kind will go. For without honey bees there can be no plants.
It's a mystery which began in California about a month ago. I remember a fruit grower mystified by the fact that only about two thirds of the bees he had were still there.
Now it seems the strange phenomenon of the case of the disappearing bees has moved to Missouri.
Good thing I bought a 16 oz. jar of extra raw honey today at the natural food store. I was telling myself I still had a third jar remaining. But something told me to go ahead and buy a jar anyway, so I did. Now, I'm glad I did. Because it was $8.00 as it was and now the price will probably rise due to the up and coming honey shortage situation.
Now the bee shortage problem occurred at least a month ago in California and there was no reason to be had then. The bees just left their hives.
And now the same thing is happening here in Missouri. Maybe there's UFO's hovering above and the electrical charge they disperse is killing the bees. I hope not..on the late count.
Now that would be a distraction even the Bush team would not have been able to dream up. UFO's Do you think if sudden the night sky was filled with them Americans in Iraq would cease fighting? Would the sighting of UFO's do the trick?
Do you think we humans..well the men..would insist upon trying to shoot them down. "Beam them up Scottie". Boy, Schaftner doesn't look a thing like he used to look! Well I guess he does..only wider and full bodied.
I'm enjoying the last fire of the season this evening. I'll miss the red amber's, the pop, smacking, sparking cedar wood is making me jump occasionally. I'm sitting here half asleep.
I would like to go to sleep but don't really want to leave the fire. So, I'll lay on the couch...the poping will keep me awak.
It's a mystery which began in California about a month ago. I remember a fruit grower mystified by the fact that only about two thirds of the bees he had were still there.
Now it seems the strange phenomenon of the case of the disappearing bees has moved to Missouri.
Good thing I bought a 16 oz. jar of extra raw honey today at the natural food store. I was telling myself I still had a third jar remaining. But something told me to go ahead and buy a jar anyway, so I did. Now, I'm glad I did. Because it was $8.00 as it was and now the price will probably rise due to the up and coming honey shortage situation.
Now the bee shortage problem occurred at least a month ago in California and there was no reason to be had then. The bees just left their hives.
And now the same thing is happening here in Missouri. Maybe there's UFO's hovering above and the electrical charge they disperse is killing the bees. I hope not..on the late count.
Now that would be a distraction even the Bush team would not have been able to dream up. UFO's Do you think if sudden the night sky was filled with them Americans in Iraq would cease fighting? Would the sighting of UFO's do the trick?
Do you think we humans..well the men..would insist upon trying to shoot them down. "Beam them up Scottie". Boy, Schaftner doesn't look a thing like he used to look! Well I guess he does..only wider and full bodied.
I'm enjoying the last fire of the season this evening. I'll miss the red amber's, the pop, smacking, sparking cedar wood is making me jump occasionally. I'm sitting here half asleep.
I would like to go to sleep but don't really want to leave the fire. So, I'll lay on the couch...the poping will keep me awak.
War is for men, not women
Why women get caught up in this military stuff I'll never understand. Now you know some men make up excuses why you are there...like for sex? Men are egotistical enough to think if they want it you must want it. Shallow! Single minded! Morans!
Female soldiers not only have to fight the enemy. they have to worry about their co-soldiers raping them. Nice guys! Women can never let their guard now. Some soldiers higher ups try to force themselves on her. In 2005 2400 sexual assaults on women. In 2006 that number doubled. This could lead to PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder).
This behavior is outrageous. Many women who were harassed or raped know that there is no recourse, that there is a brotherhood of men in the military. Sometimes the commander or higher ups threaten the women. Women do not get the help they need. There is no sensitivity training to women in the military. This one particular woman didn't go back and made the decision on her own; she said for medical reasons. She was discharged without pay (I guess no benefits either). Yes indeed a brotherhood of men exists in the military. Women please think twice about joining the military...let these guys battle it out on their own. They love war!
Frankly I think war is cearly andn only a man's arena. Let them fight it out! They started it!They love their guns, and unnecessary roughness. Many have no respect for women. Or they think if they are with a bunch of men anything goes. Like a pack of wolves? I don't think women should go into the military..let the men fight it out..they enjoy it! Wars a man's thing. They are the ones that start them..let them fight it out.
ABC news shows a 92 year old woman with a walker getting busted in the face three times by a bis ox three times bigger than she is. Are some men just animals? There was no need to even hit her...she could have just taken what he wanted. Some men are ass holes!
Then they show a cop behind a bar. Another big ox kicked and punched a small woman already down on the floor. Another animal! And this was on tape too!
God it's enough to make you ill. What makes some men so angry and hateful towards woman?
Then there the idiot man who robs cars that are unlocked when someone is pumping gas. Of course he picks on woman because they are dumb enough to leave their purse in an unlocked car.
There guy are not gentlemen by no means. They pick on the easiest targets. These men have no feelings for human life and many just plain hate women. So beware!
God, testosterone is evil stuff! Thank god I,m a woman...a lesbian at that. Gross! The men in my family were a bunch of assholes. Good riddance I say!
Could it happen?
CNN says Al Qaeda threatens to attack the 19 billion a day producing oil refineries in Saudi Arabia. If it happens oil could shoot to $150.00 per barrel rising the price of a gallon of gas to $7.00 in the United States and to $10.00 in Europe. The attack could wipe out 50% of the supply of oil around the world for this is the major producer of oil.
Could it happen? Anything is possible. Al Qaeda said the next hit will effect the life line of the world. See what happens when you put all your eggs in one basket? The auto makers should have a back up plan...electric cars. But old habits are are to break. Yes, a few Americans (Bush cronies) are addicted to oil. They are making for too much money and it's hard to give it up.
The Hydrogen Fuel Cell vehicles proposals by Bush and company was a joke. A distraction! A total side track so Bush and his oil cronies can keep on trading oil and making a killing (in more ways than one). Just like the electric car in 1902 and again in 1997 in California (because state legislation demanded it and got it; that is, until Gm got Bush on their side, then later the clean air commissioner of California traded sides and joined the Bush team...trader!). Yes, the electric car (EV1) was very cool and the people loved it. But from the get-go (hint number one) GM would only lease the car and not sell it to the customer. It was destined from the beginning not to last because big oil didn't want it too.
So, it's just too bad that young people in California are choking to death and all have asthma. It's just too bad people on both sides get killed because we have a war settled in Iraq (when our enemy isn't from Iraq) to protect the oil.
Remember Bush is good, very good, friends with the Saudi's. Al Qaeda are, break away from the clan, Saudi's. I believe one of the many brothers or relatives of the leaders, bin Laden.
So it will be interesting to see where all this goes. Do you think this administration will ever regret their greed and close mindedness. Do you think they will ever regret not planning for the future.
As a society we could be so much more advanced with techninology if the government would have worked together with industries (like they are doing) but for the good of the environment, community and future generations. We are behind. Have you seen some of the foreign cities like Dubai. Is Dubai the new headquarters for big corporations? I know Halliburton moved there and a company there. A Saudi company now guards our harbors and ports. Yes, we have exported our coast guard and protection of our harbours.
Is this on the beginning of the "selling out of America"? Whose president is he anyway? He doesn't act like our president! He ignored the drowning people in New Orleans after Katrina. The levees were ignored by the corp of engineers for years. There was no way that those levees could with stand a level five hurricane. The government just didn't want to spend the money. It's wasn't in the budget which was reserved probably for war (so big corporations could rip off the American tax payers by over charging for war supplies and materials. Of which Halliburton gets a big portion). Expect more extremely severe weather to come because of global warming and pollution.
I think those eight or so candidates that are concentrating on the 2008 election already should be back in their offices instead of campaigning and trying to figure out of way to boot Bush! Or are both sides of the isle in cahoots and all this we are seeing on the news is nothing more than theoretics. Remember the movie "Wage the Dog"?
I think Bush will have the world in total chaos by November 2008.
Dick Derkin and George Tenet both said the intelligents agency,back in 2002, did not support the reasons to go to world in Iraq. Tenet is attacking the white house with his new book which comes out very soon. George Tenet is being called to testify before the house of systems of investigations.
We need health care in this country badly. We need control set at lenders and charge cards institutions. But I know we'll never see it. We, the citizens of this country, will never see progress in these area... because the government works to give businesses and ocrporations and the Mexicans in this country are getting the benefits. They get free emergency care, they have the priviledge of acquring drivers license without social sercurity numbers.
Bush has also met with Prime Minister Martin of Canada and President Fox of Mexico about the trading of the New World order.
Our children need health care. Jobs are going away being shipped overseas where work is cheap. Vehicles are growing as well as houses and prices are headed out the ceiling. Most people's credit cards are maxed. People live from paycheck to paycheck and about one month of bills away from homelessness. Banks rip people off, financial lenders rip people off, auto dealers rip people off. Even D.O.C. eyeglasses tried to rip me off by slipping in extra warranty or services I did not want. After I told him repeated me.. he still ignored my demands. The guy was worse than a used car salesman. And the government is no better and the people are in denial. Rosie is correct in her thinking no matter how much people think she is wrong.
