Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Nova - solar dimming is global

The 9 12 01 airplane grounding cleared the air. The sky for extraordinarily blue and bright because there were no airplane contails clouding the sky. The temperature changed too by one degree.

Overall, around the world there is a 22% drop in sunshine since the 1950's. Israel and Germany and other points around the world reports the same thing. Between 1950 to 1990's there was a 10% drop in the USA. It's called global dimming and the degrees vary around the world. The world should be getting cooler; but scientiest know the earth is warming. Burning fossil fuels causes the earth to warm. So global dimming doesn't fit with global warming. In Australis the pan of evaporation rate. In the 1990's the rate of evaporation was falling. There is a paradoxs because the pan of evaporation is decreasing the the earth is warming. Temperature; however, is not the most important factor in evaporation; it's the energy of the fotons hitting the water surface. The pan is going down so the sun is going down. The pan is evidence of global dimming. Evaporation is losing its strengeth measured in Russia and USA.

There is nothing wrong with the sun itself; the colprit is something here on earth. Changes in the eart's atmosphere is causing it. Almost anuything we do to create energy causes it. The haze that shrouds the cities is an example.

The dimming of the sunlight means that the particles of pollution blocks the sun and turning clouds into giant mirrors. Clouds are made of droplets of water, as they grow they get heavy and fall as rain. Polluted air contains particls of ash, sulphate and soot. Polluted clouds reflect more light back into space preventing more sunlight to get through. It's happening all over the world. Over India, China, Western Europe, the British Aisle.

These more reflective clouds could alter the worlds rainfall with trajic results. 1984 Ethiopia fantham, the Sahara. Global dimming was part of the cause.
THe tropical rain belt faied to shift northward above the equator. The monsoon that normally happened in Ethiopia didn't happen. If this trend continues, it wll have effects all over the world. In India and China are striding to bring air pollution under control. North America has gotten better.

If this trend continue..excelerating global warming will happen. For years scientist have studies the condensation/ water droplets/ contails of air craft. There are so many, they cause clouds and effect surface temerature. So on 09 12 01 he could study the clear day. Because for three days after 9 11 01 while there were no flights he compared the air to the last thirty years. He was not just looking at temperature instead the temperature range of the day between highest of the day and coolest of night. The actual results were far more then expected. There was a big difference between. the nights got colder the days were warmer. There was an immediate respondence in just thre days.

Global dimming is cooler the climate down; pollution is warming it. There is a tug of war between the two. Which is stronger? Extra 2.6 to ever sq meter. A 100 watt lightbulb could be lite.

So, right down there is a balance one helps conrol the other. Air pollution and green house gases are fairly balanced. If we lower green house gases it will be off balanced.

The mass of Greenland has been decreasing rapidly. In three hundred years the ice will be gone. The last time the earth was 3 degrees higher was in the ice age.

Most of New York and Washington D.C. Florida and Louisana. Not just coast lines either. The Amazon basen would become more dryer ending the rain forest and burning further increasing the green house effect and increasing still more global warming. Global dimming as given us a false hope.

By 2021 the earth could rise by 18F degrees. 50 millions earth ago the earth was 25 degrees higher and life could not survive.

We need ergent action to stop burning coal, fossil fuel. We have less an a decade to turn things around. We need to only allow 1 C per yr increase. Right now it's 2 c+. We are leaving a worse environment for our children then what we had as children.

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