Friday, January 18, 2008

Larry King talks about UFO's

Recently UFO's were spotted over Texas on January 8th, 2008. The UFO's were flying low and close to the ground and it's lights changed formation continuously. Witnesses say it was about a half mile wide. No way was it a comet, they said. Do I believe in UFO's you bet ya!

Witnesses reported that immediately after spotting the very bright, very wide, silently, swiftly moving UFO's military jets chased it. (It's a wonder they didn't try to shoot it down. You know us.. shoot first and ask questions later!)

I believe as do others that our military and government keep UFO's secret because they feel they do not know enough about them. "Believe the Blue" is a documentary and there is a book coming out soon. Google "beyond the blue" or "out of the blue" not quit sure which one. James Fox made the documentary "Out of the Blue" look for it. James Mccara, an astrologer, denies that there are UFO's. The girls told Larry King that back in 1997 over Phoenix, AZ flew over their house and it was very low, very wide - about a half mile, and very silent. It took about five minutes to past over their house. They knew their house was in a no fly zone so they called the airport. Evidently, the object could not be seen on radar.

Witnesses are asked many questions. People take these sightings more serious now. I think it's very cool. I would love to see one! The UFO were spotted near Stephenville, TX.

Religious people want us to thank , per Stanton Friedman, UFO researcher and Physicist, says flying saucers are real. Nationalism is the only game in town.

High ranking cabinet members say they believe in UFO's. And eleven years ago in 1997 was there objects flying over Phoenix, AZ ?

Why do we doubt the existence of things we do not understand. Again, I believe, religious groups want to think that they are the only ones. Typical! And religious groups are great fans of "control" and "manipulation"

Won't it be cool if this so called "god" Christians talk about came back once again in a flying saucer and told people like our present crooked politicians in Washington and this administration to stopped cheating people and lying.

Many people reports a huge flying saucer over Phoenix eleven years ago. It was bright and silent and witnesses couldn't wait to read the paper the next day to see what was report. The girls mother called the airports because they live under a no flight zone and that is where this flying saucer was stopped. The airports and airport said noting was scene on radar. There were two separate saucers sightings that night.

I think all of this is very exciting. I am watching various footings showing UFO's that have been recorded. I love this. Boy wouldn't that shake up this miserable administration and put them in their place. They would probably poop their pants. Cheney would try to kill it! These guys are so ignorant. They're ignorant because they think they are actually fooling the American people. They'll discussing. I agree with Hillary - they're "pathetic". Bush begging the Saudis to lower oil prices. Bush and company have done nothing but make the Middle East richer yet. I guess old man Bush actually thought he could become as rich as them. Why else would the Bush boys pursue "oil". Give it up!

This government needs to get their ass in gear and give incentives and bonuses to scientist and corporations to develop oil, natural gas, and coal alternatives. It should have been done in the mid 70's when the Middle East cut our oil source. Yet, these old geezers do not have the where with all to think modern for into the future. We should be much more advanced with our infrastructure. This is 2008 for Pete's sake!

This present administration cheated their way in and messed things up once they got in! They are a joke.. at best! And for what? To get us totalling in debt and dependent on the Middle East and Asia for our very welfare! How stupid is that. After WWII we bailed out other countries.. now the whole fregging world is bailing us out!

Our economy sucks. I think it is much worse off then what even we think it is or the media claims it is! The stock market doesn't lie and has fallen 12,000 points in the past few months. People are having to charge more daily required bills and items.

Just how high is your credit card debt. And don't you depend on charging monthly living bills. This is scary stuff. We can't go on like this and the housing market slump or rather, collapse proves it. Businesses are not doing well so they are laying off people. Millions of homeowners face foreclosure and city managers are feeling the crunch which is affecting civil and social services like general police protection. And many jobs are being out sourced. It makes sense. You sell us out regarding our good jobs.. just where do you think Americans will get their spending power. If you don't have a decent job how can you spending money much less try to save any money.

The astrologer goes on saying we are misenterpreting what we are saying when they say they saw flying saucers.

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