Thursday, April 24, 2008

The View's Elisabeth is speaking out polticity

First of all Elisabeth is a stuanch Republican. And Joy, Sherry, Whoopie are Democrats I believe I think all three are for Obama.

Elisabeth is concerned about Obama's twenty years of devotion to racist, hatred preaching Rev. Wright. I understand her worry about Obama's association with the Rev. Wright which is one of my concerns too. Twenty years is long enough to be thoroughly brain washed. Obama doesn't wear the "flag" pin on his lapel and he doesn't place his hand over his heart during the National Anthem. There're something off base about him - my intuition keeps up on that.

Pesonally I'm voting for Hillary because I think she is the best candidate and yes because she is a woman! A very extra plus!

I'm so sick of men running everything. Men can be old and ugly and get the news and TV jobs and women have to be beautiful. It's totally

Wow! That Danita Patrick is very, very cute! She won the Indy 300 in Japan. 2009 Winner. She cried when she won. I wouldn't want her not to cry! Hell, I cried for her.

If you have even been a degraded, repressed, victim of male sexism woman, you would cry too.
God, I had my fill of that shit. I had had enough as a young girl and then to go on, and on, and on, seeing the double standard that glorious, "the preferred sex" man ride on is truly disgusting.

Women always have to prove themselves whereas men just brown nose and fall into it. I mean poor Hillary! Now she's "a real man" - she's taken more crap from these news guides then any big baby man would do. She's been taking it all along. They just plain come out and tell her to quit. She's taken it like "a real man". Anyway, Hillary will make history cleaning up that Washington mess. The good old boy's clubs is getting shown up.

Yeah, for centuries men held women down. Oh, they were too weak for sports because of their periods Bull Shit! Men were smarter! Bull Shit! No wonder women hate men - they never treated us equally. And then they act so offended!

I'm hear to tell you the stronger sex - is female!

And, it's the year of the woman! Hillary, Danita Patrick, the two women space commandors who worked together in space this past year.

Women rock! Women can mulittask. Hey and don't forget the books about women this year.
Dee Dee Meyers "Why Women Should Rule The World" and the "Female Brain" by Louann Brizendine, M.D.

Women can multitask and once more which is very crucial, they can see how their actions and what they say affects others. They use their whole brain too AND they have the power of intuition. It's true!

Men use half their brain and it shows, they can't multitask, they appear self-centered and they can only focus on one thing at a time, usually that thing right in front of them. And they are big babies. It's all about them! They are pushing, preachy, know-it-all when in fact they don't know shit! I mean look at the men in Washington - they never get anything done! Well, it's all bull shit. Now Bush says gas needs to get 30 MPG at 2020. Oh Please! Toyota Prius get 49 MPG NOW! We had the electric car in the late 90's between BUSH killed it. Watch the DVD "Who Killed the Electric Car?"

Trust me - Hillary has the potential to get the job done and will be ready on day one. Whereas McCain is just another old, white man. Obama is phony and will falter on day one. He'll be walking around in confusing circles, looking for things he has lost and he'll be confused and waving his hands all over the place.

Hilllary has already sorted through the mess and the junk - she'll clean house.

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