Times are tough! Jobs are going away and people are being laid off. Credit card balances are reaching all time highs and people are losing their homes. And also very critical - people are selling out their 401K's when they leave their jobs instead of rolling them over. Well, I guess people need the money? Too bad! There goes their retirement future. But in today's economy people cannot afford to save. Our economy rides on such a thin line that I think if China ever gave us a rough time and decided to bail on their loans to us that we would really be in unrecoverable dire straits. I just do not understand the mentality of lobbyist and this administration. Just how much money do CEO's really need. You know what I think and how stupid and greedy are me. I think some big shots in this country think they should be billionaires like Saudis oil people or the people in Dubai. Do you know that corporations in Dubai protect our harbors? Now let me think about this. I'm thinking middle Eastern are running those companies bet I bet it's just more off shoring and maybe just maybe these are American security corporations working out of Dubai to avoid paying American taxes. See we have given large corporations such tax breaks that in turn it is ruining our economy.
Romney is planning on taking regulations off of the American auto makers and cutting taxes on "employers". Foreign companies follow the rules and do not argue like American auto makers. You tell foreign auto makers to make cars get 30 miles to the gallon and you get it.
Have you noticed that American heads of companies think rules do not apply to them. Prim example is Enron's Ken Lay. Gee I wonder what island he is living on? Yeah I know - he died of a sudden heart attack. Me too!
Romney says Democrats will take America down with big brother, big taxes. Well, Bush was big corporations, big oil, and war monger for big corporation profit - and his profits..too. I don't trust Republicans; they give corporations the green light to rip off Americans in any way they can. Be it gas guzzling, oil leaking fall-apart vehicles, fraudulent financial institutions, rip-the-patient health insurance. Oh yeah, this administration really watched out for US and see where it got us.
I wonder if Hillary can win the election by beating Romney? He's pretty tough! Maybe Hillary can but I know Obama doesn't stand a chance to win when up against Romney. I'm listening to Romney speak on the Jan Leno Tonight Show. Romney says Asia doesn't fight fair. What? We just gave Asia and India all of our jobs. What is he talking about? Republicans sure have a talent for twisting words don't they? I'm so sick of having to read between the lines and decipher their lies.
What about daddy Bush pushing NAFTA in 1992 and well, okay, Bill Clinton signed the bill in 1993. Called the fair trade bill for who? Not us. The bill lifted tariffs on imports. So now we imports more than we export which is NOT good for our economy. We need to be manufacturing our own goods and products. I learned that back in Economics 101 in high school. I also learned the stock market goes up and down like a wave about every seven years. So, I guess we are do. I'm riding the wave - this too shall past.
But if Bush wants to give me $800. cash to spend to help the economy I guess I'm all for it. Of course I guess China is really giving us that money. Isn't it pitiful. I can hardly wait to see where all of this ends up. Just like the average American the government too, is living on borrow credit and in essence - time. Just how greedy are these people that they risk it all for what money. Reminds me of the last lines in the movie "Fargo" by a woman of course! "All this, four people dead and for what? A small amount of money." As she looks in the rear view mirror of a somewhat with-it murderer. Great movie!
What can Hillary hurt? Let's get a woman's perspective for a change. Most women are good at cleaning up the messes that men make. Just ask any woman.
Only our history shows up that men do not want to pay women equal pay for equal work. Jay Leno when he kids about this stuff isn't really kidding. Women only make about two thirds of what men make. I don't like authoritarian, holier than thou, I'm god, Romney. And then he brags about his wife making granola for him every morning. What she your mother? Men have a hierarchy mentality. They love to have their dynasty and history. Big families to past on "their" name and hierarchy and families to rule over. Men like Romney need to be big shots and head of something.. like a government or a church. They love to teach and preach and order around. Romney says American can compete anywhere in the world. This guy is living in a dream.
You can't compete anywhere in the world when you sell yourself out to other countries and are very in debt to other countries and over an oil barrel. At this date and time we are very dependent on foreign oil, foreign money and Asian countries have just bought into American investment companies. Is this too wild? Now you tell me where this is all going to go.
I know this sounds far out and I guess it is. But I have a book
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