I am free because when I was worrying I thought of Eckhart Tolle's "The New Earth". Like Oprah says - I can't wait until next week. I love Monday evenings. I will be so sorry to see the show
end. Tomorrow evening we will be speaking about chapter 7 and there are only 10 chapters. I hope they do another series of classes.
I'm burning up the last of my wood. My, I have a nice draft up the chimney this evening. What a wonderful fire. I love the smell, the crackle, and the subtle rumble of the air feeding the flames. Life is grand.
I'm listening to Obama on CNN speak of religion and other political things Hillary who was on first, has already spoke of. And of course they ask him the exact same questions. Yes, I did just say that. He says everything she says. Only every time I hear Obama's choppy way of speaking and watch his speaking hands I think of SNL and what a wonderful job they do impersonating him. What a hoot! Hope I don't have to listen to him for four years or McCain's whistling sounds.
Religion does have far too much influence in government. Yeah, right it does violate separation of church and state. But, if you have religious people working in government there you are. Religion is rooted in people: They go to church and they go to work.
I'm a atheist. Well, I was raised Catholic and a lot of us have had enough. I believe in a higher united spiritual energy but I don't believe there is one single god. Think about it. That would be too spooky. The energy lies within each and everyone of us. We as spirits come to earth in human form to learn to rise ourselves to a higher plane; that is, if we get the message. If we don't learn the lesson we come here to learn then we are likly to keep coming back until we do get it right.
When I was worrying about the T-shirts not being right for them, I simply told myself that that was my "ego" self speaking and as soon as I realized that - the worrying dissipated. The gift giving went smoothly and great. They are wonderful women and enjoyed the gifts.
So see I learned a lesson. I also concentrate in being in the moment and I love it! When I was swimming I was in the moment and the woman coming over across the line on my side didn't bother me. I let it go. Nor the dirty, smelly old man who obviously didn't shower before he got into the pool - I let that go too. Instead I thanked the universe for chlorine.
I am very grateful for the idea of living in the present moment. I don't think about M too much then. I care about her but I can't help her. Sex was becoming too mechanical and that is all I plan on saying or thinking about the issue. I care about her and I know she knows that but right now I can't see her.
Today I swam, tomorrow I'll probably run. Fifties is still too cool to ride my bicycle. I am getting "hot" looking again. Yes, relationships make me fat! She was bringing candy all the time; then I ended up buying it, and eating it too. Not good!
I think I'm back on track. I looked strong in my half marathon pictures. Yesterday I went with two friends (after we looked at bicycles) to buy smoothies. I love spirulina green smoothies. So good and so good for you. The Asian woman working there said - you look strong - how old are you. I said sixty. What year were you born she asked. I said 1947. She said me - 1948. She was very cute with gorgeous skin - she looked in her late 40's. She was concerned then that I had my iPhone clipped on my belt and pointed to a small ad for a round medal device to add to the back of my phone to protect me from the electrical radiations. Today when I went back for another smoothie (I'm hooked) they were closed - I'll try tomorrow to get the information so I get this chip thing. But, I may go by AT&T first to make sure that the chip will not interfere with my service. My chiropractor friend as the chip attached and her iPhone works okay so I should be good. I got a kick out the Asian woman quizzing me. Oh I guess she saw the "Half Marathon" on the front of my T shirt too. Funny! She probably thinks it's the spirulina that is driving the force behind my accomplishments. And it could be! I love it! Life is grand!
Whenever I miss the good doctor or feel sad I simply tell my ego to knock it off and say to myself get back into the moment. All we truly have is the moment. Now, all is have is now. If we worry about the future or fret about the past - we are doing it in the now and really wasting precious time when we could be doing something productive.
I thank my spirit guides and the universe for my many blessings of flexibility, good health, safety, intelligence, wonderful talents, and the ability to love. I thank the universe for my spiritual freedom. It's a wonderful thing. I truly live in the now. It's a practice - like swimming. But once you get it - it's like learning to ride a bicycle - it's not easily forgotten if forgotten at all. Life is grand. I am grateful for my pain free days. Can you believe I ran 13.1 miles on Sunday and felt wonderful enough to ride 40 miles the next day? Also the week before the half marathon I ran close to 13 miles - just to see if I still could. I ran a half marathon February 17, 2008 in Phoenix. My time was about the same.
