Saturday, October 21, 2006

Republicans are in BIG TROUBLE

I wonder about events leading up to 9 11. You know the whole thing could have been orchestrated to get us into war; into Iraq to protect the oil field there by Haliburton (Cheney's corporation).

A few thousand lives satisfied would mean nothing to them. Call oral damage its called. Hello! Vietnam? More than 3,000 soldiers have died already in Iraq.

Yeah, oil is big business; well, to the republican corporations it is. Auto, oil and government all in cahoots.

We have a broken government and broken borders. An estimated 3,000 a day. And the government looks the other way because the corporations want it that way; the corporations that run the government. They want cheap labor and the government wants the votes. For five years we have had open borders.....might as well call it that! So, where is the national security the government bragged about?

The government is make up of a bunch of war mongers and business men who want to get more rich.

If the republicans win in the up and coming elections, I will be convinced that it is rigged. Americans are beginning to speak out because they are being effected by poor management of the government. Jobs being outscourced and shipped overseas.

The republican administration has failed the middle class and have this country 43 Trillion dollars in debt! We are deep in debt to China, (Communist China), Japan, Mexico (do you think that is why we are letting millions of Mexico's President Fox citizens slipped into this country per year...since 2001? Ever since 9 11 01..

By the way, have you ever bought anything that was not made in China? China is where our manufacturing has gone! Good middle class jobs have been shipped to India where they do good technicial work at a much lower salary.

You know that 9 11 01 terrorist attach was a major distraction for the republicans. Hey, it got Haliburton (gee, funny it was all ready to go to Iraq to protect the oil fields) quickly to Iraq. Saddam Hussein was not a threat; didn't even have nuclear weapons. If unclear weapons and not oil is the issue; how come we don't go after N. Korea. Trade sanctions is the way the United Nations is going on this. How cruel are we; those poor people there are already starving there.

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