It's because Rosie is strong, intelligent, confident and out-spoken. She does her homework and is not afraid to speak out and expose obvious wrongs. Men and women are afraid of that. Oh anything out of the norm of the church or they're precious gender rolls just freaks these Christians out.
It's common sense. Read the papers. Watch CNN. Get on Netflix's and get some of these documentary DVD's. Do you homework! Then criticize someone ...who just happens to know what she is talking about but you can't stand it because she is right!
No one wants to face the music that this country is on the brink of economical disaster. China hold our 17 trillion or more war debt which is rapidly accumulating every minute. See www.rosie.com and watch the numbers roll. If China should default on our loan just what do you think will happen to this country and our economy. Last quarter was the first time in economical and financial Wall Street history that a foreign country made more on the companies in their stock market than we did. I think that proves that our economy, our country is being shipped down the river.
Halliburton is wasting money, tax payer's money, your money, over-charging supplies and equipment in Iraq. They and about 100,000 other companies are making money hand over fist while Bush gets this country deeper and deeper in debt.
Non of the candidates for 2008 will ever mention the lost of jobs, credit card debt, flattening housing market, lack of education, lack of social insurance.
Rosie makes good points. I hope she changes her mind. Most people are too narrow minded, in denial, too lazy, too busy working two or three jobs (hello, clue number 1!. Why do you have to work two jobs? Because your president is not doing his job). Working for minimum wage...Bush vetoed a rise in minimum wage because companies said it would put a burdon on them. Hey, when people do not have the money to eat out, buy your products, or your services...then what? People need money to live on now.
Do you know that as of 2005 any one working minimum wage can no longer afford an apartment. The rent prices have all risen way faster and higher wages.
People you must wake up before it's too late. Write your congressman.
Could it happen? Anything is possible. Al Qaeda said the next hit will effect the life line of the world. See what happens when you put all your eggs in one basket? The auto makers should have a back up plan...electric cars. But old habits are are to break. Yes, a few Americans (Bush cronies) are addicted to oil. They are making for too much money and it's hard to give it up.
The Hydrogen Fuel Cell vehicles proposals by Bush and company was a joke. A distraction! A total side track so Bush and his oil cronies can keep on trading oil and making a killing (in more ways than one). Just like the electric car in 1902 and again in 1997 in California (because state legislation demanded it and got it; that is, until Gm got Bush on their side, then later the clean air commissioner of California traded sides and joined the Bush team...trader!). Yes, the electric car (EV1) was very cool and the people loved it. But from the get-go (hint number one) GM would only lease the car and not sell it to the customer. It was destined from the beginning not to last because big oil didn't want it too.
So, it's just too bad that young people in California are choking to death and all have asthma. It's just too bad people on both sides get killed because we have a war settled in Iraq (when our enemy isn't from Iraq) to protect the oil.
Remember Bush is good, very good, friends with the Saudi's. Al Qaeda are, break away from the clan, Saudi's. I believe one of the many brothers or relatives of the leaders, bin Laden.
So it will be interesting to see where all this goes. Do you think this administration will ever regret their greed and close mindedness. Do you think they will ever regret not planning for the future.
As a society we could be so much more advanced with techninology if the government would have worked together with industries (like they are doing) but for the good of the environment, community and future generations. We are behind. Have you seen some of the foreign cities like Dubai. Is Dubai the new headquarters for big corporations? I know Halliburton moved there and a company there. A Saudi company now guards our harbors and ports. Yes, we have exported our coast guard and protection of our harbours.
Is this on the beginning of the "selling out of America"? Whose president is he anyway? He doesn't act like our president! He ignored the drowning people in New Orleans after Katrina. The levees were ignored by the corp of engineers for years. There was no way that those levees could with stand a level five hurricane. The government just didn't want to spend the money. It's wasn't in the budget which was reserved probably for war (so big corporations could rip off the American tax payers by over charging for war supplies and materials. Of which Halliburton gets a big portion). Expect more extremely severe weather to come because of global warming and pollution.
I think those eight or so candidates that are concentrating on the 2008 election already should be back in their offices instead of campaigning and trying to figure out of way to boot Bush! Or are both sides of the isle in cahoots and all this we are seeing on the news is nothing more than theoretics. Remember the movie "Wage the Dog"?
I think Bush will have the world in total chaos by November 2008.
Dick Derkin and George Tenet both said the intelligents agency,back in 2002, did not support the reasons to go to world in Iraq. Tenet is attacking the white house with his new book which comes out very soon. George Tenet is being called to testify before the house of systems of investigations.
We need health care in this country badly. We need control set at lenders and charge cards institutions. But I know we'll never see it. We, the citizens of this country, will never see progress in these area... because the government works to give businesses and ocrporations and the Mexicans in this country are getting the benefits. They get free emergency care, they have the priviledge of acquring drivers license without social sercurity numbers.
Bush has also met with Prime Minister Martin of Canada and President Fox of Mexico about the trading of the New World order.
Our children need health care. Jobs are going away being shipped overseas where work is cheap. Vehicles are growing as well as houses and prices are headed out the ceiling. Most people's credit cards are maxed. People live from paycheck to paycheck and about one month of bills away from homelessness. Banks rip people off, financial lenders rip people off, auto dealers rip people off. Even D.O.C. eyeglasses tried to rip me off by slipping in extra warranty or services I did not want. After I told him repeated me.. he still ignored my demands. The guy was worse than a used car salesman. And the government is no better and the people are in denial. Rosie is correct in her thinking no matter how much people think she is wrong.
It's because Rosie is strong, intelligent, confident and out-spoken. She does her homework and is not afraid to speak out and expose obvious wrongs. Men and women are afraid of that. Oh anything out of the norm of the church or they're precious gender rolls just freaks these Christians out.
It's common sense. Read the papers. Watch CNN. Get on Netflix's and get some of these documentary DVD's. Do you homework! Then criticize someone ...who just happens to know what she is talking about but you can't stand it because she is right!
No one wants to face the music that this country is on the brink of economical disaster. China hold our 17 trillion or more war debt which is rapidly accumulating every minute. See www.rosie.com and watch the numbers roll. If China should default on our loan just what do you think will happen to this country and our economy. Last quarter was the first time in economical and financial Wall Street history that a foreign country made more on the companies in their stock market than we did. I think that proves that our economy, our country is being shipped down the river.
Halliburton is wasting money, tax payer's money, your money, over-charging supplies and equipment in Iraq. They and about 100,000 other companies are making money hand over fist while Bush gets this country deeper and deeper in debt.
Non of the candidates for 2008 will ever mention the lost of jobs, credit card debt, flattening housing market, lack of education, lack of social insurance.
Rosie makes good points. I hope she changes her mind. Most people are too narrow minded, in denial, too lazy, too busy working two or three jobs (hello, clue number 1!. Why do you have to work two jobs? Because your president is not doing his job). Working for minimum wage...Bush vetoed a rise in minimum wage because companies said it would put a burdon on them. Hey, when people do not have the money to eat out, buy your products, or your services...then what? People need money to live on now.
Do you know that as of 2005 any one working minimum wage can no longer afford an apartment. The rent prices have all risen way faster and higher wages.
People you must wake up before it's too late. Write your congressman.
Celebrating pro-aging.
CNN features a 95 year old college student who will graduate along with her grand-daughter. Last month I talked to a spy, very talkative, energized 82 year old woman who just crossed the finished line and completed a 5k competive run. She ran a 5K.
One day last week the local newspaper featured a 75 year old pilot who had to emergency land her plane in a field because the plane's fuel level was low.
I know a nun who is 76 years old and completes triathlons and wins medals. Well I guess she would she's probably the only one in her age group.
I celebrate these women and all the other inspirationals out there for me to aspire too. If only I knew who they were.
I attend an artist class and there are many older talented women in the class. I celebrate pro-aging.
Today 80 can be like 60. I'm nearing 60, so by the time I'm 80, 80 will be the new 60. I love it! I am very youthful now and think and feel 35 or 40. So, I am preparing my body and my mind for later years. Because I want to be one of those women out there running half marathons, 10k's or 5k's when I'm in my 80's.
Life is what we make it and with the help of new modern medical marvels we are a sure win. Who knows plastic surgery maybe quite affortable by the time I'm 80. I'm excited actually.
But, I do believe that exercise is key! Yes, exercise and diet will carry you through. Also, studies have found that eating like and about 80 percent filling your stomach is better for you than over eating. Also more fruits and vegetables are key.
Here's to pro-aging and all it's wonder, beauty and glory. I celebrate them.
