Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Kentucky, W. Virginia and Indiana need to vote in a primary yet. These look good for Hillary. Indiana and N. Carolina may go with Osama Obama.

Hillary won huge this evening by 10% just what all the boogle headed news people said she had to win by. This is not good news for Osama Barack Hussein Obama. He just doesn't appeal to me. My intuition actually tells me he's bad news. Just where is his experience? In the Rev. Wright's hate preaching church for twenty years? Where is his patriotic "Old Glory" pin on his lapel. Why doesn't he place his hand over his heart during the National Anthem?

Why did he vote "no" on giving the president the authority to go to war right after 9 11? The bill was written to give Bush the authority to go to war if he saw fit according to the findings of reliable investigatings by the CIA. That's patriotic! To actually vote "no" is "not knowing what you are doing when you are voting in the Senate"

It was revealed in the Denver debate that Hillary and Edwards voted yes on a 30% ceiling on what credit card companies can charge their card holders. Hillary and Edwards voting "yes" on the ceiling on 30%. Which mean that they can't charge holders more. Well, Obama voted "no" and therefore the credit card companies have "no ceiling" and right now are charging 44%! Yes, right now card holders are charging 44% if you are late on your payment. And that 44% doesn't only get charged on that one card YOU hold; but they can charge that on ALL the cards you hold!

See what I mean! You and me, we, need someone in the White House who knows how to sign off on bills as president. Hillary is brilliant! Also during that same Denver, Nevada debate the question was asked: "What is your weakness". Well Obama for once had to answer first and he said "I lose papers on my desk" . I'm thinking "What"?. Hillary said her weakenss was her impatience. and followed with the desire to get to Washington as commander in chief and get things done.

Now Obama is saying that candidates make promises and then when they get to Washington they don't carry out their promises. Obama says he is going to turn Washington around. The guys came from no where and only had one year in the Senate and then declares himself presidental material? I don't think so.

And those who are worried about NAFTA - so please. Bills get modified all the time to fit present needs. NAFTA can be changed to better "our" economy.

Congratulations Hillary! You showed them - you got that 10% margin all the critical news people said you needed. Congratulations to the people of Pennsyvania, my women's intuition tells me that you won't be sorry.

You can't possibly not want prosperity and peace. We had both with Bill Clinton. It took a Clinton to clean up after the first Bush and a Clinton to clean up after the second Bush. Think about it? It's wrapped up with Hillary! She got the experience in her back pocket.

I truly do not understand people who want fresh blood? Why? These are critical times. We don't know that Obama can pull it off. Hell, he doesn't know how to vote and he can't find papers on his desk! No thanks! This is serious stuff. We are not voting on a rock star contest here. Yours and mine futures are at stake! Go with what you know!

Besides Republicans have nothing on Hillary. Both she and her husband have already been dragged through the Republican wringer and came out clean. Who knows that lurks in Obama's past? We don't know him! He hasn't proven himself enough for me!

Go Hillary!

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