Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Fourteen Years After "Don't Ask Don't Tell"

and still no cease fire. The Arm Forces do not want you if you are gay! Period! I think it's a blessing in more ways than one.. because I really do not believe in this war or any war for that matter. End of discussion! One gay man in New York was looking for a job on line and came across a recruiting site and had "words" with a female Sargent who flat out told him to take his bare black gay ass back to Africa and do his voodoo dance there. "We don't want you." She said

Well, nothing has changed in this country regarding every one's feelings about the gay population. Too bad!

It's amazing to me how so many Christians, are so called Christians actually think they can speak for god.

Personally, I'm confused about the "god" thing! I think he is man made, written up by religious groups who wrote up their book of rules called the bible.

I think the real power lies within each and every one of us..should be choose to tap it. Try it sometime: Be grateful for all you have and fill your heart with love then ask for a magical day. Or ask for anything. Put it out there. Be very descriptive and explicit. Be specific! Because you will get what you order. Then forget it! Go about your day.

Do we really need religions? Don't you know what is right and what is wrong? Don't you know how to treat people? You know how to be charitable and unselfish and loving and you know how to teach your children the example for one thing and by talking to them. You are a good skip religion and be more spiritual. Love everyone! Believe that there are differences in this world and embrace them.

My spiritual thinking has me believe that everyone has the right to live and prosper in this world. If our politicans and business persons were truly religious and Christians as they espouse to be, they would divide their riches and wealth amongst all nations and groups of people. There would be no poverty, no racism, no prejudice. The way I see it...religion is failing us. There are still wars over religion. Religious groups really have nothing to do with being good or honorable or honest or charitable does it? Rather, religion is associated with power, greed, brain washing, money, dominance and your votes to get the next republican elected.

Like attracts like. Be loving and receive love. Personally, I am glad I don't have much. I am very happy with my life just the way it is. I can sleep at night. And I have a clear conscious.

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