Monday, April 23, 2007

Pope removes "Limbo"!

Yes, the Pope can give and take away. They do what they want to control, manipulate and exploit the public. They are in cahoots with government for vice versa favors. Votes for tax relief! (of course for the government what goes for corporations too..there are 33,000 lobbyist in Washington D. C.)

Anyway, Limbo is gone. Limbo "used" to happen when the baby died before she or he gets baptized. The baby then more or less floated around in space for eternity because it was not baptized and couldn't get into heaven. The baby (according to the church) went into limbo. See another forest fairy tale to sell the church and convince more people to get their babies baptized and committed to the organization.

The idea of limbo to me borders on cruelty. Can you imagine the guilt. Oh, that's right the church is based on guilt. Oh yes, what better way to manipulate and coerce. Nothing like applying the pressure with threats and intimidation.

People were compelled to comply or feel guilt or chance being ostracized.

And its worked for hundreds of years...all in the name of "god". Is there really a god? Have you seen him?

Have you heard of "The Secret"? And "What the Bleep do we Know?". I think we needed the secret to free ourselves from the controlling bindings of religion. The learn "The Secret" is to learn that we are all powerful. The power lies within each and every one of us. We need to come to learn that, if we haven't already.

We are not born sinners no manner what "they" tell you. It was so much worse when I was a kid. So yes, I am a recovering catholic. I have separated myself from the church and the control and manipulation. As a kid I was told that I would go to hell if I entered into another church and took part in another service. Women were servants! I think that irritated me the most. Even has a kid none of this sat right with me. I'm not a servant, a lessor being. I'm just as good and smart as any man. But girls were taught to be docile and weak and sub-human in my opinion. It was totally a patriarchal society and still is.

Women make much less than men doing the same jobs no matter what the profession. Fair? I don't think so! The reason? Because men are in power and want to stay there. They don't want to give up the glory.

Do you know that women tested and faired better in space then men for the first voyage to the moon..but men wouldn't hear of it. They want the glory.

Somehow I have a funny feeling...Hillary not going to make it to the white house. Why not get two presidents for the price of one? I think it would be wonderful!

Did you see Bill Clinton on Larry King last week? Bill Clinton is a Rogue scholar and a poor boy from Arkansas. He knows what it is like to pull yourself up from nothing. And the man is articulate and is wonderful to listen to. As Rosie O'Donnel said this morning and I so agree that is that he is wonderful to listen to and gives you a sense of hope.

Anyway, at least he comes across well and is so charismatic and intelligent. It's so refreshing!

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