Thursday, October 19, 2006

Oh come on...Foley...and Catholics are everywhere

you are just gay! Or are you a pervert? Anyway no one is believing your flimsy excuses. Alcohol problem? I don't believe that there are any witnesses to your alcohol abuse problem. Too many people have watched you nurse a drink for hours at a party. Try another excuse!

Oh, okay. This is good! You were abused one time in the sixties by a priest. But, I'm sure the priest is dead by now, so he can't defend himself or confirm your allocation. Frank Anthony Mercieca has been found. He lives on an island somewhere. "I don't know what made him so mad after forty years." Says the Priest. At the time Foley was between 13 and 15 years old. Mercieca said he was sorry Foley was offended by anything that may have happened between them. He said he doesn't remember that at one time he took medication, tranquilizers and alcohol and don't remember. So the priest appears contrite and apologetic. Right now Foley is in rehab for alcohol. Yeah right! Excuses! Excuses! No excuses you were trying to pick up a teenager. Foley you are at fault! Stop trying to blame everyone and everything else and take full responsibility for your actions.

Mark Foley, don't you realize your excuses are not very convincing at all. Anyway, common sense who rule here. Why pick on boys that young; at least try to get them at a legal age.

Changing the subject! Then there is this issue of illegal abortion situation in Portugal. Abortion for rape in Portugal in legal. But, until the law is changed and the power of the Catholic church is dispelled abortion is illegal. Many women go to Spain, but not the poor ones; they are forced to go to back street allies to get abortion and many end up in the hospital or dead. Thank you almighty think you are god catholic church. Oh the church think it is unlawful to take another human being's life yet they are in full favor of murder during the act of war!

It's all about control people! Control! The old white bucks just want to place god and throw their weight around. We are mighty! You are weak and a peon and we will rule you and dominate you and tell you what you can or cannot do. Or we'll throw your ass in jail. So, in Portugal where the government and the people want to make abortion legal, the omnipotent Catholic church wants to rule over the people.

In my opinion its a matter of conscious. Some people cannot afford to rise another child. So, hello Catholic church does this mean you are willing to pay for the support and rising of a growing child.

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