Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Men and War

Do I see a pattern here? Seven years ago just when the Republicans got into office oil was $20. It's over $100 a barrel now. Gee, I hope Cheney and friends have made enough money by now?

Yeah and isn't that funny - seven years ago we needed a reason to go to war. Bingo! We get attacked. I'm still fascinated by the perfect camera angles. And how steady the camera were. They were not the hand held variety by spectators. They were stragecially placed! Surveilence? Yeah right. More like shock and awe!

And now Congress is hot and heavy on war ending hearings. McCain (the forever self absorbed warrier) naturally wants to keep troops there. He's a war man! Of course he wants to keep troops there and live vacariously through them. We have spend (you and I, the tax payer, well and China too) billions of dollars to train Iraqic troops. I say. Let them fight it out and let's get the hell out of there. Hey, it's the middle east - all they know is fighting and killing. Why in the hell are we worried about the economy while allowing our economy to go down the tiolet? Now, you now that there is an alternative agenda.

And being there sure hasn't helped us keep the price of oil down. We must have a very big stake in the oil over there. Did you know that all over the world oil in sold in dollars, not euros? Yes, and they are talking about changing it to euros and if they do, we'll be paying well over $6.00 per gallon at the pump. We're close to pushing $4.00 now as it is.

You know it's all a racket! Anything to drain the tax payer and put big bucks in old white bucks' pockets. It's disgusting! May 1, 2003 after shock and awe Bush with fake uniform on declared a suggestfull attack.. January 2007 President announced the "Surge" attack. Then more troops were sent. These guys are just as bad as those guys over there. 1.7 trillion by 2010 predicted to be spent. While Iraq has billions in reserve. And since when as the "natural" guard been exported to fight overseas; and with multiple tours. And we sure don't see any Congressman's sons or daughters are there do we. You know like Cheney's butch daughter!

Now you know why we are at war - it's obvious to be - so ex-generals who are presently big shot CEO in corporations can make a killing (in more ways than one) in war profits. Beware the military war industrial complex Eisenhower warned when he left office. He knew there was a bunch of money grubbing old white male greedy asses there in Washington.

Do you know that in the 60's there were no lobbyist in Washington; now there are about 33,000 at least. There is money to be made for big shot CEO's during the time of war.

I think during Viet Nam CEO's didn't make as much. The gap between worker and boss was much more narrow. Now big shot greedy CEO's make over 400% more than their workers. Well, if they have workers here in this country. So many jobs at all levels are out sourced and draining our tax revenue. Greed! Greed! Greed!

Are these people stupid. Don't they realize - no job - no taxes - no spending power here in this country. Where will they sell the products they make. We can't afford them. So, our products are made overseas then sold overseas so what's stopping all corporations from moving headquarters overseas where maybe they don't have to pay taxes at all. I know Bush keeps cutting their taxes...but why even stay in this country. Hell, soon even illegal Mexicans won't even want to come here. Well, there will be no jobs. Us poor Americans will be scambling and fighting over restaurant server jobs and hotel cleaning jobs.. but why - there won't be any customers - hello! No good paying jobs, therefore, no money, no credit, to make house payments and car payments. Hey, it's not that far away. Only a month away if your jobs goes away right? And so you can save for retirement - that's a joke! And for all of this you can thank the Bush clan and their buddy lobbyist.

I'm changing the subject here: This young mass killer, a guy of course, says he wanted to get as much revenge as possible. That means kill as many as possible.

The other day a guy made a commend for me to "calm" down. Yeah, men are always right, preaching and teaching. I'm so sick of it! They know everything! Hell, they only use one half of there brains. And nothing gets done in Washington because there are too many brown noses and weak brains there. Men are afraid to make waves.

Gee, I wonder what will happen to the two decent whistle blowers from the FAA who testified before Congress. You know Congress didn't give corporations the green light to do whatever they wanted for nothing. They're getting kick backs - they're getting rich and we're getting unsafe products. Let's face it people - we are peons and the government takes our tax money and sticks it into their own pockets. Money is wrongfully used and misappropriated for their own benefit.

