Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Day of Rest

I having another day of rest for my knee and it's healing very nicely. I miss activities like swimming, yoga ( I can do some poses), and bicycling (although weater is not conducive anyway) a little. It's good to rest with my feet propped up and watch recorded TV, do crosswords, computer scrabble, word hunt, and draw while listening to Oprah's classes.

I've lost weight. I can tell. I just eat a little at a time and my stomach is feeling flatter. It's about time!

I want to take it easy because I want to run the Run for Sight on Sunday. The way I am progressing nicely I should be fine by then. This evening I'll meet up with my running group and probably walk mostly, but will try a little running too.

Immediately putting ice on my swollen golf ball size wound was key Saturday morning. The bumps and I'm healing very nicely. Think I'll do a few yoga poses now. Maybe by tomorrow evening I can do a downward facing dog pose because the bruises on my hands will be better.

Cool! Hey, it's what I get for being clumsy and not alert. I have fallen twice before while running on sidewalk and it was because I wasn't concentrating on my footing on uneven sidewalk slabs connections. Saturday I fell because I wasn't lifting my feet high enough going across a bouncing medal expansion bridge. It was slick too. Maybe that's what started the whole downward process; my left foot slide on the downward side on the bridge. But the group of four women ahead of me didn't have any problems. I think the main reason was that I didn't lift my feet high enough to allow for the up bounce on the bridge and my toe caught the vertical open spaced medal slat as it bounce back up. A trick bridge! A silly bridge; but probably cheaper than another stone bridge. Don't know the reason why, maybe they thought variety would be more interesting instead of having all the bridges in the park look alike.

Anyway, I'll be ready to get out and about by this evening.

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