Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Your gullible and stupid!

I have just about given up on some of these people. They are part of the shrinking middle class but too stupid to see that Bush and company is making fools of them. Don't they watch CNN?

Bush pretends that he is right there with the Christians (to get their votes - you knucklehead!). But, he lies to them too.

I was watching Lou Dobbs in Kansas City, MO. and god people are so gullible and misguided. Like this one fat white guy says (he's the father of five - nice Christian white boy) I would vote on issues that I believe in such as economical and health issues but the same candidates are for abortion, stem cell research and gay marriage. So, I can't vote for them because of there moral issues. Now, see how this stupid idiot fell right into Bush's hands. This is exactly what Cheney, Bush, Carl Rove had in mind when they designed their political strategies. I guess you could say these guys are brilliant because they have sure pulled one over on the middle class of, especially the Midwest.

The Midwest is one of the places in America that 1/3 of the high school students DO NOT graduate from high school. And Stupidity breeds stupidity. As a society we are not progressing at all. Americans are dumbing down! And Bush's education plan (no child left behind) is not working. Segregation never worked. Get with the program and create state of the art inner city schools. Stop busing them.. Besides if inner city schools were good enough more middle class people with children would make their home in urban instead of suburban areas.

By god, demand that your government does RIGHT by you! You are the tax payer. The one who pays your only to fork out funds for health, housing and aid to illegal immigrants and legal immigrants and other poor people. The way the government - republican - government is going soon you will join them - the POORl because you are too stupid to read between the lines and to realize just what bullshit the republicans are handing you. Maybe you should have stayed in school!

I have nothing against them - Latinos are very good workers. They are hard working. But, they are ruining the economy and taking jobs, health care and housing away from people already living here. Isn't it bad enough that Bush allows big corporations to out-source your job overseas? Just how stupid are you! In areas where there are high populations of Latino immigrants, hospitals cannot afford to stay open and operative and have CLOSED. Did you know that.

Have you saved for retirement - because social security won't be enough to live on? Lou Dobbs says that 50% of people near retirement do not even have $50,000. saved for retirement. They will be working until their dying day. Or until they get sick and the little if any insurance coverage they have - bails on them totally. by bailing I mean the insurance company decides they will not cover all of the claims that you have. And Bush let's these companies (because he is strictly for big business) get away with this and you let him; because all Bush (laughing all the way to the bank) knows that all he has to do is throw moral issues at you (like he is so god like) such as abortion, stem cell research and gay marriage. Just how does any of these really affect you? Well, stem cell research made save you from Parkinson's disease, Lupus, certain cancers, alhemizers and more. So just how stupid are you?

Just where is our so-called government. Iraq is a distraction from the real issues. Abortion, stem cell research and gay marriage is another distraction and a guide to lead you away from the real issues THAT DO effect your everyday life. So over look a candidates moral opinion and vote for the one who will give you better schools, affordable and non-bailing insurance plans. I have realized this evening that even if a family has insurance, that insurance company limits coverage. Or increase deductibles or rising premiums for no good particular reason..accept to save them money and rip you off.

And why can't gay couples be legally married. What it to you? They are tax payers too and on that mere fact along, they deserve the right to marry and receive all of the same benefits as your sorry ass! Well, just keep being easily fooled and soon all of your straight marriage tax deduction and benefits will cease. Why? Because sooner or later, the republicans will trick you into cutting your social benefits just so they can save money.

Just how many ways from Sunday can I tell you so you get it! Bush and company cares nothing about you, the middle class or the poor. He and they, only care about the rich and big business. Stop being made a fool of. And stop being so stubborn - open your eyes, open your mind and learn something.

Stop concentrating on the moral issues such as abortion, stem cell research and gay marriage and look at the real issues that present a clear and present danger if they are not considered.

Stop acting like sub-normal kids and look at how you are being tricked! You are being made a fool of, if you vote on issues for mere moral issues. Look at what the candidate has done for you. As your candidate accepted big oil money, or big corporation contributions. Whom, they will be faithful to; not to you! You will receive false promises.

The border has not been boarded up because Bush wants 12 million are more illegal immigrants here accepting very cheap labor to do the agricultural and other jobs. In this day an age, naturalist citizens cannot be particular in accepting and finding jobs. And if you have one you better hang on to it.

I'll end on a good note! The stock market hit a 12,000 high today. That's okay by me. Oh, is it planned to, because elections are near. Homes sales are declining however. Just as the gas prices are lower - is it because the election is right around the corner?

CEO's of big business, Bush and company, and oil companies will enjoy the American dream! But, will you? Go to and read the emails regarding the American dream. Here is one example....

From CNN email: "The American dream? Is that the one about owning a home, sending your children to college, a one-income family, retiring at 65, and traveling to see the world after that? I DON'T THINK SO! It sounds wonderful and too good to be true. How about just purchasing/owning a home, not in California's Central Coast, but where I can afford? There are no jobs. We both work, as does our daughter, and she works five days a week and is paying for her college, and taking four classes. My dream of home ownership is slipping away; although owning (and hopefully succeeding) in business ownership is a lot closer than home ownership. ( I removed the writers name)."

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