I was listening to NPR this morning and I am sure noticing how people are calling in and really voicing their opinions and what is really on their minds these days.
One guy says, we are in Iraq to control the oil fields basically. We want a presence there for control of the oil; we really don't know about democracy there, only control.
His opinion seems logical and realistic to me because otherwise we would be in a lot of other countries too; yet, we only pick the one with the oil. And, funny, but never mention the word "oil" via the media. Nor does the networks mention the name Haliburton. Hmm.
Bush says "We are addicted to oil". Noticed how he turned that onto you? When really it's big business and the government that is addicted to oil. I would gladly burn ethanol. But, you know what making fuel from renewable resources such as corn helps the poor farmers, not big business or the government personnel who have friends in big business.
Now auto makers are big business and as long as the U.S. auto makers crank out huge 16 miles per gallon (seems when Brazil modernized to 85 - 100% ethanol, we went backwards?) extra super-sized vehicles. How backwards is that? How many big ass monster SUV and trucks do you see with only the driver in them and no cargo? They are gas guzzling killing machines if they come up against a smaller vehicle.
Our environment, weather, and health would benefit if this country would learn to down size and think practical. A few years back the big business old bucks said it would cost more to convert to full ethanol. Well, Brazil, got the plans (actually, I think from American scientist) back after the 1970's gasoline crunch and next year they will be 100% petroleum free. Nothing is wasted from their sugarcane crop and what is not turned into sugar gets made into ethanol. The big cookers (looks like to me) aren't even that big and produce ten of thousands of gallons a day. Out government said it wouldn't be cost effective to switch from oil to total ethanol. I'm sure too that these new flex cars are merely equipped with a computer chip that sensed the combination of fuels. And probably new cars do not need to be built, I'm sure old car could convert - only my opinion. But, I'm sure some where along the line that would not be cost effective or profitable for our business minded government.
Do you think maybe our government just might have a plan into place already a involving the middle east and the oil and auto industry? Does the middle east have us over an oil barrel? Are we in so deep in crude that we cannot break away or get out?
I prodict they will stretch it out too for as long as they can. And when they can't anymore and look too stupid or no one votes for them anymore and all of the diversions that are in place will no longer be there to distract us.
But in the meantime this gives them time to find a way to buy up all the small farms or control the crop production in this country. See, right now, if we go to 85% or more ethanol the big auto, oil, and government croonies, not to mention halitburton, lose out. So, I predict the masterminds are at work right now to see where the most profit - for them lies.
I predict too, the American auto manufacturers will all go under.. just to get rid of the unions and the next generation of auto makers will not have union workers at all. See, I think all the plants as we see them now, will go belly up and then new plants for flex cars (which can burn 100% ethanol or any combination of ethanol and fuel) will be built and be non-union.
On another topic. The state of Massachusetts is making health insurance mandatory, you know like car insurance is now. And reporters of talk news shows wondered if the other states would follow. Well, I think they will, and I think the government, being for big business, will be for it too. Funny how the government could never get that into place. In the early 90's Hilliary tried but the other members weren't for it or perhaps wanted to wait until the other party was able to initiate it, so they could take credit. Oh I know what happened they were too busy digging the dirt and setting up Bill with Monica. Well, we'll see what happened now. I predict that if Massachusetts is successful, the federal government will mess it up, somehow. But, either way, the government croonies and big business leaders will benefit most and not the ordinary citizen.
The government better watch it because with out-sources and off shoring and letting illegal aliens in this country, we are losing our federal income tax base for our infrastructure and health and social benefits. Now you know, when it comes to the people our government is not proactive, only reactive. So, we'll probably be in a state as bad as the depression before the government wakes up again.
Just as many states put into place more ID thief protection plans and ideas. Well, read or heard where the government is making many states roll some of the plan back.
In my opinion only, it appears to me that the government wants millions of illegal aliens to sneak into this country to help big corporations and ruin the unions. In either case extremely low wages and no benefits are required. This government only thinks about the presence and ways that will benefit them and their big business lobbyist friends. I don't really think they are concerned with the future of this country, or your future. Or the fact that the middle class is shrinking down to where you have to work two jobs to make end meet.
Remember in the 1950's and 1960's when only the husband worked. Then Americans wanted two or more of each thing, so then the wife worked too; even though no one would pay her the same wages as the guy next to her when she did as good are as much work as he.
I predict if things keep going as they are going both husband and wife will have to work two or more jobs to keep the same standard of living they are enjoying now. But what will those jobs be, service jobs of course and at minimum wage because that is all there will be.
And, no one mentions the fact that in today's encomy most households are maxed out on their credit cards and that the typical credit card debt is at least 20 or 30 thousand. Yes, many houses are being built, the banks and title companies get their fees no matter if they recommend you stretch your finances so thin that you foreclose within the next six months or a year.
And just have your job get shipped to India and since you have not been able to save a penny and all your credit cards are maxed; then you will probably be homeless within two months of losing your job.
Think about it people. And if people do think about and begin living within their means and allow themselves to suffer the social sigmas what will happen to all the buying in this country. It will come to a brief halt. The illegal immigrants are shipping their money back home to their large Catholic family; but first of course, they will tie to the church here in the U. S. Anyway, I'm sure that is what the Catholic church has as their plan. The church (nor the government for that matter) doesn't give a hoot about the welfare of the people they only want your money and your life if needed in time of war.
Well, anyway that is the way it appears to me. By just sitting back and looking at the hold pictures and listening to the president speeches; but more so, seeing what is taking place I see more and more commentaries on the NPR and CNN and late night jokes agreeing with me.
What will happen when these old croonies die off will Jeb and George and now Pierce take over. I predict Jeb in 2008. New voting systems all tied together by common software and control will ensure it. Just watch! What worked in Florida can be worked in the other forty-nine. Where there is will and power and power and control there is deffinitely a way.
But, don't pay any attention to my view and thoughts. I'm just rambling because I love to type. You know, I write fiction and have a wild imagination.
I could make all kinds of prediction here... okay I will based on a book I was reading called "Past Lives Future Lives" by Dr. Bruce Goldberg written in 1982. Again this is my own sick mind thinking. But this guy is a hypnotherapist and hypnothized patients into the future. One women went to 2010. Rest easily, the world was at peace; there were no wars. And there was only two governments, the East which controlled the east half of the globe and the West which controlled the remainer. Folks I do think that is where we are headed; and frankly I don't care as long as their is peace and prosperity and good health; and we stopping this barbaric fighting like a bunch of cave men. Have not we evolved beyond this yet? Stop fighting!
There is no need for war. Greed and wants for power leads to wars. Notice men initiate war. It's the male hormone I suppose. Women would merely just not speak to one another. Oh and all in the name of god. Millions have people have died "all in the name of god" and christianity. It's all about power people, don't think any other way. Rulers merely wanted to rule over you, the peon!
The true power of spirit lies within each and everyone of us. Being spiritual is the way to go, not organized religion.
Again, just my sick minded common sense thinking.. out of control.
But, I thing I do fine very interesting is that I think we no longer have wars and fight amongst ourselves in 2010 is because our cultures will be so intertwined by then with this new flat world global economy. Big business, the new rulers, will have business in many countries and the after-affect will be world peace and cooperation. What a beautiful wonderful thought!
I too wonder too if our government will have us so in the pits that countries like Communist China will have to bail us out.. what am I saying? They are bailing us out now. They hold our 17 billion dollar debt, if they defaulted we would go under..wouldn't we?
But, the big old white boys in government I'm sure know what they are doing. Hopefully, what they are planning that will fill their pockets will also benefit us as a whole.
Good night and good luck!
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