Monday, September 29, 2008

McCain the DeRegulation Man!

Rick Davis was lobbyiest for Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae and is now McCain's election man! Phil Gramm wrote the "Deregulation BilL" with John McCain! McCain had twenty votes out there in recent months for "deregulation". It seems he does not understand the consequences of his voting. He is very naive' this WAR man.

No wonder old man McCain acted like he was part of the Henry Paulson Ben Berneke 700 billion bail out plan - which is only to put more money into banking and mortage companies greedy little hands!

These idiots mentioned above are enough to ruin the whole economy! They got us into this mess and now the good old tax payer (the peasants who are only good enough to bail out their greedy mistakes) should bail them out! I'm not going for it!

Yay! Nancy Peloski! I am so glad that she stood up to these Republicans and told him, rather reminded them, that they are the reason why our economcy is coming down. Deregulation did not help the greedy, rich, crooked men on Wall Street.

Personally, I think when Obama is elected president to clear all 34,000 lobbyist out of Washington we don't need them to buy politicans and presuade them to lean their greedy ways and deregulate!

We need regulations it is why the laws were put in place during the last Great Depresion in the 1930's!! Hello! McCain should have known the results if they took these laws away! I do not feel sorry for any of them because they didn't get the 700 billion to bail them out like spoiled kids! I say - put the money in the people and give us some spending power so we can pay our bills that will add fuel to the economy - not reward fraudulent, crooked bankers!

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