One day last week the local newspaper featured a 75 year old pilot who had to emergency land her plane in a field because the plane's fuel level was low.
I know a nun who is 76 years old and completes triathlons and wins medals. Well I guess she would she's probably the only one in her age group.
I celebrate these women and all the other inspirationals out there for me to aspire too. If only I knew who they were.
I attend an artist class and there are many older talented women in the class. I celebrate pro-aging.
Today 80 can be like 60. I'm nearing 60, so by the time I'm 80, 80 will be the new 60. I love it! I am very youthful now and think and feel 35 or 40. So, I am preparing my body and my mind for later years. Because I want to be one of those women out there running half marathons, 10k's or 5k's when I'm in my 80's.
Life is what we make it and with the help of new modern medical marvels we are a sure win. Who knows plastic surgery maybe quite affortable by the time I'm 80. I'm excited actually.
But, I do believe that exercise is key! Yes, exercise and diet will carry you through. Also, studies have found that eating like and about 80 percent filling your stomach is better for you than over eating. Also more fruits and vegetables are key.
Here's to pro-aging and all it's wonder, beauty and glory. I celebrate them.
John McCain bombs out..
John McCain sings "Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran" as she changing the words to the Beach Boys' Barbara Ann song.
And now he tells Jon Stewart that he'll plant a IED under his desk. Murtha, Demorcatic Senator is appalled by McCain's sickening jokes as our soldiers are maimed and killed by IED's every day.
Personally, I think McCain should go back home to Arizona. I think he's losing his grip on reality. Who in the war needs a war veteran as president. Haven't we had enough of needless fighting and wars for profiteering through the past decades?
And now he tells Jon Stewart that he'll plant a IED under his desk. Murtha, Demorcatic Senator is appalled by McCain's sickening jokes as our soldiers are maimed and killed by IED's every day.
Personally, I think McCain should go back home to Arizona. I think he's losing his grip on reality. Who in the war needs a war veteran as president. Haven't we had enough of needless fighting and wars for profiteering through the past decades?
beware at the pump...for car theives and Elvis sighting
Make sure you lock your car while you go into pay for your gas. This is happening in Indianapolis, IN. Oh and in Houston too.
If you pump gas lock your car while pumping and do not leave anything in your car. Don't leave your purse or keys in the car. Park nearest the building if possible. And run the sucker over if you get the chance.
I wish I would have watched American Idol last night, Celine Dion sings a duet with Elvis. It looks real according to clips that I am seeing today. Pretty cool! Yes, a real Elvis sighting. The King will never die. And in my opinion, no one can do a good imitation either. Might as well just forget to try. Hours and thousands of dollars to put Celine Dion and Elvis together singing the duet on American Idol! Man what a treat...I'm so sorry I missed it!
If you pump gas lock your car while pumping and do not leave anything in your car. Don't leave your purse or keys in the car. Park nearest the building if possible. And run the sucker over if you get the chance.
I wish I would have watched American Idol last night, Celine Dion sings a duet with Elvis. It looks real according to clips that I am seeing today. Pretty cool! Yes, a real Elvis sighting. The King will never die. And in my opinion, no one can do a good imitation either. Might as well just forget to try. Hours and thousands of dollars to put Celine Dion and Elvis together singing the duet on American Idol! Man what a treat...I'm so sorry I missed it!
She is not a pig.....and transgendered
Alec Baldwin left a message on his daughter's cell phone calling her a pig. Says his exwife, Kim Bassinger, has alienated his daughter. This dispute has been going on for seven years? Sounds explosive to me! And on the news said he may want to get away from acting. Interesting!
Actually, I'm more interested in 20/20's Barbara Walters piece of kids who know they were born in the wrong gender body.
Well, I know a woman who became a man and she said she knew from the time she was five or six that she was in the wrong body. I'm a little surprised the Evangelicals haven't spoken out against this..
Actually, I'm more interested in 20/20's Barbara Walters piece of kids who know they were born in the wrong gender body.
Well, I know a woman who became a man and she said she knew from the time she was five or six that she was in the wrong body. I'm a little surprised the Evangelicals haven't spoken out against this..
Gere....is weird
Gere got his butt in a wringer in India grabbing that woman and about breaking her back bending her way over.
She was supposed to resist? How without slapping the shit out of him. She merely did what any woman does when a man makes an ass of himself...try to make the best of it..or try to cover it up somehow. She was in no position to resist without creating a huge scene.
Gere should have known better and should have respected the nation of India's customs.
I don't care what they do with egotistical Richard Gere. I definitely do not think the girl should go to jail for three months for public display of affection. Gere over powered her and she was lady like enough to try to make the best of a stinking situation. I wonder if men will see it that way? Hopefully they will..
She was supposed to resist? How without slapping the shit out of him. She merely did what any woman does when a man makes an ass of himself...try to make the best of it..or try to cover it up somehow. She was in no position to resist without creating a huge scene.
Gere should have known better and should have respected the nation of India's customs.
I don't care what they do with egotistical Richard Gere. I definitely do not think the girl should go to jail for three months for public display of affection. Gere over powered her and she was lady like enough to try to make the best of a stinking situation. I wonder if men will see it that way? Hopefully they will..
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Times, they are a changing..
Horoscope for Libra. April 27 2007: It can be hard to let go of old habits and beliefs even as new, better ways of thinking are struggling to gain a foothold. But it is time for you to do so, dear Libra. You might find it difficult to open up and confide your feelings, but a frank conversation with close friends will do much to ease your mind. You are changing, there is no question about it. Your friends will show you that this transformation is a positive one indeed.
A new day, a new way! Actually, my mind is at ease. I live in the present moment. I cast my fake to the universe. I'm excited and looking forward a mystical, magical future.
Life is grand, life is good and I'm getting younger everyday! Think it, wish it, be it! I love it! I'm grateful for all of my many blessings and gifts of good health and happiness; injury free existence; pain free. Talent galore!
Shhh! I"m creating my reality first of all by being grateful and then by planning positive thoughts. Try it! It's easy and it works! It's because the power lies within you!
A new day, a new way! Actually, my mind is at ease. I live in the present moment. I cast my fake to the universe. I'm excited and looking forward a mystical, magical future.
Life is grand, life is good and I'm getting younger everyday! Think it, wish it, be it! I love it! I'm grateful for all of my many blessings and gifts of good health and happiness; injury free existence; pain free. Talent galore!
Shhh! I"m creating my reality first of all by being grateful and then by planning positive thoughts. Try it! It's easy and it works! It's because the power lies within you!
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Rosie says "Impeach"..
Rosie is leaving The View ABC day time TV show in June. She says she could not come to agreement with the contract and will not renew her contract. I hope she stays until June...you know Star Jones didn't but instead left the show early.
I know many woman and men do not like out - spoken women who speak their minds. Especially loud women! Especially well spoken intelligent women! I think Rosie is both but it allows her to be heard.
According to Joy, Rudy Gluliani says another terrorist attack is more likely if a Democrat is elected. What? There was a Republican in office on 9 11? Hello! Barbara can't believe she has nine more months of Bush. She says she doesn't like him because of personal reasons. Barbara is becoming a little sparkie now too!
Joy reminds Rosie that if Bush is impeached, Cheney will be president. Most of the people in the audience clapped when Rosie says with Bush that there are many grounds for impeachment.
I know many woman and men do not like out - spoken women who speak their minds. Especially loud women! Especially well spoken intelligent women! I think Rosie is both but it allows her to be heard.
According to Joy, Rudy Gluliani says another terrorist attack is more likely if a Democrat is elected. What? There was a Republican in office on 9 11? Hello! Barbara can't believe she has nine more months of Bush. She says she doesn't like him because of personal reasons. Barbara is becoming a little sparkie now too!
Joy reminds Rosie that if Bush is impeached, Cheney will be president. Most of the people in the audience clapped when Rosie says with Bush that there are many grounds for impeachment.
So incredible that I must share it with you
I'm still reading "Maxed Out" by James D. Scurlock. If you get the chance get it from your library and read it. It's quite fascinating. Also read some of Elizabeth Warren's books..she helped President Clinton veto a new bankruptcy law that would have hurt mothers with children.
Okay here's the deal and I quote most word for word from the book because I want to get this information out there to you correctly. I hope I get it across and do it justice. Here goes:
"America is fast becoming a consumer society. Get a load of this..our gross national product, even when Reagan was in office, was a result of spending, not production, which requires investment and saving. Can you believe this? As long as we continue spending our economy would stride without savings. So production and manufacturing jobs could be outsourced to China and Mexico, where it was more efficient and cheaper. Now you would think that sacrificing highly union paid jobs eventually would depress the country's spending power? Not if Americans have access to an unlimited pool of credit, it wouldn't. Amazing isn't it?
