Monday, October 02, 2006


There is a nun named Madonna (not sure if spelled like the singer's name). She is 75 years old. I here tell that she has done 28 iron man events and is still doing them. Yes, I said 75 years old!

In case you are not sure, an iron man event consists of swimming 2.5 miles, riding bicycle 110, and then running a marathon (26.2 miles). I think seventeen hour is the total time limit they allow you to try to do all three events before they come looking for you. I believe she did hers in, I'm not sure maybe fifth teen or sixteen hours. I don't want to cheat her out of any well desired credit. The woman is truly amazing!

How many 75 year old woman can even throw their leg over a bicycle much less ride that far? She says she believes her purpose is to be an inspiration to others. Well, she is certainly an inspiration to me. I believe she started doing all these events in her late forties.

I recently asked someone how can she do this. "It's all mental" was her reply. Wow! the mind is a truly powerful thing. I said. "So our bones and tissues conditions follow our thoughts?" They must other wise this woman would be broken up into pieces.

I loved hearing this concept - that our minds are that powerful! Our thought so powerful as to create our own realities. It's true! If we perceive the world as being evil then it surely is - in our eyes and mind.

I see the world as magical and wonderful filled with loving, wonderful friends who sent me high into an wondrous reality. I'm very grateful for my many gifts of health, wealth (well enough) and wisdom. Happiness is key! I'm so grateful for that and the love in my life!

So, what's stopping you? What's holding you back? Religion? Sense of duty? Shame? All those things that society (religion) would have us believe that we are sinners and weak and THEY are in control. No, THEY or not in control. YOU are in control of your reality! So stop blaming out side sources and get working on a better attitude and reality. You can begin the process at any age. Stop whining and looking for excuses! Start by getting out there in this beautiful fall weather and walking, then running. Just anything to get you moving - just a little bit at first. Exercise is key - to everything! Good health and mental and emotional well-being.

Be a fascinating person to your friends, be the best that you can be.

I have a year to get perfect for 60. Honey, I will be the youngest 60 you have ever seen. It's only a chronological number. We can't help when we were born; but, we sure can help how we live our lives! Inside I am 30. I run with the 30 year olds. So, I'm thinking mentally youthful appearance thoughts. Why not! If bones and muscles are influences by our thought, why not the elasticity of our skin and strength of our muscles. I already see how working out on the weight machines at the gym firms my arms and keep me strong. Look out world - you haven't seen anything yet! Youthful thoughts - my looks match how I feel.

Life is fabulous! Proper diet and exercise and plenty of water. I am well on my way to my personal best.

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