Monday, April 21, 2008

The Techs like Hillary! Way to Go!

I can't believe Mrs McCain says it is very hard to watch the back and forth bickering between Osama and that is not going to take place in November between whom ever and Mr. McCain. And what qualitfications does Mrs. McCain have? You know, we expect a lot these days from first ladies and first gentlemen.

The fact that Osama voted "not" to go to war is real fight fodder regarding Osama's lack of patriotism. He fails to wear the American Flag pin on his lapel and he fails to place his hand over his heart when the National Anthem is sung. I fear Osama Baracck Hussein Obama has a hidden agenda up his sleeve. Mr. Nice Guy might not be so nice when he gets into office. I've seen a darker side last Thursday April 17th, 2008 when ABC jouralist asked him about not wearing the American Flag Pin. He said bickering is silly - is that what he is going to say to foreign dignitarie

The communications technician whom was here to work on a problem that I was having said he whole garage is voting for Hillary. I was so impressed. And he said he thinks women can do anything men can do.

Yeah Danita Patrick for winning the Japan's Indy 300. I love it! And yeah to the two space women who met in space for the first time. One was flight commander for Discovery and the other was the commander of the stationary of the space station. And yeah to Hillary when she wins. You know, honesty and truly, we need to balance the yin yang even Deepak Chopra said that in one of his books. We are so out of balance as a society.

I am so sick of the Catholic Church authoritarian jardon and rule. The silly demands. It's insulting like we are stupid sheep without a brain. We know what's right or wrong! They make demands, rope us in and molest our children. They take our money and pay billions to victims. Guilty priests are above the law and merely get moved from parish to parish to offend again! Why doesn't the law go in there and arrest the lot of them - the bishops right up to the pope for the cover up of all these years. I'm insulted! How stupid to these men think the average person is? I say take your religion and shove it!

Then there's the idiot guys in the government and heads of large corporations making fools of us. How stupid do they think we are! Again, I'm insulted. We are not stupid, brainless idiots. The audacity is appalling for even them to think they can continue to try to fool and make fools of us. Honest election in 2000 - my ass. Cheney had a hidden agenda the whole time. He couldn't wait to get in there and set up 9 11 with the false Iraq investigating reports. And yes to vote "no" for the war would have been unpatriotic. So Osama Obama whatever is unpatriotic. I think if he gets elected - we may all be very sorry.

How in the world can Baracck have enough experience to deal with the multitasking of government. You see how other men do it - not so good! They're still talking about our Southern borders. And all the news journalist are so concentrated on the election that major things such as all our domestic problems and the war are side stepped.

Do you know that there is already a huge embassey built over there in Iraq. It's huge - like a small village. Gee, aren't you happy we built that there for them? Didn't know that was even there did you.

We need Hillary at the helm so desperately to balance the playing field. Hillary will show you changes so fast - you won't believe it. She'll be fine!

Obama I fear will drag his feet. In my gut - I don't trust him. I have an ill feeling. Remember the old saying - if it appears to good to be true - it usually is.

Please think before you vote! Remember this is very serious. You are not voting on a rock star with a new CD. The way you vote will have a personal effect on YOUR future. Think and plan wisely please.

Change! Hell I can march around and say change - change change. Het any Democrat in the office of the Presidency would be a change! Hello! And for the first two dozen debates they asked her first so he merely repeated everything she said. It was so obvious. The guys is scaring me actually. And his wife is down right angry! "Finally proud to be an American". What kind of a statement is that? Just what are they up too? What is their agenda! And remember is associations with Rev. Wright for 20 years? The Rev. spoke hatred of white people. Then there is his assocition with Farathan and Riszo.

Please think about what you are doing.

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