Scurlock says that Alan Greenspan, Chairman of the Federal Reserve (retired), says that due to high technology and more efficient production of products it takes less to make more. So we grow the economy at a steady clip without the corresponding increase in the cost of labor, ergo low inflation. Comes to find out that the low inflation/high productivity theory turns out to mostly be a myth, an accounting trick.
Over the past generation, the real increase in the cost of housing has jumped 70 percent. Ditto for health care. The cost of an education is up 100 percent. Worse, wages have remained stagnant, increasing by roughly 1 percent over the same period of time."
In 2003, Elizabeth Warren wrote: "The Two-Income Trap" which explains why Americans have been living on the edge and are soon to fall off. We have not only outsourced producing, we've outsourced saving. In 2005 the national savings rate was "negative" 0.5 percent.
Get a load of this. By the way I'm getting this information from pages 162-164 of "Maxed Out" by James D. Scurlock. Okay, it seems that Elizabeth Warren, a professor at Harvard, visited with Citigroup several years to speak about "charge-offs", customers who have stopped paying their credit card bills. She thought that if Citigroup would stop lending to these people, who clearly couldn't afford to repay them, they would instantly cut their charge-off losses by more than half. But then she realized that he had all the power there in the room, that is the vice-president of Citigroup, when he said.
"If we cut out those people we are cutting out the heart of our profits. That's where we make all of our money". And with that the meeting was over.
In 2005 President G. W. Bush, whose first election was due in part to the work of ChoicePoint, and whose number-one campaign contributor was MBNA, which made passing bankruptcy reform a top priority of his second term.
Warren and H. Clinton didn't want the bankruptcy reform bill to get passed and voted against it. But the United States Senate made it their priority in 2005. Warren should however, congratulate herself for stopping it the first time around, protecting the rights of her beloved middle-class families for five years or so. During that time, close to nine million American households filed for bankruptcy protection. I want to note here that Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY) also help delay the bankruptcy reform. See the conservatives do not want people filing bankruptcy protection that clears the person of all debts. The conservatives, the republicans who work for large corporations, lenders and banks want people to remain in debt so they get large profits on the tons of fees and interest that consumers must pay.
Per disappointed Warren who says that it's all about the conservatives supporting a bill that denies millions of Americans their constitutional rights in order to protect the profits of a few companies. It's about campaign finance, it's about who wields power in Washington and it sure isn't about American families. It's about a Senate composed of millionaires by six-figure salaries, who can always depend on the kindness of lobbyist how can they possibly understand anyone having to try to dig themselves out of debt.
Bankruptcy reform is a power grab - the Congress assuming powers traditionally reserved for the judiciary. Bankruptcy use to be dealt with on a case by case issue, now a judge has assumed that the applicant is defrauding their creditors, no matter the circumstances. The purpose appears clear enough: Shut out half the middle class from discharging any debt.
This is key: According to Warren bankruptcy has never been about the poor who are too poor to accumulate a lot of debt it's about fundamental purpose is to provide a safety net for the middle class. Warren goes on to say...so we have regressed back to the 18th century when legislatures - not judges - decided whether or not a debtor should receive a fresh start or be imprisoned. Back then bankruptcy was a capital offense punishable by execution. My!
The bad cop/good cop routine that Congress and the financial industry have perfected must be confusing to the uninitiated who fall to hard times. In the end the credit card issuers win customers who can't declare bankruptcy for another seven years after they apply and lose.
Well, I think you get the picture. I admit I have quoted (some would say plagiarized) directly from the book to get the correct point across because this is very important.
Be careful out there.
Okay here's the deal and I quote most word for word from the book because I want to get this information out there to you correctly. I hope I get it across and do it justice. Here goes:
"America is fast becoming a consumer society. Get a load of this..our gross national product, even when Reagan was in office, was a result of spending, not production, which requires investment and saving. Can you believe this? As long as we continue spending our economy would stride without savings. So production and manufacturing jobs could be outsourced to China and Mexico, where it was more efficient and cheaper. Now you would think that sacrificing highly union paid jobs eventually would depress the country's spending power? Not if Americans have access to an unlimited pool of credit, it wouldn't. Amazing isn't it?
Scurlock says that Alan Greenspan, Chairman of the Federal Reserve (retired), says that due to high technology and more efficient production of products it takes less to make more. So we grow the economy at a steady clip without the corresponding increase in the cost of labor, ergo low inflation. Comes to find out that the low inflation/high productivity theory turns out to mostly be a myth, an accounting trick.
Over the past generation, the real increase in the cost of housing has jumped 70 percent. Ditto for health care. The cost of an education is up 100 percent. Worse, wages have remained stagnant, increasing by roughly 1 percent over the same period of time."
In 2003, Elizabeth Warren wrote: "The Two-Income Trap" which explains why Americans have been living on the edge and are soon to fall off. We have not only outsourced producing, we've outsourced saving. In 2005 the national savings rate was "negative" 0.5 percent.
Get a load of this. By the way I'm getting this information from pages 162-164 of "Maxed Out" by James D. Scurlock. Okay, it seems that Elizabeth Warren, a professor at Harvard, visited with Citigroup several years to speak about "charge-offs", customers who have stopped paying their credit card bills. She thought that if Citigroup would stop lending to these people, who clearly couldn't afford to repay them, they would instantly cut their charge-off losses by more than half. But then she realized that he had all the power there in the room, that is the vice-president of Citigroup, when he said.
"If we cut out those people we are cutting out the heart of our profits. That's where we make all of our money". And with that the meeting was over.
In 2005 President G. W. Bush, whose first election was due in part to the work of ChoicePoint, and whose number-one campaign contributor was MBNA, which made passing bankruptcy reform a top priority of his second term.
Warren and H. Clinton didn't want the bankruptcy reform bill to get passed and voted against it. But the United States Senate made it their priority in 2005. Warren should however, congratulate herself for stopping it the first time around, protecting the rights of her beloved middle-class families for five years or so. During that time, close to nine million American households filed for bankruptcy protection. I want to note here that Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY) also help delay the bankruptcy reform. See the conservatives do not want people filing bankruptcy protection that clears the person of all debts. The conservatives, the republicans who work for large corporations, lenders and banks want people to remain in debt so they get large profits on the tons of fees and interest that consumers must pay.
Per disappointed Warren who says that it's all about the conservatives supporting a bill that denies millions of Americans their constitutional rights in order to protect the profits of a few companies. It's about campaign finance, it's about who wields power in Washington and it sure isn't about American families. It's about a Senate composed of millionaires by six-figure salaries, who can always depend on the kindness of lobbyist how can they possibly understand anyone having to try to dig themselves out of debt.
Bankruptcy reform is a power grab - the Congress assuming powers traditionally reserved for the judiciary. Bankruptcy use to be dealt with on a case by case issue, now a judge has assumed that the applicant is defrauding their creditors, no matter the circumstances. The purpose appears clear enough: Shut out half the middle class from discharging any debt.
This is key: According to Warren bankruptcy has never been about the poor who are too poor to accumulate a lot of debt it's about fundamental purpose is to provide a safety net for the middle class. Warren goes on to say...so we have regressed back to the 18th century when legislatures - not judges - decided whether or not a debtor should receive a fresh start or be imprisoned. Back then bankruptcy was a capital offense punishable by execution. My!
The bad cop/good cop routine that Congress and the financial industry have perfected must be confusing to the uninitiated who fall to hard times. In the end the credit card issuers win customers who can't declare bankruptcy for another seven years after they apply and lose.
Well, I think you get the picture. I admit I have quoted (some would say plagiarized) directly from the book to get the correct point across because this is very important.
Be careful out there.
Monday, April 23, 2007
A lot of good and .more hot topics
Yeah, it really seems like religion does a lot of good (as compared to common sense and just learning living by "the golden rule" which is do un to others as you would have them do un to you.
speaking personally, I started my life out in the "red" so to speak and had to work my way up to zero (so called normal) then go from there all due to religion and family and society's religious and gender roll, authoritarian, patriarchal society social norms.
Today in America a woman is raped every 2 minutes. One out of six females sometime in their life time will be raped; men 1 out of 33. Now, I'm assuming the representatives who are speaking to get a bill passed today are going by statics. At this time there is a void on victim issues. Today they are holding a crime victim's caucus.
I have a great book for you to read it's as alarming as "The World is Flat" by Thomas L. Friedman's book is interesting and telling you where businesses are heading....away..far far away. The book I speak of today was written this year by James D. Scurlock and it's titled "Maxed Out" Hard times, easy credit, and the era of predatory lenders. So beware!
Some banks and lenders allow and even encourage fraud on loan applications..where else can a clerk at Home Deport making 1300 a month appear to make 6000 per month then gets a loan for a 400,000 house. Lenders do not care if you default on your loan...they already have their fees and charges.
