Yes I am! The universe with truly with me yesterday. For starters, I found the one and only perfect long sleeve t-shirt. I went to Sam's and all I saw was L and XL. Forget that! I didn't want to swim in it! Later, I stopped at Target and again saw nothing but X and XL but for some reason, tucked within those sized was a long sleeve 14-16 boys size. A woman brought it to my was the only long sleeve. "Oh, that's a boys". So, I guess she headed back to the men's department. I thought for sure the boys would be too small. But considered trying it on. It fit over my bathing suit top and long sleeve t-shirt, although just a little snug, but thought I wouldn't have the two layers on. Before I bought it, I tried it on again. Perfect I thought. I walked through the boys department, I thought, but didn't see any t-shirts at all. In the men's department only more L and XL. It's magical I thought and meant to be! At that moment, I knew the rain would cease, my friends would call me to go out with me and I knew in my heart without a doubt that the Cardinals would win the world series. The little t-shirt that came from out of no where was my true magical moment! Wow! I so love life!
When I got home I still had not heard from anyone; but, I was determined to go to the bar alone if necessary. I knew I would know someone or I would just make new friends. As it was I did see a couple of women come in alone. But, I wasn't home too long before my dear sweet young friend called. I love her dearly. She and two other friends ended up going.
Another magical moment. I got to the bar first and saved two bar stools that I thought were available. Actually, four women were trying to save them; but, I didn't catch on the the little things that were left behind to save them. Like a coaster on each? Actually, I guess the universe was with me, because it didn't dawn on me until I sat there for awhile and I hear the girl at the other end of the foursome say. "Susie, you fell down on the job!" then I realized what happened. But Susie never said anything to
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