You know, I told someone last week when I did that; that anymore I think a run - is a run around the park - twice which equals 12.4 miles. I love it! Tomorrow will be sunny and 50 - well later in the afternoon - but I think I will lather up the sunscreen and get out there and run - maybe around twice. I take glucosamine chondroitin - it's the best thing going. I feel wonderful - I am so fortunate. I am so blessed. Thank you. I will try to set a good example. Hey, if I can do it any one can do it. It's mind over matter. No really, you just have to want to and of course, use common sense. Work up to greater distances. And do yoga!
Well, no one told me that I "can't" do all the things I do. And I certainly tell myself that I can.
That is the only difference between me and "them", the inactive.
Now being able to carry a tune is another thing. You know I am truly blessed there. I mean when it comes to carrying a tune, either you have it or you don't it is truly a gift. I love it! I love to sing. I love the fact that my ex requests that I get out my guitar and sing a few songs. She says she misses that. I had a wonderful time at the annual float trip. I thought to myself if they become silent when I begin to sing - then I know I have them. And they were silent. I cut my performance short while they were still wanting more. It was truly magical! I hope to get better and better. I try to sing every day to exercise my voice and get better at playing.
I try to draw everyday too. I am so excited that I am taking private drawing lessons on Wednesday. I have never had an art lesson - never. I just liked to draw. Remember those match book drawings. Well, I drew one as a kid and it was pretty good. I showed my mother but she never encouraged me to pursue my talents. She did encourage me to take piano accordion lessons as a kid however. I was scared to death. I was afraid of everything. A true extreme introvert. But I still play the accordion from time to time. When I was nineteen I took guitar lessons, later on a few violin lessons - just for fun. You never know I may pick that up again sometime and take violin lessons once again. I quite because the lesson hours interfered with my work schedule.
When I was a junior in high school I began cosmology school and finished after I graduated from high school. I have saved thousands of dollars of hair care expenses because I have cut and colored my own hair since I was thirty. So, I made use of every thing that I have learned.
I taught myself to swim just over a year ago. Well, I saw the other ones swimming like they knew what they were doing. And I wanted to do it right too. So, I pictured them and got the feeling of that vison and tried until I felt like they looked when they swam. It took me a while to get the breathing down. At first I hated having my face in the water. But now about a year later - I truly love it.
When I was very young none of my girlfriends rode bicycles or played tennis. Women were observers and cheer leaders back then only. So I bought a ten speed and rode alone. I played tennis against the school wall that had a line drawn on it. I had fun and my thigh got firm. I am in better shape now, then I was in my 30's. I'm toned and strong. And helping myself - makes me feel good about myself.
Nixon brought about Title Nine in 1976 but it took years before schools actually got federal funding to engage girls in sports and allow them to attend college on sport scholarships that young men have been enjoying and taking advantage of for years. In the 80's guys who enlisted got a free college education after they got out of their two year service stint. Women weren't in the service then; well, a very few were - that were enlisted in the Viet Nam "conflict". I think more than anything women were nurses in the service then. I believe there were women soldiers in the Gulf war in 1990 under the first Bush. Remember "Storm'n Norman". That was actually cool watching the battle front on CNN take place live. It was the first time in history where cameras were up close and personal. And that war was short although many soldiers came back sick. You know, but not as bad as veterans from the "agent orange" VietNam eleven year conflict.
See there is advantage to being older - remember events. I could probably stand up to Jay Len's on the street questions. I usually have the answers for his questions anyway. Too bad some young people have their heads in out of the sun places. They must have been raised in a vacuum. When I was a kid the evening news was on. I remember Huntley and Brinkley evening news. All men you know - no women. Why do women have to be pretty to be on TV and men can look like something the dog dug up? Oh, I forgot that double standard men themselves are even unaware of - well, hell, it works for them. They're happy!
