Friday, January 18, 2008

A Little Disturbed..

I'm a little distrubed that Speaker of the House Poloski and Senator Claire Carnahan for backing Obama because he's fresh. This give me great conern so I will be watching MSNBC and CNN very closely. I can see Oprah backing him because he is the Senator of her state.

I just don't think that he has all his ducks in a roll. He doesn't think quick on his feet during debates and actually says silly things like Nevada has all this sun they can use for sun power. I got knews for you already OBama they are using solar panels situated in the desert. Mr. Obama, Illinois has sun too but you have many nuclear plants there and you have no idea what to do with the waste. You said it yourself during the past debate last Tuesday evening on the 15th of January. You are against using Yucca Mountain in Nevada (Edwards voted for it twice - to use it - I mean). Hillary has always voted against it and is for other alternative fuel use.

Why are women so against other women? Why are the poor so against Hillary who wants to help the poor. Women have said to me.. what has Hillary done besides initiating health care reform.. which she began back in 1993 but that administration pushed her to the back the administration had to deal with Special Prosecutor Ken Star.

Hillary is not her husband. I think Obama and Edwards just think it's there life given male status in this country to be in their position whereas Hillary has to try extra hard to prove herself...and yet all these women are against her. Do you all hate yourselves? Are you all wrapped up in our male orientated, patriarchial society? We need to break the mold. Aren't you a woman and can't you multi task much better and more effectively and efficiently than any man you know..even your husband. Can't you cook, clean, pay the bills, discipline the kids and clean up after him effectively? Aren't you the greatest organizer you know... it's because you use all of your brain.. both sides that you can multi task. And don't you use your woman's intuition? So stop cutting yourself short and taking the back seat..this is your time to shine. Hillary represents you! Even men speaking on CNN have say this.. that any woman who has hit the corporate glass ceiling or any women who is paid two thirds of what every man is paid for doing the same job will likely vote for Hillary.

Why are Republicans looking for the next "Reagan".. He was senile. Why Nancy ran the show! There we had a woman in office already.. and didn't even know it!

Why do men get all the glory. Did you know that in the sixties that they tested and trained both men and women for NASA, for space travel, and that the women faired much better? Did you know that? But no man was going to take a back seat to a woman.

I worked for a major telecommunications corporations for years. Yes a union person. And Johnson's admirative action was good to me. I was getting pasted over for a craft job (you know, a man's job with good pay). And Afirmative Action and my union took care of that situation. But, when I became craft I seen how hateful the men were towards miniorities..even women who were old enough to be their mothers were being harassed and jobs were being sabbotized tomake them look bad. The men were so ignorant. But soon there after the good old boys settled back and "let" the women do the work. The women were more effective and used their time well.

I know every woman remembers a time when she worked with men and was sexually, or otherwise harrassed. No, this is not payback time. I truly believe that Hillary, like most women, can and will do a great job. Women have always been the back bone and always made men "look good". So why not just do it for yourselves now. You've paid your dues.

Besides mothers should be paving the way for their daughters. Don't you want to see your daughter with her foot in the door for a change? Well, get out there and get the ball rolling. Get equal pay for equal work for her. Demand she be heard!

I'm a baby boomer.. although I never protested back then.. I lived in the country on a farm and was shackled to "those poeple".. held by the captivities of their patriarchial and Catholic minds. Trust me I would have been out there protesting for equal rights for minonities if I would have had the chance.

So, I will continue to watch all the debates and CNN and MSNBC and read all that I can get on hands on.. I want to be well informed so I make the right decisions.

1 comment:

John Benac said...

Obama has said that he will cut NASA funding as a footnote to his education plan. We need to communicate to him and the other politians how important space exploration (now currently flying women as well as men) is to the moral, inspiration, and direction of men and women all over the world. at, use the fax the candadates link to fax Barack and the other candadates about space exploration, the current legislation in congress, and your true feelings. Grassroots is the most effective way to promote spaceflight