Wednesday, January 09, 2008

She cares.....she'll work for you

I love the women of this country...especially the woman who asked the question. "How can you do it?" In other words do you have the strength to go through the arduous task of campaigning. And she got misty and said in so many words because I care about this country and the people of this country.

If anyone has the connection and the clout to clean up the Bush mess Hillary does. Do no under estimate her but stay behind her and the women of New Hampshire have. I love them!

Of course Hillary can do the job! Look at you! The mother, the wife, the executive joggling kids, budgets, husband's spending. Who balanaces the budget at home? In many cases women are head of household raising and supporting children YOU need a woman president who will understand.

Yes, the women touched me yesterday. But you know who really touched me the most was usually stern Cafferty on CNN. He said he was touched by her display of heart! I'm crying because I have seen the heart of men in America.

I think it's a hard listen of the heart for everyone because we are so accustomed of seeing a cold, calculated, only for big business government that we lost sight of the HEART of America.

You know we have seen that you do not have to be a hard ass to be political and once more I see men appreciate this too.

You know I became work at the phone company in the late 70's when men did not want women in so called "men" jobs. But after a while they stepped to the side and let women lead the way. We still see woman not making as much as men who are doing the exact same job. I believe women, lead by a woman who has all American's in her heart, will step forward even more now and claim their equal rights.

I am so thrilled to be seeing operating room of all women staffs. More women are becoming doctors, lawyers, and boardroom executives. More minority women are completing college. This is the time of the woman! Back in the the 80's, women thought they had to be hard ass like men...we have seen yesterday that we are so tired of hard ass that America wants caring... the men welcome it too! It makes me cry. Yes, the "real" side of America has approached the podium! Hillary has found her own voice..this is not Bill's campaign .. this is Hillary campaign now.. for sure. She will be fine....we will all be fine!

Deepak Chopra, the spiritual doctor, says in his fabulous book "Powerm, Freedom, and Grace" that "this is the year of the woman"! The yin yang balance has been off key...too heavily male and he said we need more femininity in our world. We have a need to gain balance.

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