forget the terrorist...we did it to ourselves. What a bunch of jerks! Gee we sure don't hear anything about red, orange or yellow terrorist warning now.. do we? Terrorist my ass - the terrorist are sitting in the White House! They are bringing down their own country from within.
This administration is the worse I have ever seen. First of all they rigged the elections to get in. Then they planned an attack on their own country and then they attacked Iraq for no good reason without congressional vote. And for what, for OIL! The whole lot of them should be impeached.
Old man Bush came up with NAFTA and Clinton signed it in ..was he pressured into signing the bill? I don't know. But, there were no American job security rules enclosed. So we just sold our country right down the river and across the sea. All the good paying jobs have been out sourced.
Anyone who was looking saw it coming. I saw it coming and I'm just a common, used to be middle class, person...who is now entering into poverty with the rest of the nation while Bush and company skip away rich while our country is in hock to "communist" China. Just how long do you think they will lie silently before they take over? We are in trillions of dollars of debt to them.. so they own us. Foreign companies are invested in our financial institutions. People are being laid off and can't find other jobs here in this country. Yet stupid ass Chevy and Ford are still making big ass, gas guzzling pick up trucks. Oh they are their best sellers! What? Are these people just plain nuts? Hydrogen fuel..what a joke that is. Bush said 2010 now he pushed it out until 2020. You see they, those old time, backward, stupid white haired, oil men want to make the very last cent in OIL! They don't give a crap about this economy ; they have their pockets filled and will probably join Enron's Ken Lay sometime real soon on a tropical isle somewhere.
Do any of these guys ever think things threw? And why isn't China, which is first getting on board, not looking into alternative fuel from the get go? No, they are thickening up the air with soot from coal and flumes from gas burning cars. Brazil is the only country who paid attention to the 70's oil crunch and totally got off ethanol made from sugar cane stalks. And we taught them!
It doesn't take a rocket sciencist to figure this stuff out. We only feel helpless because we have to sit back and watch these blundering idiots ruin the world. NAFTA should have been monitored, large corporations should have been taxed and penalized for off shoring and out sourcing. This administration had no brains and no backbone or know how as to how to run a country.. All they know is running drugs, selling guns, war, oil and greed. For the first seven years I heard nothing in a speech except Iraq, Old Bush was so worried about their democracy building. I always felt that he was Iraq's president and not ours. I hope he's happy because he just ruined this country.... he sold us out! That's treason!
Here are more things that messed up this country: The high price of housing and gas and salaries that remained too low to keep up with rising costs of living. That is if you have a job at all. Who did these corporations think would buy their goods made in China if we here in this country have no jobs? And with no jobs there is no tax base.. so gee Bush.. you depleted our tax base that should have gone to social services for your own people. Just what were you thinking? No wonder they had to lie and trick their way into office? Of course we're pissed! And with fraudulent loans and the reposcessing of houses.. there goes the community tax base. And with no tax base there goes fire and police protection and other community servies.
And Romney is a business man. And all McCain can talk about is when he was a prisoner of war.. and Hucklebee wants to combine the bible with the constitution.
And Obama doesn't even know how to vote in the Senate correctly and he can't find his papers. And with only one year of senate experience, which was not good, he has the audacity to think that he is capable of running a country! And he who is half white.. thinks he can represent blacks. Edwards is better qualified than Obama. I just can't believe the way people think. They hear one good thing about someone, or hear what they want to hear and then that's it. They have made their minds up. They don't watch debates.. they don't listen.
We need to listen carefully. At this point the only one I see who has any brains that can stand up to Republicans or take care of the conditions of this country is Hillary. And Hillary has already been drained through the Republican wringer. Hey the whole time Bill Clinton was in office, Ken Star a friend of daddy Bush, tried and tried to trip Bill Clinton up. They spent 2 billions of tax payers money.. You know that was all in prelude of the plan to get junior Bush in the White House. Well, just give them four to eight years and they'll come up with some more dirty tricks and try to get Jeb in. And how can stupid "can't think for themselves" ditto heads listen to stupid red neck Rush L. He's an idiot!
I was reading blog comments on CNN and Canadians think Hillary and Obama were wrong in arguing during the debate. Well it just showed me that Hillary was quick and prepared and she will be with who ever the Republican candidate is too. I think Hillary is the best candidate for the presidency and can clean up the Bush mess. I think - she'll be even better than Bill!
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