Monday, April 03, 2006

Cool From UK

The coolest person from the U.K. send a response to my profile. I cried and prayed for her aunt. I never had anyone in my life when I was young that was there for me and cared and listened and truly enjoyed me. I never felt I fit or was truly accepted in my family. I always lived with a void in my heart. Finally at 57 I dumped 'em and have not spoke to them in a year - the whole lot of them. Once more, I don't miss them - not one bit.

I live in another state now, in more ways than one. I'm free and happy. I only hope that when love does appear, she is every thing I have dreamed of. I want to feel loved and I want to love. I already have her in my mind and heart; I'm just waiting. I know that she is on her way.

Well, off to the gym for me; I have to look cute for her. I can't wait to be loving to her..

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