Also bankers and credit card companies are at universities encouraging the college to have their students use their banks for grants, student loans and to obtain credit cards. The student do not even have to be working any where...in other words..no income. The banks have computers and know which students have the wealthiest parents (Read "Maxed Out") How some of these students fall for this I'll never know? In my opinion if parents wanted their kids to have credit cards then the parents would manage that card and its usage. But, as soon as the kid enters the university the starks are sitting there ready to reel them in.
Way back way banks used to be very picking and wanted calatoral on loans. Many times in many incendents protential loan applicants were denied. Eveything changed with the on set of the credit card. This way people could get instant credit. And now the banks plan on you building a balance you are unable to pay off monthly. They have it set up with high interest and charges and fees so you can easily get caught up in the mess and drown in it being totally unable to pay down your balance.
Today there are more and more bankruptcies, such a high increase that the government is making it harder for you to even declare bankruptcy. Remember the government works for the corporations and banks..not you. The government only takes your tax money and sees somehow that it lands in the hands of corporations who have had decrease after decrease in tax responsiblites the church even more...nell. A church, any church does not have to pay income tax or worker compensation and probably a few other things that they are exempt from.
Oh besides getting many cuts in tax responsbilities, and no limits on air quaility and pollution, many big corporations I guess they want even more freedom and have moved headquarters to Dabur so they are not investigated - Halliburton being one who just recently moved their headquarters off shore. Bush has even allowed and contracted another company headquartered in Dabur to "guard" all of our coastal ports. (yes, to a foreign company) The president himself has shipped us down the no job river by himself out-sourcing jobs. The coast guard should be guarding our ports not some foreign company.
I know many men do not like Rosie but go to her site and see the books listed there. "Five things you never heard about 9/11" and "The Case for Impeachment" The legal agurment for removing President G. W. Bush form the white house. by Dave Lindorff and Barbara Olshansky. Her site directs you to another site and you can actually see how strong the force is behind this action. I had no idea. Of course the networks keep it quiet.
But I hate to tell them, the groups behind the impeachment, that Bush is really not the driving force behind this administration, it's the vice president and Rove and probably daddy Bush.
Back to "Maxed Out" the book by James D. Scurlock. The Senator's went up against the credit card companies saying they can't even figure out their monthly charges and fees on their credit card. Feinstein (D-CA), Dole (R-NC) and Bennett (R-UT) spoke up. Bennett says he pays off his balance every month and as soon as he gets his bill to avoid having to pay any hidden charges.
What we have with this administration is a president setting up generous propitious opportunities for banks, religions and corporations. And they are getting away with unethical behavior, secretly adding hidden charges. Religions, Banks and corporations themselves have little or no taxes to pay but are engaging in underhanded crookedness and thievery. Bush doesn't speak for the American people...he enables banks and corporations to help rip off the American people by adhering to favors of the lobbyist. Personally, I'm sick and tired of this administration allowing religions, banks and corporations to get away with all of this underhanded tricking and thrievery of American people. We have no protections at all but to read the same print, do our research, and if it sounds too good it usually is. But see the banks are riding on our thinking that banks are actually still looking out for us and they are not. Like the auto and oil companies they will rip you off to the last dollar you have. Of course you know all of this scheming will one day blow up in their faces when the average (former middle-class downgraded to poverty) American cannot even think about affording a new vehicle, a house or even fill up their tank with gas. Because this administration made it clear it favors corporations and banks over the "average" American. And when we are all poor and competing with illegal Mexicans (who will continue to slip into this country with at least 3,000 daily) for less than mininum wage paying jobs corporations will merely do their business globally and it won't matter to them. Last quarter was the first time in financial history that a foreign market made more profit from the same companies than the United States stock markets.
Bush deregulated electrical power companies which used to be under government regulation with the excuse to give every one a chance and to lower prices for customers. In many states around the country where Bush did this the power bill is 30 percent "higher". You know Bush deregulated power companies so Enron could buy them up and make a killing.
Well, you know what happened to Enron. And in my opinion Ken Lay's fatal heart attach was just a little too timely, happening right before his trial was about to start. In my opinion either they bumped him off or he is sitting on a luxurious island yacht somewhere off the coast of Tihiti. My thoughts are that since Lay was good friends with Bush and cronies and the trial would have included testimony from the white house, it was just much easier to end the issue in a fatal manner so Lay "died". Of course, I am speculating, but you have to admit it would makes for great movie material. Those Enron employee were robbed of their future..losing their 401k in the process. In my opinion there is nothing worse than doing something like that merely for selfish, foolish reasons. The whole things was pointless. People robbed of their futures just because a few men want to rule the world. That that's engaging in treason; a true betrayal of trust and confidence.
I got side tracked again...another thing I read in "Maxed Out" is a foot note p 69. and I quote: "This may come as news to most people, but the Fed is actually owned by a fairly small number of very large banks. Its most important function is the creation of currency, which it accomplishes by printing money but also by purchasing and then reselling Treasury notes, i.e., the national debt."
speaking personally, I started my life out in the "red" so to speak and had to work my way up to zero (so called normal) then go from there all due to religion and family and society's religious and gender roll, authoritarian, patriarchal society social norms.
Today in America a woman is raped every 2 minutes. One out of six females sometime in their life time will be raped; men 1 out of 33. Now, I'm assuming the representatives who are speaking to get a bill passed today are going by statics. At this time there is a void on victim issues. Today they are holding a crime victim's caucus.
I have a great book for you to read it's as alarming as "The World is Flat" by Thomas L. Friedman's book is interesting and telling you where businesses are heading....away..far far away. The book I speak of today was written this year by James D. Scurlock and it's titled "Maxed Out" Hard times, easy credit, and the era of predatory lenders. So beware!
Some banks and lenders allow and even encourage fraud on loan applications..where else can a clerk at Home Deport making 1300 a month appear to make 6000 per month then gets a loan for a 400,000 house. Lenders do not care if you default on your loan...they already have their fees and charges.
Also bankers and credit card companies are at universities encouraging the college to have their students use their banks for grants, student loans and to obtain credit cards. The student do not even have to be working any where...in other words..no income. The banks have computers and know which students have the wealthiest parents (Read "Maxed Out") How some of these students fall for this I'll never know? In my opinion if parents wanted their kids to have credit cards then the parents would manage that card and its usage. But, as soon as the kid enters the university the starks are sitting there ready to reel them in.
Way back way banks used to be very picking and wanted calatoral on loans. Many times in many incendents protential loan applicants were denied. Eveything changed with the on set of the credit card. This way people could get instant credit. And now the banks plan on you building a balance you are unable to pay off monthly. They have it set up with high interest and charges and fees so you can easily get caught up in the mess and drown in it being totally unable to pay down your balance.
Today there are more and more bankruptcies, such a high increase that the government is making it harder for you to even declare bankruptcy. Remember the government works for the corporations and banks..not you. The government only takes your tax money and sees somehow that it lands in the hands of corporations who have had decrease after decrease in tax responsiblites the church even more...nell. A church, any church does not have to pay income tax or worker compensation and probably a few other things that they are exempt from.
Oh besides getting many cuts in tax responsbilities, and no limits on air quaility and pollution, many big corporations I guess they want even more freedom and have moved headquarters to Dabur so they are not investigated - Halliburton being one who just recently moved their headquarters off shore. Bush has even allowed and contracted another company headquartered in Dabur to "guard" all of our coastal ports. (yes, to a foreign company) The president himself has shipped us down the no job river by himself out-sourcing jobs. The coast guard should be guarding our ports not some foreign company.
I know many men do not like Rosie but go to her site and see the books listed there. "Five things you never heard about 9/11" and "The Case for Impeachment" The legal agurment for removing President G. W. Bush form the white house. by Dave Lindorff and Barbara Olshansky. Her site directs you to another site and you can actually see how strong the force is behind this action. I had no idea. Of course the networks keep it quiet.
But I hate to tell them, the groups behind the impeachment, that Bush is really not the driving force behind this administration, it's the vice president and Rove and probably daddy Bush.
Back to "Maxed Out" the book by James D. Scurlock. The Senator's went up against the credit card companies saying they can't even figure out their monthly charges and fees on their credit card. Feinstein (D-CA), Dole (R-NC) and Bennett (R-UT) spoke up. Bennett says he pays off his balance every month and as soon as he gets his bill to avoid having to pay any hidden charges.
