The rape test was done at "Duke's" Medical University hospital. I think it should have been done somewhere else.
A woman got up at the podium and wondered aloud just what happened to the kit between the hospital and the police department. In other words someone, perhaps hospital personnel, who knows, could have been protecting the university.
The house where the lacrosse team have had parties for years has a very negative reputation in the neighorhood. In the past a young woman locked herself in the bathroom and was seen climbing out the window nude trying to escape and she did manage to get away.
The lacrosse team coach at Duke resigned. Several members of the team have criminal records.
Michael Nifong, district attorney, soon to be up for re-election was trying his best to twist the speaker' words around after they spoke at the podium. It's evident to the common mind that these three guys whom the victim pointed ou are guilty. The victim bruised and with vaginal trauma accused three members of the Lacross team of rape. She can identify her attackers. I believe that their DNA was tampered with or that they were skipped and their DNA not tested.
It's obvious to me the DNA was tampered with, or these three guys were skipped. Supposively all 46 members had DNA tests done. In my opinion, it's a cover up to protect the reputation of Duke university and to protect the district attorney who is trying to please everyone and win election votes.
I see a double standard here for the elite and to hell with the poor suffering victim, another college student from North Carolina Central who was probably just trying to make some money to get through school. This is an atrocity of justice and human dignity and just proves that sports fanatics will go to major extremes to win. This type of behavior just depicts the aggressive mentality of sports fanatics in this community. These people handling this cover up are idiots and giving these young men a clear signal that any type of behavior is accepted as long as you are good at lacrosse and as long as the university win, and people think the university is a wonderful place. Personally, I would never send my child there after hearing all of this. This university is letting themselves wide open for more serous crime to occur. They are putting out the message that anything goes and we will protect you. They better wake up, because what happens when one of your golden boys end up killing somebody? Wake up you are making fools of yourself and not fooling anyone. Just how stupid do you think people are? No matter is these three guys get convicted or not YOU LOSE..the message is out.. your credence is down the tiolet right along with the evidence.
Even the defense attorney said there is no DNA evident what-so-ever to prove the allegations of this "one complaining" woman. What a horrible and very obvious cover-up. Even the defense attorney is blantantly favoring the university and trying to protect them. I'm sure this guy jumped right up and volunteered to defend her. What a horrible atrosity of justice. What a horrible example of a the double standard of wealth and prestige. The university, the defense attorney and the district attorney now trying to delay the outcome of the trial until after the elections I'm sure. But either way, or whenever there is a trial this poor victim will not get justice. This poor girl doesn't stand a chance in hell in getting justice and my heart goes out to her. This is no better than in the early part of the nineteenth century when women had no rights at all.
In my opinion this poor girl needs to get out of town and stay away form there; because I'm sure she is probably getting threats from the university and the team. Her own defense attorney is working against her, for god's sake. I say get out of there and get on Oprah and write your book and bring these people down or at least make life hell for them.
There is no honor, no integrity, no pride and apparently there is no justice and brutality, threats, and double standards are the nature of the male beast in power.
1 comment:
I think this shows the strength of our system. The DNA test revealed that the woman was probably lying given her descrption of the event.
This is not a case of he said she said anymore. This woman has been caught in a lie, as revelaed by teh utter lack of evednce supporting her case.
You only support her side because she is a female and you don't think that a female is capable of lying about this issue.
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