Thursday, January 10, 2008

A time for change....

2008/01/10 06:20 AM

"Declaring our Intentions"..ready for change.

Ready for Change.. sounds like a Democratic debate! I love it and how timely! This morning I awoke with a grand spiritual discovery...ever since Hillary Clinton had her "soul" moment on TV and women in New Hampshire voted for her...I feel "Their" energy. Don't you too feel their energy? I feel our energy unite us together and we are transformed with hope and elevated to a higher plane. We stand united for a better cause..the "saving" of America and our planet.

And it wasn't only women who were touched by Hillary's sigh.. men were too. I feel their energy too! Isn't wonderful to unite as spiritual beings from our hearts.. for a greater good! I feel so up lifted and hopeful now for our nation. We are a people of love and hope and we all have been affected by the negatively so felt throughout our nation for the past few years...

Hillary may have gotten misty but I cried when I heard men say they were touched.. and I cried when she won over the people with her tenderness. We all want someone to believe in and trust.. I think we found her..her heart. She said. "I listened to you and found my own voice". She's a woman.. she can't campaign like a man.. I think she discovered that. She knows she needs to allow her softer side to shine.

This year will be so exciting... please join me in watching all the debates on CNN and please watch, read, and then please vote...we can make a difference. like HIllary said.."my heart is full"... we have hope! She will work hard for us..she "doesn't want to see this great country fail"..she said with tears in her eyes. She has the connections, the clout, the know how and the experience. Please consider her when you vote..

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