What we have with this administration is a president setting up generous propitious opportunities for banks, religions and corporations. And they are getting away with unethical behavior, secretly adding hidden charges. Religions, Banks and corporations themselves have little or no taxes to pay but are engaging in underhanded crookedness and thievery. Bush doesn't speak for the American people...he enables banks and corporations to help rip off the American people by adhering to favors of the lobbyist. Personally, I'm sick and tired of this administration allowing religions, banks and corporations to get away with all of this underhanded tricking and thrievery of American people. We have no protections at all but to read the same print, do our research, and if it sounds too good it usually is. But see the banks are riding on our thinking that banks are actually still looking out for us and they are not. Like the auto and oil companies they will rip you off to the last dollar you have. Of course you know all of this scheming will one day blow up in their faces when the average (former middle-class downgraded to poverty) American cannot even think about affording a new vehicle, a house or even fill up their tank with gas. Because this administration made it clear it favors corporations and banks over the "average" American. And when we are all poor and competing with illegal Mexicans (who will continue to slip into this country with at least 3,000 daily) for less than mininum wage paying jobs corporations will merely do their business globally and it won't matter to them. Last quarter was the first time in financial history that a foreign market made more profit from the same companies than the United States stock markets.
Bush deregulated electrical power companies which used to be under government regulation with the excuse to give every one a chance and to lower prices for customers. In many states around the country where Bush did this the power bill is 30 percent "higher". You know Bush deregulated power companies so Enron could buy them up and make a killing.
Well, you know what happened to Enron. And in my opinion Ken Lay's fatal heart attach was just a little too timely, happening right before his trial was about to start. In my opinion either they bumped him off or he is sitting on a luxurious island yacht somewhere off the coast of Tihiti. My thoughts are that since Lay was good friends with Bush and cronies and the trial would have included testimony from the white house, it was just much easier to end the issue in a fatal manner so Lay "died". Of course, I am speculating, but you have to admit it would makes for great movie material. Those Enron employee were robbed of their future..losing their 401k in the process. In my opinion there is nothing worse than doing something like that merely for selfish, foolish reasons. The whole things was pointless. People robbed of their futures just because a few men want to rule the world. That that's engaging in treason; a true betrayal of trust and confidence.
I got side tracked again...another thing I read in "Maxed Out" is a foot note p 69. and I quote: "This may come as news to most people, but the Fed is actually owned by a fairly small number of very large banks. Its most important function is the creation of currency, which it accomplishes by printing money but also by purchasing and then reselling Treasury notes, i.e., the national debt."
Pope removes "Limbo"!
Yes, the Pope can give and take away. They do what they want to control, manipulate and exploit the public. They are in cahoots with government for vice versa favors. Votes for tax relief! (of course for the government what goes for corporations too..there are 33,000 lobbyist in Washington D. C.)
Anyway, Limbo is gone. Limbo "used" to happen when the baby died before she or he gets baptized. The baby then more or less floated around in space for eternity because it was not baptized and couldn't get into heaven. The baby (according to the church) went into limbo. See another forest fairy tale to sell the church and convince more people to get their babies baptized and committed to the organization.
The idea of limbo to me borders on cruelty. Can you imagine the guilt. Oh, that's right the church is based on guilt. Oh yes, what better way to manipulate and coerce. Nothing like applying the pressure with threats and intimidation.
People were compelled to comply or feel guilt or chance being ostracized.
And its worked for hundreds of years...all in the name of "god". Is there really a god? Have you seen him?
Have you heard of "The Secret"? And "What the Bleep do we Know?". I think we needed the secret to free ourselves from the controlling bindings of religion. The learn "The Secret" is to learn that we are all powerful. The power lies within each and every one of us. We need to come to learn that, if we haven't already.
We are not born sinners no manner what "they" tell you. It was so much worse when I was a kid. So yes, I am a recovering catholic. I have separated myself from the church and the control and manipulation. As a kid I was told that I would go to hell if I entered into another church and took part in another service. Women were servants! I think that irritated me the most. Even has a kid none of this sat right with me. I'm not a servant, a lessor being. I'm just as good and smart as any man. But girls were taught to be docile and weak and sub-human in my opinion. It was totally a patriarchal society and still is.
Women make much less than men doing the same jobs no matter what the profession. Fair? I don't think so! The reason? Because men are in power and want to stay there. They don't want to give up the glory.
Do you know that women tested and faired better in space then men for the first voyage to the moon..but men wouldn't hear of it. They want the glory.
Somehow I have a funny feeling...Hillary not going to make it to the white house. Why not get two presidents for the price of one? I think it would be wonderful!
Did you see Bill Clinton on Larry King last week? Bill Clinton is a Rogue scholar and a poor boy from Arkansas. He knows what it is like to pull yourself up from nothing. And the man is articulate and is wonderful to listen to. As Rosie O'Donnel said this morning and I so agree that is that he is wonderful to listen to and gives you a sense of hope.
Anyway, at least he comes across well and is so charismatic and intelligent. It's so refreshing!
Anyway, Limbo is gone. Limbo "used" to happen when the baby died before she or he gets baptized. The baby then more or less floated around in space for eternity because it was not baptized and couldn't get into heaven. The baby (according to the church) went into limbo. See another forest fairy tale to sell the church and convince more people to get their babies baptized and committed to the organization.
The idea of limbo to me borders on cruelty. Can you imagine the guilt. Oh, that's right the church is based on guilt. Oh yes, what better way to manipulate and coerce. Nothing like applying the pressure with threats and intimidation.
People were compelled to comply or feel guilt or chance being ostracized.
And its worked for hundreds of years...all in the name of "god". Is there really a god? Have you seen him?
Have you heard of "The Secret"? And "What the Bleep do we Know?". I think we needed the secret to free ourselves from the controlling bindings of religion. The learn "The Secret" is to learn that we are all powerful. The power lies within each and every one of us. We need to come to learn that, if we haven't already.
We are not born sinners no manner what "they" tell you. It was so much worse when I was a kid. So yes, I am a recovering catholic. I have separated myself from the church and the control and manipulation. As a kid I was told that I would go to hell if I entered into another church and took part in another service. Women were servants! I think that irritated me the most. Even has a kid none of this sat right with me. I'm not a servant, a lessor being. I'm just as good and smart as any man. But girls were taught to be docile and weak and sub-human in my opinion. It was totally a patriarchal society and still is.
Women make much less than men doing the same jobs no matter what the profession. Fair? I don't think so! The reason? Because men are in power and want to stay there. They don't want to give up the glory.
Do you know that women tested and faired better in space then men for the first voyage to the moon..but men wouldn't hear of it. They want the glory.
Somehow I have a funny feeling...Hillary not going to make it to the white house. Why not get two presidents for the price of one? I think it would be wonderful!
Did you see Bill Clinton on Larry King last week? Bill Clinton is a Rogue scholar and a poor boy from Arkansas. He knows what it is like to pull yourself up from nothing. And the man is articulate and is wonderful to listen to. As Rosie O'Donnel said this morning and I so agree that is that he is wonderful to listen to and gives you a sense of hope.
Anyway, at least he comes across well and is so charismatic and intelligent. It's so refreshing!
Sunday, April 22, 2007
What irritates me...
People I moved away from (for a reason, hello!) who keep trying to contact me with another. GO AWAY! STAY AWAY! I DON'T CARE!
And people who interrupt me when I am trying to say something as they try to guess the next thing I am going to say. And I don't talk slow slow..in fact I speed up to try to get out there what I am trying to say before they interrupt. Sometimes I just give up! It's not worth it!
Other times I'll say something about a book I am reading and (same person) come back "already" knowing what I am about to tell her; which leads me to think why the hell am I reading the book and why don't I know everything.
Of course I know she is just chiming in. Can't the woman just sit and listen. She a total motor mouth at times. And it's true she doesn't listen because she is blabbing all the time.
It's annoying and gets on my nerves. I will not compete in a verbal war. I will not compete and raise my voice to try to get a word in edgewise. It's annoying! It drains my energy.
I went out last night and every one I was with and everyone work there at the lesbian bar and the other customers were all friendly, polite and nice. I think I'll send them email to tell them.
Basically people are friendly and nice, especially gay people; anyway, it's always been my experience. Please we get back what we put out there.
And people who interrupt me when I am trying to say something as they try to guess the next thing I am going to say. And I don't talk slow slow..in fact I speed up to try to get out there what I am trying to say before they interrupt. Sometimes I just give up! It's not worth it!
Other times I'll say something about a book I am reading and (same person) come back "already" knowing what I am about to tell her; which leads me to think why the hell am I reading the book and why don't I know everything.
Of course I know she is just chiming in. Can't the woman just sit and listen. She a total motor mouth at times. And it's true she doesn't listen because she is blabbing all the time.
It's annoying and gets on my nerves. I will not compete in a verbal war. I will not compete and raise my voice to try to get a word in edgewise. It's annoying! It drains my energy.
I went out last night and every one I was with and everyone work there at the lesbian bar and the other customers were all friendly, polite and nice. I think I'll send them email to tell them.
Basically people are friendly and nice, especially gay people; anyway, it's always been my experience. Please we get back what we put out there.
Only me..
I'm the only one I know of who can gain ten pounds while riding 100 miles in one day. Well, my excuse was that I thought I should up my strength. The was a nearby restaurant that was just a little to convenient.
