I woke up to the sound of heavy rain this morning so I drove the the gym to swim and then work out on weight, bicycle and treadmill machines. I did so yoga stretches this evening after I helped L paint with a friend. We got two rooms primed.
Now, I'm watching Anderson Cooper's 360 show about the population of America turning 300 million. Forty-six million middle class American are without health insurance. Health care cost is a reason most Americans file for bankruptcy. It cost 20,000. to have a baby and that is without complications. So many Americans are uninsured. Health care cost are sky rocketing while wages are stagnant. The growing number of uninsured is becoming an American crisis. A woman was pregnant and found she could not get an insurance. She was suppose to already have insurance for a year according to the insurance provider before she got pregnant. But, she was told she would never get pregnant by doctors but did anyway. Her problem, since she was already pregnant she couldn't get insured.
I think many Americans do NOT realize that you can't get insurance "after" the fact. That is if you are middle-class; people below the poverty line with nothing can get medicare to pay for their injuries or illnesses.
Here's the problem: The middle class is shrinking and so less money is pumped into the system to provide for Medicare and other federal funding. What happens if the whole nation is below the poverty level? Who will be working and making enough money in the way of federal taxes, to provide Medicare if 75% of the people need aid.
These are serious issues that our present government does not care about, because our present government works for the insurance industry and other large corporations which have funded the Republican party in time of elections. The present government owes the lobbyist in a big way. Missouri senator Talent has excepted big money from the oil industry so now he owes them, so any bills he approves of will be in their favor. So, he down plays environmental concerns and health concerns. Someone has to speak for the people and try to change Washington to vote for bill in favor of the people of this country, all 300 millions of them. In just 33 years the population has raised 100 million. Every three seconds an immigrant enters this country, they get medicare benefits because they are poor.
And what about stem cell research? Why are Evangelist Christians apposed to stem cell research when stem cell research can cure diseases and help heal spinal cord injuries? Why are Christians more afraid of the possibilities of cloning and abortion? Personally, I don't think they have done their homework. It sounds like conservative, backwater logic to me!
Personally, I'm a spiritualist and I am quite frankly am getting sick and tired of Christians thinking they know everything when in fact some of the stuff they preach and promote doesn't make sense at all. And why would anyone or anyone group live by an old book of ancient beliefs. Common sense tells you that it wouldn't apply to modern day life anyway? Besides at the time the "bible" was written (by humans 'men' I might add) it was written for those times. Women and children had no rights. Men fought against each other for status of power and murder and death ran ramp id. I cannot image anyone following these ancient writings by no other than ordinary males of the the time. Why?
I am a spiritualist and do not belong to any organized religion that merely wants my money and my head count so they can look powerful. Why? Everything I have and need is inside me. I am the power within to create my reality and plan my day and watch as magical moments unfold convincing me that I can truly plan my day. Our souls/spirits/ our heart live many life times if we choose. Our spirit never dies but lives from one lifetime to the next. We are here to learn, teach and love. Personally, I believe organized religions are mere scams for monetary gain and power through manipulation and untruths. The church preaches against homosexuality and has made life miserable for them. Why? The church is filled with homosexuals. Why are they such hypocrites? It's all about control people. They can't be almighty gods, and leaders if they do not have some poor sap to first of all push down and make them think they are wrong and sinful. All that is so they can declare that the "sinner" needs fixing. Of course, if you give the church money, they can fix you.
It's amazing to me that people cannot see through this bogus major untruth. There is so much evil in the world and most of it is religiously led. All we need to survive and strive on earth is a pure loving heart and weren't you born with one? We come into the world innocent. I know I did. I was born gay. I had love in my heart. And then came along by religious parents, who although marched to church every Sunday, were the most unloving evil people I ever met. All my relatives were unhappy and cold as ice. Why? Because religions and war broke their spirits down. Oh yes, they obeyed the priests and pastors. We were taught that expressing loving emotions was WRONG, weak and sinful. Why? Just so religions could CONTROL and show might.
When I was a kid in religion class I learned that children were born evil and had to have the meaness beaten out of them. There was no hugs or kisses. My father thought that the very word of "love" was stupid. They believed in nothing but hard work. My childhood was so painful that it seems another life time away, yetI bare the scars. I try to bury the memories that have created self-doubt and difficulties in relationships and cheated me out of loving someone of the same sex. I missed my 20's and 30's and that is the most painful part of my sad memories. I should have been happy and in love with "her"..but I had to bury those feelings and try to love "him." Because the church (and therefore society - who can't think for themselves) said loving her was wrong. NO WAY! I couldn't do it. I was in such emotional pain. Society and the church forced ME to live a live for the first 40 years of my life! NOT FAIR and I am angry and feel cheated! I was cheated! All the pain I endured because of stupid, stubborn, ridiculous teachings by a few old white men who feel they must manipulate and control and conquer and destroy. I lived in heart ache all my life. I don't think a god (and truly I believe there is NONE [made up by men who want to be gods]) truly exists. Spirituality teaches us that WE ARE ALL GODS and that the power lies within each and everyone of us. WE HAVE BEEN FOOLED and made FOOLS of. It's time for an awaken!
The bible was written that women should be subservient to men. Oh come on! That there alone tells you human men wrote this atrocity of falsehoods. Yet, people are so broken and needy they have to believe in something. Well, believe in YOURSELF. YOU ALONE HAVE THE POWER WITHIN! You are the one with the power! Of course they don't want you to believe that...then they can't control you and think for you! Like most men who want to dominate women by preaching, teaching and controlling them all the time.
Why should your life be a continuous series of rainy days when it can be bright and beautiful and created by you. You have more power within than any organized make believe so called religion. It's time you realized that!
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