Men! Aren't they something wonderful! A fifteen year old gave birth to a 50 year old polygamist at a ranch in TX where there were many children in poor and dangerous conditions. I guess testosterone is poisonous wouldn't you think? Just how sick is that. And I bet the authorities knew it was going on for a long time. Just like the prison, emotional torture camps in Utah. But possibly the authorities are part of it.

This is just sick. Is that why men have kept down, surpressed women through the ages, like a dog, so they can mistreat them. It makes it okay if everyone does it, I guess. And where is the church and other religions to protect women and children. See, it's all bull shit! The bible, my ass! Men wrote the words in the bible to use as "they" see fit - to fit their own sick needs.

Do you see women shooting kill, kill, and raping and attacking, and massacuring? So, the war will end or near end so McCain gets a chance to get elected. Only because the majority of the people want the troops to come home. Every American household is paying at least $100. a month to support the war effort; and to take care of injured soldiers in the further ..make that $200. per month. The money goes to Iraq to pay "contractors" that provide sevices for our troops. None of that money goes to stimulate economy in the USA. So we are the biggest losers in this war..only the big shots are getting rich.

Have a nice day knowing your budget will be worse tomorrow then it is today...thanks to the male ego. Now tell me to "calm" down!

Oh, and on a lower scale, say at home, in your house - that woman you put down, belittle and think you have to lead, calm down, preach to, teach and walk ahead of, cooks your meals and washes your sinking underwear, fixed those things you promise to and finishes the jobs you started. Men are the biggest babies, worse usually more so then kids. Only big kids needing big toys. Self-centered and demanding. And then when they
reach a certain age they turn into even bigger babies and women then have to drive them around but they continue to preach like the actually know something.

And here's another double standard - men get the jobs sooner than women and they even get paid more for doing the same job. Men can look a mess while women in good jobs have to wear stupid high heels and look at Barbie sex objects. This society is so sick! And you know it too!

Priests are hypocrits, politicans are hypocrits. Well, I want to see a change. Let me tell you I think Hillary is facing all her hurdles fantastically. You know a women running for president among these greedy, self centered bastards deserves to win!

I just heard on CNN where Iraqis have billions of dollars in banks, and in some of our banks.  Odd!  While we spent billions rebuilding their infrastructure, schools, hospitals, etc., at tax payers expense.  So, we tax payers are losing out while Iraqis with billions of dollars are getting our money.  Is there something wrong with this pictures or is it just me again thinking men are stupid.

Hillary has a double digit lead in PA.  Hillary is highly favored in PA.   I sure hope so.   I hope to the universe that she maintains it.  We need to off set this "not working very well" male majority that is running the show.  Oh they say OBama is spending money like crazy.  I just have a weird feeling about him.   Hillary understand her responsibility to the her super delegates.   And if Hillary should lose in PA., heaven forbid.   She still has a chance in the next upcoming states.   I won her to win; we desperately need some feminine energy and Hillary has strong, solid, confidence, and the know how to do the job.

Something else puzzles me.   I'm reading and listening to the class of Eckhart Tolle's "The New Earth".  He doesn't talk to highly of men either.   Maybe I hate men because they commercials at me.   Please!      

Oh please Bush fights back tears as he hands out a medal for a Navy hero.   I think they are guilt tears.  As I said before Iraq has massive oils revenues they are banking billions, yet us idiots are spending billions of dollars of tax payers money for them and we get nothing.   Our these guys just plain stupid?  So we're getting stiffs in every directions, from American auto dealers trying to rip us off, insurance companies trying to rip us off, oil companies ripping us off.  And we pay for the training of Iraqi forces while Iraqi has billions of dollars sitting in the bank.   Are we just stupid.    This is what Limbaugh should be talking about, not carrying on about Hillary.  Tell the truth "flush Rush" your party is as stupid and crooked as can be.

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