Wednesday, October 18, 2006

John McCain believes straight marriage only

Well, he won't get my vote in 2008. Frankly I don't like the guy. John McCain (with Chris Mathews of Hardball in a live discussion) at Iowa State University said he was for the sanctity of straight marriage and was against homosexuals being married. There was loud booing when he said this. Thumbs up for the college students; they have more sense then these backward Christian old white haired men. Get with it McCain! Hey McCain, I'm a tax payer how dare you not give me the same right to tax shelters and benefits as straight married people.

On CNN Tucker show Mark Foley got no sympathy saying he was abused by a priest as an alter boy. Yeah, I bet he names a "dead" priest. And why wait 40 years? Oh and then Foley says he has a drinking problem. Yeah right! The guest journalist on Tucker said he has seen he nurse a drink for hours at a party. That's the Republican way - always blame someone else. Numerous times the republicans have blamed Clinton for the attack on 9 11 and everything else. Yeah right! Clinton depleted the national debt and Bush got it up to 7 trillion in six years. Way to go Bush (and cronies).

Is it really necessary to scream commercials at me? I'm appalled and irate and getting down of turning down my TV every fucking time a commercial comes on. I swear to you that I will not buy any of these! None! How dare Charter cable ram this shit down my throat! It's rude! Have you no fucking manners? I live in a condo complex and Charter, the cable company, deliberately lowers the sound of the program and screams the commercials at you.

Also, I believe all that information revealed in David Kuo's "Tempting Faith". The Bush administration betrayed the Evangelical Christians and only used them to obtain the republican vote. The white house has a Faith Alliance coalition in which David Kuo headed and one time so he knows just what went on. Bush seduced the Christian voter!

Really, a small minority think that abortion is immoral. I believe it is a personal choice and none of any one 's business. It's between the pregnant woman and her conscious and I don't care how old she's no body's else business. Many times parents have a selfish excuse when they tell the young parent girl to abort or give the child up for abortion. I think it should be up to the pregnant young woman. I think Christians should mind their own business.

Tucker on CNN showed crude Rosie on The View with Bill O'Reilly and demanded how HE was going to get us out of Iraq? Then she tells all the women in the audience, as she squeezes her boob that mammograms don't hurt. She looked like a Buddha sitting next to tiny, hidden in the shadows, the true host of "The View", Barbara Walters. Frankly! Yes, even though Rosie is a lesbian, I'm ashamed to admit, I think Barbara Walters should ditch Rosie. She is crude and rude and towering over Barbara and taking over the show. She does just what she wishes like giving Barbara a surprise birthday bash when Barbara distinctly requested not have one on TV. "The View" use to be feminine and eloquent but big, fat, loud, crude, rude Rosie thinks it's her show alone. I'm sure "The Views" ratings will plummet.

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