Monday, April 23, 2007

A lot of good and .more hot topics

Yeah, it really seems like religion does a lot of good (as compared to common sense and just learning living by "the golden rule" which is do un to others as you would have them do un to you.

speaking personally, I started my life out in the "red" so to speak and had to work my way up to zero (so called normal) then go from there all due to religion and family and society's religious and gender roll, authoritarian, patriarchal society social norms.

Today in America a woman is raped every 2 minutes. One out of six females sometime in their life time will be raped; men 1 out of 33. Now, I'm assuming the representatives who are speaking to get a bill passed today are going by statics. At this time there is a void on victim issues. Today they are holding a crime victim's caucus.

I have a great book for you to read it's as alarming as "The World is Flat" by Thomas L. Friedman's book is interesting and telling you where businesses are heading....away..far far away. The book I speak of today was written this year by James D. Scurlock and it's titled "Maxed Out" Hard times, easy credit, and the era of predatory lenders. So beware!

Some banks and lenders allow and even encourage fraud on loan applications..where else can a clerk at Home Deport making 1300 a month appear to make 6000 per month then gets a loan for a 400,000 house. Lenders do not care if you default on your loan...they already have their fees and charges.

Also bankers and credit card companies are at universities encouraging the college to have their students use their banks for grants, student loans and to obtain credit cards. The student do not even have to be working any other income. The banks have computers and know which students have the wealthiest parents (Read "Maxed Out") How some of these students fall for this I'll never know? In my opinion if parents wanted their kids to have credit cards then the parents would manage that card and its usage. But, as soon as the kid enters the university the starks are sitting there ready to reel them in.

Way back way banks used to be very picking and wanted calatoral on loans. Many times in many incendents protential loan applicants were denied. Eveything changed with the on set of the credit card. This way people could get instant credit. And now the banks plan on you building a balance you are unable to pay off monthly. They have it set up with high interest and charges and fees so you can easily get caught up in the mess and drown in it being totally unable to pay down your balance.

Today there are more and more bankruptcies, such a high increase that the government is making it harder for you to even declare bankruptcy. Remember the government works for the corporations and banks..not you. The government only takes your tax money and sees somehow that it lands in the hands of corporations who have had decrease after decrease in tax responsiblites the church even more...nell. A church, any church does not have to pay income tax or worker compensation and probably a few other things that they are exempt from.

Oh besides getting many cuts in tax responsbilities, and no limits on air quaility and pollution, many big corporations I guess they want even more freedom and have moved headquarters to Dabur so they are not investigated - Halliburton being one who just recently moved their headquarters off shore. Bush has even allowed and contracted another company headquartered in Dabur to "guard" all of our coastal ports. (yes, to a foreign company) The president himself has shipped us down the no job river by himself out-sourcing jobs. The coast guard should be guarding our ports not some foreign company.

I know many men do not like Rosie but go to her site and see the books listed there. "Five things you never heard about 9/11" and "The Case for Impeachment" The legal agurment for removing President G. W. Bush form the white house. by Dave Lindorff and Barbara Olshansky. Her site directs you to another site and you can actually see how strong the force is behind this action. I had no idea. Of course the networks keep it quiet.

But I hate to tell them, the groups behind the impeachment, that Bush is really not the driving force behind this administration, it's the vice president and Rove and probably daddy Bush.

Back to "Maxed Out" the book by James D. Scurlock. The Senator's went up against the credit card companies saying they can't even figure out their monthly charges and fees on their credit card. Feinstein (D-CA), Dole (R-NC) and Bennett (R-UT) spoke up. Bennett says he pays off his balance every month and as soon as he gets his bill to avoid having to pay any hidden charges.

What we have with this administration is a president setting up generous propitious opportunities for banks, religions and corporations. And they are getting away with unethical behavior, secretly adding hidden charges. Religions, Banks and corporations themselves have little or no taxes to pay but are engaging in underhanded crookedness and thievery. Bush doesn't speak for the American people...he enables banks and corporations to help rip off the American people by adhering to favors of the lobbyist. Personally, I'm sick and tired of this administration allowing religions, banks and corporations to get away with all of this underhanded tricking and thrievery of American people. We have no protections at all but to read the same print, do our research, and if it sounds too good it usually is. But see the banks are riding on our thinking that banks are actually still looking out for us and they are not. Like the auto and oil companies they will rip you off to the last dollar you have. Of course you know all of this scheming will one day blow up in their faces when the average (former middle-class downgraded to poverty) American cannot even think about affording a new vehicle, a house or even fill up their tank with gas. Because this administration made it clear it favors corporations and banks over the "average" American. And when we are all poor and competing with illegal Mexicans (who will continue to slip into this country with at least 3,000 daily) for less than mininum wage paying jobs corporations will merely do their business globally and it won't matter to them. Last quarter was the first time in financial history that a foreign market made more profit from the same companies than the United States stock markets.

Bush deregulated electrical power companies which used to be under government regulation with the excuse to give every one a chance and to lower prices for customers. In many states around the country where Bush did this the power bill is 30 percent "higher". You know Bush deregulated power companies so Enron could buy them up and make a killing.

Well, you know what happened to Enron. And in my opinion Ken Lay's fatal heart attach was just a little too timely, happening right before his trial was about to start. In my opinion either they bumped him off or he is sitting on a luxurious island yacht somewhere off the coast of Tihiti. My thoughts are that since Lay was good friends with Bush and cronies and the trial would have included testimony from the white house, it was just much easier to end the issue in a fatal manner so Lay "died". Of course, I am speculating, but you have to admit it would makes for great movie material. Those Enron employee were robbed of their future..losing their 401k in the process. In my opinion there is nothing worse than doing something like that merely for selfish, foolish reasons. The whole things was pointless. People robbed of their futures just because a few men want to rule the world. That that's engaging in treason; a true betrayal of trust and confidence.

I got side tracked again...another thing I read in "Maxed Out" is a foot note p 69. and I quote: "This may come as news to most people, but the Fed is actually owned by a fairly small number of very large banks. Its most important function is the creation of currency, which it accomplishes by printing money but also by purchasing and then reselling Treasury notes, i.e., the national debt."

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