Truth probably is that I had been well on my way gaining weight even before I rode the century. Anyway, that having been said, it's time for a lifestyle change. I hated when I gain weight because I think I look more matronly. Anyway, so I'm trying to shed a few pounds.
It's 3:20 PM now but when I got up I ate one banana and two wheat crackers then ran four miles to the gym and swam for about forty minutes then I walked back home. I walked because I was pooped....out of gas.
When I got home about 12:30 I ate the rest of the banana and a couple of more crackers. Then about 45 minutes later an apple and some cheese.
Just now another banana.
I don't want to eat much because I'm invited to BBQ for dinner at my friend's home.
I'm tired! I just fell asleep. I had only three margarita's last night...this evening I'll slug down a couple beers.
Time for a nap
Truth probably is that I had been well on my way gaining weight even before I rode the century. Anyway, that having been said, it's time for a lifestyle change. I hated when I gain weight because I think I look more matronly. Anyway, so I'm trying to shed a few pounds.
It's 3:20 PM now but when I got up I ate one banana and two wheat crackers then ran four miles to the gym and swam for about forty minutes then I walked back home. I walked because I was pooped....out of gas.
When I got home about 12:30 I ate the rest of the banana and a couple of more crackers. Then about 45 minutes later an apple and some cheese.
Just now another banana.
I don't want to eat much because I'm invited to BBQ for dinner at my friend's home.
I'm tired! I just fell asleep. I had only three margarita's last night...this evening I'll slug down a couple beers.
Time for a nap
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Night Out!
Another one of those nights. I had a great time with great friends. I think life is amazing. It appears it's not an age thing..it's a personality thing.
Although when I saw those two girls kissing I wished one of them would have been me. Thank the universe for my lover. It made me miss her. I hope she did okay today..on that run. She has extreme stamina. Right now, I can't wait to see her. To touch her!
I know what I want and need but somehow I haven't landed it yet! I'm counting on the universe to assist me in my quest for the zest of life.
I love watching people. They are just like you and out out to have a good time. People remember me! People are friendly and just want to have fun! Basically people are good and loving just like you and me.
Maybe a little too much fun! I'm tired and need to sleep! Nite! Nite!
Although when I saw those two girls kissing I wished one of them would have been me. Thank the universe for my lover. It made me miss her. I hope she did okay today..on that run. She has extreme stamina. Right now, I can't wait to see her. To touch her!
I know what I want and need but somehow I haven't landed it yet! I'm counting on the universe to assist me in my quest for the zest of life.
I love watching people. They are just like you and out out to have a good time. People remember me! People are friendly and just want to have fun! Basically people are good and loving just like you and me.
Maybe a little too much fun! I'm tired and need to sleep! Nite! Nite!
Friday, April 20, 2007
Twin Bedrooms instead of twin beds?
I was reading an article in the paper today that many married couples are requested "twin" master bedrooms so both husband and wife can each have their own "bedroom".
In 2005 a typical upscale, 4,000 square feet,house that was built had two but equal master bedrooms. Now, not only two separate bathrooms and dressing areas but two separate master bedrooms. Interesting. Do you think that is why houses are growing into enormous, almost ridiculous looking "buildings."
Actually, some home builders say that as early as 1985 they have had requests for two separate master bedrooms. It use to be that the belief was two separate bedrooms meant trouble in the marriage but that perception is changing. Usually one spouse is a snoring sleeper is what I have read about the two bedroom life style.
Remember early TV when Bob Petree (Dick Van Dyke and Mary Tyler Moore) and what-was-her-name, his wife had to sleep in twin beds because of moral regulations in TV broadcasting. Too funny! Well it's become reality. Full circle but for different reasons, I guess.
In 2005 a typical upscale, 4,000 square feet,house that was built had two but equal master bedrooms. Now, not only two separate bathrooms and dressing areas but two separate master bedrooms. Interesting. Do you think that is why houses are growing into enormous, almost ridiculous looking "buildings."
Actually, some home builders say that as early as 1985 they have had requests for two separate master bedrooms. It use to be that the belief was two separate bedrooms meant trouble in the marriage but that perception is changing. Usually one spouse is a snoring sleeper is what I have read about the two bedroom life style.
Remember early TV when Bob Petree (Dick Van Dyke and Mary Tyler Moore) and what-was-her-name, his wife had to sleep in twin beds because of moral regulations in TV broadcasting. Too funny! Well it's become reality. Full circle but for different reasons, I guess.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
"Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Bomb Iran!"
This is John McCain's reply to someone's question regarding if we should go after Iran next! I think John McCain should go back home.
Of course as soon as we pull out of Iraq, we will go to Iran. Hell, Halliburton and 99,000 other companies are already in the Middle East making millions of money (your tax money that you worked so hard to make and handed over to the government thinking that the money will come back to you and other Americans in the form of social services and benefits - sorry you are very wrong..the money is going into the pockets of already rich heads of corporations) so they won't want to pack up and leave and go home.
Government is big business and vice versa. There are 33,000 lobbyist in Washington D. C. Corporations run the government. Just in case you didn't know! You should be aware. Don't be like Elisabeth on "The View" she lives in a fault idealist world. She doesn't see the real picture only the idealistic picture that doesn't really exist. Your government doesn't care about you. I know and that realization hurt me too when I was her age. But it's true.
We like to give a parent like quality to politicians but we cannot afford to glamorize them or idolize them. They are not gods but business men who love power and money. You know like the pope and the men who made up the words in the "bible". It's a fairy tale written for the purpose of control and manipulation of the "lesser than thous". You know even as a young "Catholic" girl I never fell for that line of belief! My intuition told me differently. My intuition warned me. I was abused in so many ways and so were so many girls and women. Now that is a "sin"! They (the church) created "sins" otherwise there would be no reasons for religion. You have been "taken"!
You are spiritual right? You believe we are all connected on a higher plane, the universe. You know what it takes to be a good person don't you. Hello! Who needs religion? Come on we know what is right and what is wrong. Don't steal, don't kill, be honest.
Have integrity! Now that is a word we cannot associate with people in power can we? Ethics! Another good word that can be connected to spirituality but not to government or religion.
Now see! Didn't I give you something to think about! Be your own person and think for yourself. Don't listen to the likes of Rush L or Fox news and beware the N Y Post. It's owned by the same company that owns Fox. Just today on Fox I heard that gas from cows is more plentiful and dangerous than pollution from gasoline driven automobiles. This is a joke! No I did hear it on Fox. Beware of the Fox even though they have four paws, they are very much right winged. A little attempt at humor in this otherwise scary and sad world.
Of course as soon as we pull out of Iraq, we will go to Iran. Hell, Halliburton and 99,000 other companies are already in the Middle East making millions of money (your tax money that you worked so hard to make and handed over to the government thinking that the money will come back to you and other Americans in the form of social services and benefits - sorry you are very wrong..the money is going into the pockets of already rich heads of corporations) so they won't want to pack up and leave and go home.
Government is big business and vice versa. There are 33,000 lobbyist in Washington D. C. Corporations run the government. Just in case you didn't know! You should be aware. Don't be like Elisabeth on "The View" she lives in a fault idealist world. She doesn't see the real picture only the idealistic picture that doesn't really exist. Your government doesn't care about you. I know and that realization hurt me too when I was her age. But it's true.
We like to give a parent like quality to politicians but we cannot afford to glamorize them or idolize them. They are not gods but business men who love power and money. You know like the pope and the men who made up the words in the "bible". It's a fairy tale written for the purpose of control and manipulation of the "lesser than thous". You know even as a young "Catholic" girl I never fell for that line of belief! My intuition told me differently. My intuition warned me. I was abused in so many ways and so were so many girls and women. Now that is a "sin"! They (the church) created "sins" otherwise there would be no reasons for religion. You have been "taken"!
You are spiritual right? You believe we are all connected on a higher plane, the universe. You know what it takes to be a good person don't you. Hello! Who needs religion? Come on we know what is right and what is wrong. Don't steal, don't kill, be honest.
Have integrity! Now that is a word we cannot associate with people in power can we? Ethics! Another good word that can be connected to spirituality but not to government or religion.
Now see! Didn't I give you something to think about! Be your own person and think for yourself. Don't listen to the likes of Rush L or Fox news and beware the N Y Post. It's owned by the same company that owns Fox. Just today on Fox I heard that gas from cows is more plentiful and dangerous than pollution from gasoline driven automobiles. This is a joke! No I did hear it on Fox. Beware of the Fox even though they have four paws, they are very much right winged. A little attempt at humor in this otherwise scary and sad world.
I want my hormones!!
Now it seems that England has completed a study with a million women who had gotten ovarian cancer and they were taking hormones.
Women who take hormones are "older" women. Of course, some older women are going to get cancer on or off hormones.
