Obama give it up, please! NAFTA started out fine but merely needs to be adjusted. Periodically all plans of international trading must be adjusted to fit with the sign of the times. That's common sense.
Regarding China. What does it matter? We will have to kiss China's behind for years to come. We're buy lucky they just don't come and buy out this country.
The only thing bad about China is that they are late bloomers when it comes to increasing their oil consumption. So, they are using more oil and coal. And the average person in China wants to own a car. They better buy little ones so they all fit on the highways. So, becoming more westernized (we like to brag - even though our economy is backwards and swirling in the toilet heading down in a rapid flush) they are consuming more fossil fuels.
I'm watching CNN and Donna Brazil makes this guy sitting next to her look like a corpse. She's beautiful and he's well - dull. Old white gray haired men are I guess - dull. People of color are so much more attractive. Hm. Then there's McCain. Gee, am I getting caught up in the male double standard. I don't normally criticize or compare appearances. Why? We are all created by a higher power. Don't tell me we have control over that too - how we look? You know I read somewhere that we do. Like I think I wanted to be attractive and physically more able than others. Well, I wanted to show example - but it's not working. My friends are still sedentary.
So, I'm changing the subject now. So, there's telling us that Alzheimer's and diabetes is not an old people's disease anymore. Well, then just what is making us old. I, for example, is much more active than some of my friends who are in their 30's. I'm damn proud of it too.
Oh, here is the real reason why I'm blogging. Yes, now I have heard everything in a Ford commercial - they have always stretched the truth. But this is a real kicker. I heard "Ford is built as good as Toyota now". Sorry! In my thinking that is a s good as the 80's advertising "the quality goes in before the name goes on". Well, they almost got it right - the name went on. I think that is when they started that ugly cheap looking "blue" emblem. Throw away junk car. Maybe they should sell them real cheap and call them throw away junk cars. Well, it's cheaper to junk old computers then try to fix them. They become obsolete so quickly. And sell phone.
Excuse me. Amy Walter - is she ever cute! I'm watching CNN too. Very cute! Why was I born so soon? Not fair! Of course I've seen classy older women, and yes some "hot" with gray (more white) hair. Good posture and pride is key. Did you know that there is a model who is 75 would has been modeling for over 40 years. Yes, and she still models.
Haiti and Zimbabwe people are starving. The World Bank is asking for money. In both countries leadership is crumbling and not helping these starving people. In these countries 73% of their money goes towards food where as here in the USA we spend 10% on food. So even though are food prices are rising due to higher oil prices ( so they say) we can still some what afford to buy food. I have put myself on a diet. I hate going to the grocery store
Some people claim that the arguing democratic candidates are bad thing. I disagree! I disagree because it brings more and more people out to vote and campaign and listen and decide. Hell, let them duke it out and the best person will come up swinging and winning. Frankly I think Hillary can wrap circles around dainty Osama, Barrack Saddem Hussein Obama Big Mama. Rev. Wright preacher's sonny Osamba! Whatever. He can't bowl! If the ball don't fit; you must equit! He is probably afraid of guns. I didn't see him slug back a shot! You go girl! I'm for HIllary - all the way! And yes, I've heard everything.
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