Saturday, April 08, 2006

New SUV is Condo on Wheels

Just when you think the auto makers will begin to downsize vehicles up pops yet another super huge moving monstrosity. A supersized and totally unattractive box with tinted windows. The tinted windows are so dark I can't see through it, so I have to try to see around it and there is no way! So what is the purpose for such dark tinted windows when you have A/C. Hmm, let see, it's supersized like a bus, so it would be great for importing illegal immigrants! This moving condo with comes with a third row seat it should already have that; maybe the article was meant to read fourth row seat. God only knows it's long enough. Try to parellel park that baby! I guess you have to swing way in the other lane to turn a right corner! The new Expedition EL for 2007 is nearly 15 inches longer than the standard Expedition. Oddly enough the article did not mention how many miles per gallon it got..probably in the negative like an army tank. Maybe we have finally gotten to that point - taking out a loan at the pump.

Truth be told, I don't think it's going to fit in the Wal-Mart parking space, you may have to park it with the, too cheap to rent a camping slot, campers on the parking perimeter. This thing qualities for it own zip code. It looks ridiculous, like a clumsy hipo.

In 1998, when I brought my brand new Toyota Rav 4, I could easily spot the horizontal roof bars from any entrance of the shopping mall. Now, it's impossible to find and buried by all the supper sized monsters that are out there just guzzling up petroleum and sprewing out more harmful polutents into our atmosphere and into our lungs. Once more, I can't see through them, so, I nearly get into an accident every time I try to back out of a parking space. Don't you just love those super dark tinted windows? It's make it impossible to see through the window and the vehicle so you can safety back up. I try to park away from them, but there are just too many of them out.

I swear to god, auto manufacturers, the oil industry and the insurance companies are really laying it on thick. I know the only way for me to fight the monsters is to join them. God, I think I would rather die than be seen in one. No, on second thought, I'm not that tall so I know you wouldn't see me beyong the tinted glass. I probably wouldn't see you either because I sit up so high and run you over. There is an advantage; however, I will be able to look down into your car and your blouse, I guess. And I guess I would feel powerful like the rest of you. King of the hill! Look out! Get out of my way here I come. If you don't move I'll run you over. Oh, and I will get a big kick out of intimidating you when I tailgate.

These huge things are killing machines and people in small cars to not stand a chance. In some states helmets are no longer required for motocycle riders; personally, I think people in small cars should have them too. Oh, on second thought, forget it, getting ran over by one of these monster with smash not only your head but the total of you.

I don't care if you are surrounded by a dozen air bags, when one of these huge monsters run you over nothing is going to save you. Just think about the size of the motors and the extra large wheels.

Think too of the water splash that will strike right on to your windshield as you pass one of these gas guzzlers.

Will it fit in your garage? Under your carport? Will it fit in the road lane? They won't sell any of these in Europe the roadways are too small. So, why not build something universal and take advantage of the world market.

I just don't understand the need? It must be an ego thing; because most of these I see on the road only have a driver in them. I trust me, I only see that from the windowshield and front side windows. Thank god, it is unlawful to tint those windows. I believe drivers need to make eye contact with other drivers, bicyclist, walkers, and runners.

When front side windows are tinted (which is against the law) I always wonder why people want to hide? It is totally unsafe, other people need to make eye contact with you not to mention the poor police officer who has to pull you over and walkin blindly up to the driver's dark window where he cannot see inside.

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