Personally, I want my hormones. You don't want to have to deal with me without them! Besides they keep me young. Hey, my body used these hormones and liked them so why not continue on with them. Maybe find some way to keep women continuing to produce estrogen in their later years. Do the research to find out why women quit producing estrogen.
Hopefully by the time I can no longer get them, alternative drugs which are effective will be available. So Merck or some company better we ready with a modified or an improved more human like estrogen.
Really, I wish to stay on hormones. Hormones almost going away and now the right to choose is being whittled away from women. As one women said so put it. "It is a few men making decisions for all women. Women should have the right to make their own decisions".
I am pro-choice! I agree with this woman. I don't want a bunch of men make decisions for me. The decision should be between myself and my doctor not totally up to my government be it state or federal..it's none of there business.
There is just too much government. I only hope a change in parties in 2008 helps to save Roe Vs Wade. It's the principle of it! Women worked so hard to get the right to vote in 1921. They should not have had to fight for every right. They should not have to beg for a privilege that is an automatic given to white males!
Here I go again...get ready! Male bashing about to happen...but it's all so true. Men in high places be it shock jocks on radio, conservatives on the Supreme court, military, or in government think they are gods. Think they speak for women.
Rosie, Joy and Barbara on "The View" were pro-choice. But not Elisabeth. She apparently can't see someone else's view. Elisabeth, if you don't want an abortion don't get one! But, please let another woman choose. Women need the right to discuss these makers with their doctors and decisions made together.
Let history speak for itself. And the members of "The View" forgot to mention this. They didn't mention just how many women died from back alley abortions and if Roe Vs Wade is over turned it will happen again. Because for various reasons and may be it's a woman's mind or body telling her she is not ready for motherhood. Accident happen and there must be a way out. Is the morning after pill still available? I think it is but a woman needs a doctor's prescription what if she has to wait beyond the time limit of using the morning after pill?
There are just two many gray areas and rulings should be ruled in favor of women. It's a decision she should be "permitted" to make. See, there it is! Men, white men, are just too controlling and power hungry in this country (and around the world for that matter). They think they speak for everyone. This is so wrong!
Government should not have even entered into this. And our forefathers said all "men" are created equal. Well, we know that's not true. Hell, women, weren't even mentioned. Oh, they were considered property of "men". This needs to change!
Women need to stand up and see past their googled eyes for men. Come on! There are nice guys out there, but women need to be with them and still stand on their own two feet. Women are losing more and more freedoms in this country. Most women make 70 cents compared to every $1.00 a man makes for doing the same job just as good are even better. Male teachers are automatically paid more than women teachers. Males are considered first for school administration positions, and women hit the glass ceiling at a teachers level.
Young women in this country need to study women's history. Women need to know their roots!
Final question. If there were more women in higher positions do you think that there would be less fire arms in this country and less wars fought by this country? Gee, what would happen to the NRA if the over 50% of women in this country actually had their say.
Women need to unite and think about the futures of their daughters. Do you want the state to require your daughter to have HPV vaccination in order to enter kindergarten or middle school. Why not instruct young girls about proper protection and sexual abstinence? Is this merely a money maker for drug companies? What are the long term effects? There is no way that doctors or researchers actually know the long term effects? Will her pregnancies be normal? Will the fetus be normal? My intuition tells me to "beware."
Women who take hormones are "older" women. Of course, some older women are going to get cancer on or off hormones.
Personally, I want my hormones. You don't want to have to deal with me without them! Besides they keep me young. Hey, my body used these hormones and liked them so why not continue on with them. Maybe find some way to keep women continuing to produce estrogen in their later years. Do the research to find out why women quit producing estrogen.
Hopefully by the time I can no longer get them, alternative drugs which are effective will be available. So Merck or some company better we ready with a modified or an improved more human like estrogen.
Really, I wish to stay on hormones. Hormones almost going away and now the right to choose is being whittled away from women. As one women said so put it. "It is a few men making decisions for all women. Women should have the right to make their own decisions".
I am pro-choice! I agree with this woman. I don't want a bunch of men make decisions for me. The decision should be between myself and my doctor not totally up to my government be it state or federal..it's none of there business.
There is just too much government. I only hope a change in parties in 2008 helps to save Roe Vs Wade. It's the principle of it! Women worked so hard to get the right to vote in 1921. They should not have had to fight for every right. They should not have to beg for a privilege that is an automatic given to white males!
Here I go again...get ready! Male bashing about to happen...but it's all so true. Men in high places be it shock jocks on radio, conservatives on the Supreme court, military, or in government think they are gods. Think they speak for women.
Rosie, Joy and Barbara on "The View" were pro-choice. But not Elisabeth. She apparently can't see someone else's view. Elisabeth, if you don't want an abortion don't get one! But, please let another woman choose. Women need the right to discuss these makers with their doctors and decisions made together.
Let history speak for itself. And the members of "The View" forgot to mention this. They didn't mention just how many women died from back alley abortions and if Roe Vs Wade is over turned it will happen again. Because for various reasons and may be it's a woman's mind or body telling her she is not ready for motherhood. Accident happen and there must be a way out. Is the morning after pill still available? I think it is but a woman needs a doctor's prescription what if she has to wait beyond the time limit of using the morning after pill?
There are just two many gray areas and rulings should be ruled in favor of women. It's a decision she should be "permitted" to make. See, there it is! Men, white men, are just too controlling and power hungry in this country (and around the world for that matter). They think they speak for everyone. This is so wrong!
Government should not have even entered into this. And our forefathers said all "men" are created equal. Well, we know that's not true. Hell, women, weren't even mentioned. Oh, they were considered property of "men". This needs to change!
Women need to stand up and see past their googled eyes for men. Come on! There are nice guys out there, but women need to be with them and still stand on their own two feet. Women are losing more and more freedoms in this country. Most women make 70 cents compared to every $1.00 a man makes for doing the same job just as good are even better. Male teachers are automatically paid more than women teachers. Males are considered first for school administration positions, and women hit the glass ceiling at a teachers level.
Young women in this country need to study women's history. Women need to know their roots!
Final question. If there were more women in higher positions do you think that there would be less fire arms in this country and less wars fought by this country? Gee, what would happen to the NRA if the over 50% of women in this country actually had their say.
Women need to unite and think about the futures of their daughters. Do you want the state to require your daughter to have HPV vaccination in order to enter kindergarten or middle school. Why not instruct young girls about proper protection and sexual abstinence? Is this merely a money maker for drug companies? What are the long term effects? There is no way that doctors or researchers actually know the long term effects? Will her pregnancies be normal? Will the fetus be normal? My intuition tells me to "beware."
Seventy-Eight Years Old Pilot! You Go GIRL!
Yes, you go girl! My hat is off to you! She was flying her plane near St. Louis and thought she had enough fuel, but had to set her down in a field near New Melle.
Now see, if she would not have had to land her plane and find herself on TV..I would not have had this opportunity to admire her. I hope I see many more women who are like her. I love this. What an inspiration! She's out there! So Cool!
Recently I met another inspiration. I was waiting for my friend to keep up her half marathon medal and an older woman came up and stood near me and said. "They don't have medals for my age group?" I responsed: "They don't? What is your age group?" She was actualy excited to tell me that she was 82 years old and had just completed the 5K race. How fabulous is that?
Now, I know each registration is looked over and T-Shirts assigned, so someone had to see her age. How, could they not have extended their age groups to include 80-85? The poor thing! Here she is running her heart out and no medal is there for her to receive. She should have gotten a medal just for participating - for god's sakes!
Two years ago I ran the 5K Run for Sight at Union Station. It was my first organized run and I was tickled to death to receive a medal for my age group. And yes, they had a medal for an 82 year old man who completed the run. Good for them! And good for him!
Here to pro-aging! By the way I love the Dove pro-aging commercials don't you?
Now see, if she would not have had to land her plane and find herself on TV..I would not have had this opportunity to admire her. I hope I see many more women who are like her. I love this. What an inspiration! She's out there! So Cool!
Recently I met another inspiration. I was waiting for my friend to keep up her half marathon medal and an older woman came up and stood near me and said. "They don't have medals for my age group?" I responsed: "They don't? What is your age group?" She was actualy excited to tell me that she was 82 years old and had just completed the 5K race. How fabulous is that?
Now, I know each registration is looked over and T-Shirts assigned, so someone had to see her age. How, could they not have extended their age groups to include 80-85? The poor thing! Here she is running her heart out and no medal is there for her to receive. She should have gotten a medal just for participating - for god's sakes!
Two years ago I ran the 5K Run for Sight at Union Station. It was my first organized run and I was tickled to death to receive a medal for my age group. And yes, they had a medal for an 82 year old man who completed the run. Good for them! And good for him!
Here to pro-aging! By the way I love the Dove pro-aging commercials don't you?
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