Thursday, April 19, 2007

I want my hormones!!

Now it seems that England has completed a study with a million women who had gotten ovarian cancer and they were taking hormones.

Women who take hormones are "older" women. Of course, some older women are going to get cancer on or off hormones.

Personally, I want my hormones. You don't want to have to deal with me without them! Besides they keep me young. Hey, my body used these hormones and liked them so why not continue on with them. Maybe find some way to keep women continuing to produce estrogen in their later years. Do the research to find out why women quit producing estrogen.

Hopefully by the time I can no longer get them, alternative drugs which are effective will be available. So Merck or some company better we ready with a modified or an improved more human like estrogen.

Really, I wish to stay on hormones. Hormones almost going away and now the right to choose is being whittled away from women. As one women said so put it. "It is a few men making decisions for all women. Women should have the right to make their own decisions".

I am pro-choice! I agree with this woman. I don't want a bunch of men make decisions for me. The decision should be between myself and my doctor not totally up to my government be it state or's none of there business.

There is just too much government. I only hope a change in parties in 2008 helps to save Roe Vs Wade. It's the principle of it! Women worked so hard to get the right to vote in 1921. They should not have had to fight for every right. They should not have to beg for a privilege that is an automatic given to white males!

Here I go again...get ready! Male bashing about to happen...but it's all so true. Men in high places be it shock jocks on radio, conservatives on the Supreme court, military, or in government think they are gods. Think they speak for women.

Rosie, Joy and Barbara on "The View" were pro-choice. But not Elisabeth. She apparently can't see someone else's view. Elisabeth, if you don't want an abortion don't get one! But, please let another woman choose. Women need the right to discuss these makers with their doctors and decisions made together.

Let history speak for itself. And the members of "The View" forgot to mention this. They didn't mention just how many women died from back alley abortions and if Roe Vs Wade is over turned it will happen again. Because for various reasons and may be it's a woman's mind or body telling her she is not ready for motherhood. Accident happen and there must be a way out. Is the morning after pill still available? I think it is but a woman needs a doctor's prescription what if she has to wait beyond the time limit of using the morning after pill?

There are just two many gray areas and rulings should be ruled in favor of women. It's a decision she should be "permitted" to make. See, there it is! Men, white men, are just too controlling and power hungry in this country (and around the world for that matter). They think they speak for everyone. This is so wrong!

Government should not have even entered into this. And our forefathers said all "men" are created equal. Well, we know that's not true. Hell, women, weren't even mentioned. Oh, they were considered property of "men". This needs to change!

Women need to stand up and see past their googled eyes for men. Come on! There are nice guys out there, but women need to be with them and still stand on their own two feet. Women are losing more and more freedoms in this country. Most women make 70 cents compared to every $1.00 a man makes for doing the same job just as good are even better. Male teachers are automatically paid more than women teachers. Males are considered first for school administration positions, and women hit the glass ceiling at a teachers level.

Young women in this country need to study women's history. Women need to know their roots!

Final question. If there were more women in higher positions do you think that there would be less fire arms in this country and less wars fought by this country? Gee, what would happen to the NRA if the over 50% of women in this country actually had their say.

Women need to unite and think about the futures of their daughters. Do you want the state to require your daughter to have HPV vaccination in order to enter kindergarten or middle school. Why not instruct young girls about proper protection and sexual abstinence? Is this merely a money maker for drug companies? What are the long term effects? There is no way that doctors or researchers actually know the long term effects? Will her pregnancies be normal? Will the fetus be normal? My intuition tells me to "beware."

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