See men are stupid (well not too!) They wrote the bible to their liking and bidding. They told women that men were more important and should be boss and head of household. They demanded they should always get their own and mothers support that choice...that males are just more important.
I was taught to always let him win, I should appear stupid so he would know everything and then always let him have his way. Oh, and all his ideas were brilliant and wonderful. In a passive aggressive manner, I was taught and shown that males were superior to women. This is the message I got at home from both my parents when I was a girl growing up.
Women were to admire, honor and be thrilled to be with a man..just about any man. A good man was one who didn't cheat, get drunk or hit his wife...children were on their own..if they were abused by a man the wife and mother usually looked the other way. There were no social services or battered women's facilities. Most women prayed but never asked for a divorce...the church was against divorce...the church is led by men! Get the connection?
If you are a woman who are just totally out of luck..and destined for a life of being at first a sexual object with Marilyn Monroe bright blond hair...and preferred illiterate..then you became a mother and then sexually uninteresting..that was when he strayed and it was usually the wife's fault (per priest, husband and society) because she drove him away by not "performing her wifely duties" No! I'm not make up this crap!
It's's the environment that I was raised in. If a single woman became pregnant it was shameful for her only and having pre-marital sex normal for him. Men talked down to women and said that they were protecting them and looking out for them when actually they were merely dominating and controlling women. Men were permitted and actually advised by other men and priests to "slap some sense" into her if they felt it necessary. Do you know where the saying "rule of thumb" comes from? I'll tell you. Back in the day.. a man was permitted by authorities (including priests) to use a rod no thicker in diameter than his thumb to use to hit his wife. No, I'm not making this stuff up!
Women, if they did go to college were there just to meet a man mainly. They were all giggly and goo goo eyed over a man...any man. Mostly men didn't respect women and slapped them around or forced themselves on to them and the woman had no recourse. If a woman became pregnant out of wedlock she went away to have the baby and usually give it up..out of shame.
Oh, there were abortions performed before Roe vs Wade became law, but they were back allied abortions and making women died from infection or bleeding to death. It was pretty awful! And now assholes in the church and ignorant Christians want to reverse Roe vs Wade. Personally, I think they should mind their own business. It's usually men who want to change these laws as if it were any of their business. She is not an incubator! And what a woman does with her body is done of your business. When the time comes in modern science where a man can get pregnant and bear children then he can have a say...until then..shut your mouth and merely donate sperm. I'm sorry if that sounds harsh...hey, it's my up reap what you sew.
I recently read a British article where there is a scientific process where sperm like cells can come from bone marrow and the woman can fertilized her own's a long way off and many rulings need to be passed first in the UK before any of this takes place. She can only have daughters with only X chromosomes. Males contribute the Y chromosomes which determine a male babies. So, I see the island of Lesbos becoming reality and no longer only a myth.
Oh, I got side tracked...back to education and career. When a woman went to college she studied only the women's acceptable studies like librarian, teacher, nurse...what else? You know males ran colleges and decided what women should study. Work ads in the newspapers had listed "male" jobs and "female" jobs. Yeah. This always gave me a sick feeling in my stomach. I hated it..not that I was gay so much but because it all seems so unfair and lopsided. Why were men so privledged? Why were women so fenced in and unable to color outside the social norm lines. I hated it! I truly hated it when I saw this as I was growing up.. I was in grade school and high school and I saw all these gendar male bias isocial, work and educational, and sporting activities imbalances. Not untill President Nixon signed title NIne in 1976 did school get federal funding for women's participating sports. There were no school sports programs for girls before that. I know there was nothing for me..and I hated it. Boys were getting college scholarships with sporting programs. Girls had nothing. Not fair! Thank god for title 26 year old friend got a full teaching scholarship with her base ball program in high that too wonderful. But women should have never had to beg for the "privledge to vote, sports and schoolships. Just as every tax payer should be able to get married no matter what their gender or sexual preference....we are tax payers..period!
Is that it? Instead of getting a college education she could study to be a beautician or be a clerk in a store. Oh, or work for the telephone company as an operator..maybe. Many women who landed good careers choose career over husband and family. Yes, you couldn't do both! The women who stayed single were called old maids. Their were many...but they lived long and were very happy and were healthy.
Back then...I'm talking 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's, and some of 90's, usually when a woman got married, and that was as soon as she found a man, usually around 18 to 20 years old she would quit work and stay at home then and take care of the baby, husband and house.
What brought all of this on...will I saw a commercial about all kinds of equipment to aid a wife when taking care of her aging husband at home. I mean he didn't have to lift a finger..not even his head.. and she could move him from bed to toilet to kitchen chair to bathing him to just whatever. Oh he was happy and said. "Now, I can be at home instead of the nursing home and I don't have to worry about her getting hurt!"
Well, in the commercial she looked happy...but I saw a totally different environment and reality. One where she could never leave home, was always there to hear. "Get me this, get me that!" and "Honey, where are you?". In other words not a moment to herself. Her wifely duty was to live and breath to keep him happy and alive..and for what I ask?
But men have this sense of privilege..that wives and kids (mother do too with daughters and sometimes gay sons) should wait on them hand a foot and keep them happy!
See men are not stupid...they conditions and set the women up to serve them..until their dying day.
I can't believe you didn't know this already. Well, I knew it. I was raised in this manner...but some how it just didn't take! Hello! I learned at a very young age not to ask for anything and I knew I had to provide and take care of myself. And I separated from the herd...there was no benefit on my part for me to be even associate with these blood suckers.
I don't believe we need religion either just spirituality in our lives. We are not born into this world evil as the church would love to have us believe. The church made up abstine from normal loving behavior. As for as I am concerned the church is evil...not we!
We know what is right and wrong. We know what lies inside the lines of lawfulness. I don't know about you but I don't need some self-fulfilling male oriented organization telling me what to do and what not to do...oh and requiring dominations of my money in order to tell me what I can and cannot do with my life. The audacity! I can't believe people have fell for this shit through out the years!
See the DVD "The Secret" or read the book...all we need is within ourselves. We have the power to create our own realities. Also watch "What the Bleep do we Know?" and the sequel.."How Far down the rabbit Hole do you Want to Go?" great stuff. The power lies within each and everyone of of us.
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