Tuesday, October 03, 2006

I am so CUTE!

It's working!! I'm looking more and more like I'm in my thirties! What? You don't believe me?

I am the master of my universe, of my world, of my reality, of my mind! I feel like 30, act like 30. I look like 30's. Sixty is the new thirty - don't you know? Come join me!

My athletic friend once told me that doing iron man events (swimming 2.5 miles, bicycling 110 miles and running 26.2 marathon miles) are mostly all mental! It has to happen in your brain first and your body will follow - your bones, your tissues. There is a 75 year old woman who still does them. Yes! She has so far since her fifties, done a total of 28 iron man events in Hawaii each year.

So, I figure if that woman can train and do those events at her age and her tissue and bone allow her too.. and it all begins in her mind. Well, then looking youthful should be a piece of cake.

I have found already that working out with weight, that my arms have become more firm. Yes, more firm! I'm as cute as can be! Even my little belly! I need to pitch the dark chocolate covered almonds that I have been snacking on since last evening. Also! I need to eat before 6:00 PM and have nothing but water after that! If I would my stomach would be flat by morning! Trouble is, that never happens because I hook up with friends all the time in the evening and eat sometimes after 8:00 PM.

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