What amazes me though is how slow human society progresses. Well, our government holds us back - and helps big corporations who are allowed to run amok and sell us down the river. Big shot CEO's would sell their own mothers down the river for a buck! Well, I guess if CEO's ruin the economy of this country - what's keeping them from moving headquarters, products and sales solely or mostly to Dubai where people have money? Plus they would avoid taxes there. Hey, there are stock markets all over the world. Man four more years of Bush (McCain will continue the strategy) lousy governing would certainly have taken us down that far. Kick backs are given to politicians to turn a blink eye.
And when corporations like the loan and financing corporations get too greedy and begin to cheat applicants and down right commit fraud on loan applications this ruthless administration should have punished them, but instead they gave them bail out money. Yet not allowing people with these crooked balloon loans get help from the government. These corporations heads should have been put in jail for hiding bad loans into foreign investment packages. Do I hear Enron - all over again? Do I hear credit union fraud - by a Bush son - all over again. Do I hear crooked tallying of votes in the state of Florida all over again? Do I hear a needless war over oil? And a waste of tax payers money. We pump billions of dollars into Iraq's infrastructure every week. Iraqi's have billion of dollars in oil profits that THEY could be spending to take care of their own stuff.
I remember when Bush first became president - he talked so much about Iraq - in every speech that I could have sworn he was Iraq's president. It was all for profit. War is wagged for profit.
Even back with WWII Ford and other big shots and bankers were making a killing in Germany. And then there was the rebuilding of England and France and other countries.
Okay I got carried away once again as I was writing. I haven't blogged for a few days. I am spiritual and free. Oh, now here I go about religions. Religion is nothing more than a money maker for religion heads, men. Men who love to dress up in gowns and slippers and prance around and preach and teach. Every man loves to preach and teach and direct and tell you how to act and what to think. They are good at it - it's innate! Mr Perfects - they are all so very perfect - just ask them. When underneath they are big babies. You see they think they have to control and order people and women around because they are really insecure. They are all pretty much looking for their mamas . And then when they get old, subconsciously they are afraid of being alone so they get sick first and then you see there wives hauling them around back and forth to the doctors yet on the way he is directing, preaching and teaching. Well, you know, she's stupid and couldn't find her way out of a paper bag. Because we all know that men are so much more smarter than women. You didn't know that?
Women have their rolls to up hold and they don't deserve to make as much money as men when doing the same job. And women should be prettier on TV than men. And co worker men should sabbotage women's work or hold back information from her so she looks stupid. It's all because men are one up personlities while women believe in cooperation and working together to get the job done. Men like to brown nose too. They protect each other from women. Women are lessor beings. You didn't know that? All women journalist should be beautiful while men can look - you know like men ugh! Boring!
Obama bores me when he speaks - well, for one thing, I've already heard Hillary said it. He merely repeats everything she says. I think that is his "how to win" strategy and of course the male journalist do not see it. Frankly I think all the men think he is cute - not only Craig - all of them. Men stick together!
Okay, I'm quitting. I'm tired. My fingers are typing and they won't stop. I love to type. It's the only reason why I blog. Who would have thought that when I took typing... yes, actual typing classes in high school (I used a typewriter - remember them) that I would be typing the rest of my life. I typed my hold working career accept the short time I was a hairdresser professionally. Now sometimes when I use my iPhone, I type with two thumbs only. You have to love it!
And why is that pretty woman married to McCain. You see woman are trophies to make men look better, well, more successful. Or talented enough to get a pretty woman. Women are owned and shown and hidden behind when boys go wrong - like Craig, Haggart, Spitzer. And he outed gay governor of New Jersey. It's too funny. Women certainly have a purpose: To make the man look good, to stand beside him even if he cheats on her and makes an ass of her and himself. Her job is to make him look straight and upstanding. Oh please - don't make me laugh. But why do they drag their wives up there to the podium with them - like mommies. It makes me laugh! I'd kick him in the ass! I bet half of them don't tell their wives what the speech is about beforehand either. Hey, men aren't jerks! Remember that! Men are gods - just ask them. After all they made him up in their own likeness! Oh please! I saw through that whole hoax when I was a kid in Catholic grade school.
I'm spiritual and spiritual is how I will remain. Okay, it's back into the "now" for me - and I will over look this stuff. Let's see I want to keep the playing field even. What bad things can I say about women? Hm - let's see - Z E R O!
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