Saturday, April 29, 2006

A Time of Great Change for Our Country

Monday, May 1st, 2006, the Great American Boycott will take place. Even California state government will cut work..any excuse. The Catholic church, of course, is in favor, they think that all illegals should be given amnesty; they want the money and the head count. They carry Mexican flags, will they have changed that to American flags now. The illegals will be boycotting work, so it appears the elites will have to baby sit their own children, cook and cut their own lawns. Of course, the Mexican government is in favor, they have enough people to deal with and are glad to get rid of a few million.

Personally, I think we have enough uneducated low paying workers in this country. Due mostly to peer pressure 1 out of 2 Latinos in Denver, Colorado are not graduating. They are gang members. Just how sad is that?

I predict they will bring this country down..soon along with bush polluting the air and dirtying the environment, the USA will be live Mexico, poor, dirty and polluted. Then where will the people want to go? My point is "make your country, Mexico, a better place to live" and face your problems and demand the Mexican government gets things cleaned up and cleared up. ET go home!

Okay, Bush is determined to sell something to Bubai Doncasters; he was fought and stopped from selling them control of our ports and harbors, so he sold them our contract to build military tanks. U.E.I Bubai will build our tanks; I hope we remain friends.

Iraq has become a safe haven for terrorist from all over the world. Wow! seems we are spinning our wheels there. I'm sure Haliburton's oil field are well protected however.

Border security! What does that mean. I believe it has gotten worse since 9/11/01. U.E.I Bubai Doncasters will control nine plants in this country that build tanks and defense weapons. I think Bush, the anti-christ, is showing his might. He's pissed because he couldn't sell our ports and harbors to Bubai.

Indians, are buying up our under sea cables. So goes our republicans committees enabling the great American sell out. I think the Bush's have great plans to one day be president over half of the world. Yes, the world is flat.

The middle class cannot find representations in this house of government. The middle class is shrinking and the poor are increasing. Hell, we are shipping in poor people. Are we nuts? Soon we will have nothing but starving people, murdering, and stealing, in this country. What class? There is no middle class, who are contributing to our income tax base, our social services. Instead, these poor people are draining our social services.

Gas prices are increasing, Bush does nothing! We, the people, are being sold out!

Yes, the illegal immigrants boycotts are happening Monday. Do you think they will boycott our free medical services too?

They are flowing here because our country is better than there. They are even wanting to sing a spanish National Anthem! The audacity! They clearly want to make this country there own. They are not bringing in any money with them, they are here to take, not build up our economy. This country is in transition and our prosperity is deminishing, sorry to say. We are going down hill!

All the middle class jobs are going away, because of inflation, out-sourcing, off shoring, union jobs taken over by willing to make low pay, illegal immigrants.

I think I am glad I am as old as I am; this country is going down hill fast. Hell, China owns us, they and Japan have our trillion dollar national debt. Our economy is in their hands.

Gee, now the word is that Iran has nuclear weapons and their new president will not give them up. The situation has been presented to the United Nations and China and Russia, do not want to lose them as merchants and traders. Iran has oil too, doesn' it? Anyway, they're going down. Bush will be there next, I mean Haliburton will be there.

I still can't get over Bush selling control of weapons and tanks manufacturing of nine plants in this country to BuBai Doncasters. Oh well, why am I surprised?

Yes, if we had Chinese by the millions coming across our borders that would be called and invasion and we would send out our national guard. Oh, but wait, we can't, they're all being killed or maimed in Iraq. So much for having a national guard?

I ask you again is Bush really our president? Never in any of his speeches does he speak for the good of the AMERICAN people. This is not good!

I'll be very curious to see what condition this country will be in in five years. I don't mean to sound pessimistic, but it is the way I see things going...down hill!

Several years ago allready, I heard carpenters saying. Yes, I would go to Dallas to work but I cannot compete with the latinos working for next to nothing there. So, good paying unions jobs are being out-sourced to illegal, and legal immigrants. Your own president is selling you out!

Now grant it I don't mind someone getting a break but why not have Bush get with the Mexican president Mr. Fox and work out a deal. Offer Mexico help to get their economy back in the running. This way BOTH countries get economically build up. But, no, big business here and anti-union republicans don't want that...but, they do not realize that they are bringing this country DOWN! Now you will have two countries in poor shape! Two negatives don't make a positive, people!

And you know the immigrants will vote republican for the church and Bush, since he LET them stay. Oh yes, very some the illegals will be granted amnesty. I don't care. But, what ever happened to border security? It's a free-for-all as it is now. Truly amazing..

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